Control Flow
Control flow statements are used to control the flow of execution in a program. They are used to make decisions, repeat a block of code, or exit a block of code early. Move includes the following control flow statements (explained in detail below):
- making decisions on whether to execute a block of codeloop
loops - repeating a block of codebreak
statements - exiting a loop earlyreturn
statement - exiting a function early
Conditional Statements
The if
expression is used to make decisions in a program. It evaluates a
boolean expression and executes a block of code if the expression is
true. Paired with else
, it can execute a different block of code if the expression is false.
The syntax for an if
expression is:
if (<bool_expression>) <expression>;
if (<bool_expression>) <expression> else <expression>;
Just like any other expression, if
requires a semicolon if there are other expressions following
it. The else
keyword is optional, except when the resulting value is assigned to a variable, as all
branches must return a value to ensure type safety. Let’s examine how an if
expression works in Move
with the following example:
fun test_if() {
let x = 5;
// `x > 0` is a boolean expression.
if (x > 0) {
std::debug::print(&b"X is bigger than 0".to_string())
Let's see how we can use if
and else
to assign a value to a variable:
fun test_if_else() {
let x = 5;
let y = if (x > 0) {
} else {
assert!(y == 1);
In this example, the value of the if
expression is assigned to the variable y
. If x
is greater than 0, y
is assigned the value 1; otherwise, it is assigned 0. The else
block is required because both branches of the if
expression must return a value of the same type. Omitting the else
block would result in a compiler error, as it ensures all possible branches are accounted for and type safety is maintained.
Conditional expressions are among the most important control flow statements in Move. They evaluate user-provided input or stored data to make decisions. One key use case is in the assert!
macro, which checks if a condition is true and aborts execution if it is not. We’ll explore this in detail shortly.
Repeating Statements with Loops
Loops are used to execute a block of code multiple times. Move has two built-in types of loops:
and while
. In many cases they can be used interchangeably, but usually while
is used when
the number of iterations is known in advance, and loop
is used when the number of iterations is
not known in advance or there are multiple exit points.
Loops are useful for working with collections, such as vectors, or for repeating a block of code until a specific condition is met. However, take care to avoid infinite loops, which can exhaust gas limits and cause the transaction to abort.
The while
The while
statement executes a block of code repeatedly as long as a boolean expression evaluates to true.
Just like we've seen with if
, the boolean expression is evaluated before each iteration of the
loop. Additionally, like conditional statements, the while
loop is an expression and requires a semicolon
if there are other expressions following it.
The syntax for the while
loop is:
while (<bool_expression>) { <expressions>; };
Here is an example of a while
loop with a very simple condition:
// This function iterates over the `x` variable until it reaches 10, the
// return value is the number of iterations it took to reach 10.
// If `x` is 0, then the function will return 10.
// If `x` is 5, then the function will return 5.
fun while_loop(mut x: u8): u8 {
let mut y = 0;
// This will loop until `x` is 10.
// And will never run if `x` is 10 or more.
while (x < 10) {
y = y + 1;
x = x + 1;
fun test_while() {
assert!(while_loop(0) == 10); // 10 times
assert!(while_loop(5) == 5); // 5 times
assert!(while_loop(10) == 0); // loop never executed
Infinite loop
Now let's imagine a scenario where the boolean expression is always true
. For example, if we
literally passed true
to the while
condition. This is similar to how the loop
statement functions,
except that while
evaluates a condition.
#[test, expected_failure(out_of_gas, location=Self)]
fun test_infinite_while() {
let mut x = 0;
// This will loop forever.
while (true) {
x = x + 1;
// This line will never be executed.
assert!(x == 5);
An infinite while
loop, or a while
loop with an always true
condition, is equivalent to a loop
. The syntax for creating a loop
is straightforward:
loop { <expressions>; };
Let's rewrite the previous example using loop
instead of while
#[test, expected_failure(out_of_gas, location=Self)]
fun test_infinite_loop() {
let mut x = 0;
// This will loop forever.
loop {
x = x + 1;
// This line will never be executed.
assert!(x == 5);
Infinite loops are rarely practical in Move, as every operation consumes gas, and an infinite loop will inevitably lead to gas exhaustion. If you find yourself using a loop, consider whether there might be a better approach, as many use cases can be handled more efficiently with other control flow structures. That said, loop
might be useful when combined with break
and continue
statements to create controlled and flexible looping behavior.
Exiting a Loop Early
As we already mentioned, infinite loops are rather useless on their own. And that's where we
introduce the break
and continue
statements. They are used to exit a loop early, and to skip the
rest of the current iteration, respectively.
Syntax for the break
statement is (without a semicolon):
The break
statement is used to stop the execution of a loop and exit it early. It is often used in
combination with a conditional statement to exit the loop when a certain condition is met. To
illustrate this point, let's turn the infinite loop
from the previous example into something that
looks and behaves more like a while
fun test_break_loop() {
let mut x = 0;
// This will loop until `x` is 5.
loop {
x = x + 1;
// If `x` is 5, then exit the loop.
if (x == 5) {
break // Exit the loop.
assert!(x == 5);
Almost identical to the while
loop, right? The break
statement is used to exit the loop when x
is 5. If we remove the break
statement, the loop will run forever, just like in the previous example.
Skipping an Iteration
The continue
statement is used to skip the rest of the current iteration and start the next one.
Similarly to break
, it is used in combination with a conditional statement to skip the rest of an
iteration when a certain condition is met.
Syntax for the continue
statement is (without a semicolon):
The example below skips odd numbers and prints only even numbers from 0 to 10:
fun test_continue_loop() {
let mut x = 0;
// This will loop until `x` is 10.
loop {
x = x + 1;
// If `x` is odd, then skip the rest of the iteration.
if (x % 2 == 1) {
continue // Skip the rest of the iteration.
// If `x` is 10, then exit the loop.
if (x == 10) {
break // Exit the loop.
assert!(x == 10); // 10
and continue
statements can be used in both while
and loop
Early Return
The return
statement is used to exit a function early and return a value. It is
often used in combination with a conditional statement to exit the function when a certain condition
is met. The syntax for the return
statement is:
return <expression>
Here is an example of a function that returns a value when a certain condition is met:
/// This function returns `true` if `x` is greater than 0 and not 5,
/// otherwise it returns `false`.
fun is_positive(x: u8): bool {
if (x == 5) {
return false
if (x > 0) {
return true
fun test_return() {
assert!(is_positive(5) == false);
assert!(is_positive(0) == false);
assert!(is_positive(1) == true);
Unlike in many other languages, the return
statement is not required for the last expression in a
function. The last expression in a function block is automatically returned. However, the return
statement is useful when we want to exit a function early if a certain condition is met.