Hello, World!
In this chapter, you will learn how to create a new package, write a simple module, compile it, and run tests with the Move CLI. Make sure you have installed Sui and set up your IDE environment. Run the command below to test if Sui has been installed correctly.
# It should print the client version. E.g. sui-client 1.22.0-036299745.
sui client --version
Move CLI is a command-line interface for the Move language; it is built into the Sui binary and provides a set of commands to manage packages, compile and test code.
The structure of the chapter is as follows:
Create a New Package
To create a new program, we will use the sui move new
command followed by the name of the
application. Our first program will be called hello_world
Note: In this and other chapters, if you see code blocks with lines starting with
(dollar sign), it means that the following command should be run in a terminal. The sign should not be included. It's a common way of showing commands in terminal environments.
$ sui move new hello_world
The sui move
command gives access to the Move CLI - a built-in compiler, test runner and a utility
for all things Move. The new
command followed by the name of the package will create a new package
in a new folder. In our case, the folder name is "hello_world".
We can view the contents of the folder to see that the package was created successfully.
$ ls -l hello_world
Directory Structure
Move CLI will create a scaffold of the application and pre-create the directory structure and all necessary files. Let's see what's inside.
├── Move.toml
├── sources
│ └── hello_world.move
└── tests
└── hello_world_tests.move
The Move.toml
file, known as the package manifest, contains
definitions and configuration settings for the package. It is used by the Move Compiler to manage
package metadata, fetch dependencies, and register named addresses. We will explain it in detail in
the Concepts chapter.
By default, the package features one named address - the name of the package.
hello_world = "0x0"
The sources/
directory contains the source files. Move source files have .move extension, and
are typically named after the module defined in the file. For example, in our case, the file name is
hello_world.move and the Move CLI has already placed commented out code inside:
/// Module: hello_world
module hello_world::hello_world;
are the comment delimiters in Move. Everything in between is ignored by the compiler and can be used for documentation or notes. We explain all ways to comment the code in the Basic Syntax.
The commented out code is a module definition, it starts with the keyword module
followed by a
named address (or an address literal), and the module name. The module name is a unique identifier
for the module and has to be unique within the package. The module name is used to reference the
module from other modules or transactions.
The tests/
directory contains package tests. The compiler excludes these files in the regular
build process but uses them in test and dev modes. The tests are written in Move and are marked
with the #[test]
attribute. Tests can be grouped in a separate module (then it's usually called
module_name_tests.move), or inside the module they're testing.
Modules, imports, constants and functions can be annotated with #[test_only]
. This attribute is
used to exclude modules, functions or imports from the build process. This is useful when you want to
add helpers for your tests without including them in the code that will be published on chain.
The hello_world_tests.move file contains a commented out test module template:
module hello_world::hello_world_tests;
// uncomment this line to import the module
// use hello_world::hello_world;
const ENotImplemented: u64 = 0;
fun test_hello_world() {
// pass
#[test, expected_failure(abort_code = hello_world::hello_world_tests::ENotImplemented)]
fun test_hello_world_fail() {
abort ENotImplemented
Other Folders
Additionally, Move CLI supports the examples/
folder. The files there are treated similarly to the
ones placed under the tests/
folder - they're only built in the test and dev modes. They are
to be examples of how to use the package or how to integrate it with other packages. The most
popular use case is for documentation purposes and library packages.
Compiling the Package
Move is a compiled language, and as such, it requires the compilation of source files into Move Bytecode. It contains only necessary information about the module, its members, and types, and excludes comments and some identifiers (for example, for constants).
To demonstrate these features, let's replace the contents of the sources/hello_world.move file with the following:
/// The module `hello_world` under named address `hello_world`.
/// The named address is set in the `Move.toml`.
module hello_world::hello_world;
// Imports the `String` type from the Standard Library
use std::string::String;
/// Returns the "Hello, World!" as a `String`.
public fun hello_world(): String {
b"Hello, World!".to_string()
During compilation, the code is built, but not run. A compiled package only includes functions that can be called by other modules or in a transaction. We will explain these concepts in the Concepts chapter. But now, let's see what happens when we run the sui move build.
# run from the `hello_world` folder
$ sui move build
# alternatively, if you didn't `cd` into it
$ sui move build --path hello_world
It should output the following message on your console.
UPDATING GIT DEPENDENCY https://github.com/MystenLabs/sui.git
BUILDING hello_world
During the compilation, Move Compiler automatically creates a build folder where it places all fetched and compiled dependencies as well as the bytecode for the modules of the current package.
If you're using a versioning system, such as Git, build folder should be ignored. For example, you should use a
file and addbuild
to it.
Running Tests
Before we get to testing, we should add a test. Move Compiler supports tests written in Move and
provides the execution environment. The tests can be placed in both the source files and in the
folder. Tests are marked with the #[test]
attribute and are automatically discovered by
the compiler. We explain tests in depth in the Testing section.
Replace the contents of the tests/hello_world_tests.move
with the following content:
module hello_world::hello_world_tests;
use hello_world::hello_world;
fun test_hello_world() {
assert!(hello_world::hello_world() == b"Hello, World!".to_string(), 0);
Here we import the hello_world
module, and call its hello_world
function to test that the output
is indeed the string "Hello, World!". Now, that we have tests in place, let's compile the package in
the test mode and run tests. Move CLI has the test
command for this:
$ sui move test
The output should be similar to the following:
BUILDING hello_world
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS ] 0x0::hello_world_tests::test_hello_world
Test result: OK. Total tests: 1; passed: 1; failed: 0
If you're running the tests outside of the package folder, you can specify the path to the package:
$ sui move test --path hello_world
You can also run a single or multiple tests at once by specifying a string. All the tests names containing the string will be run:
$ sui move test test_hello
Next Steps
In this section, we explained the basics of a Move package: its structure, the manifest, the build, and test flows. On the next page, we will write an application and see how the code is structured and what the language can do.
Further Reading
- Package Manifest section
- Package in The Move Reference