Coding Conventions



  1. Module names should be in snake_case.
  2. Module names should be descriptive and should not be too long.
module book::conventions { /* ... */ }
module book::common_practices { /* ... */ }


  1. Constants should be in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
  2. Error constants should be in EPascalCase
const MAX_PRICE: u64 = 1000;
const EInvalidInput: u64 = 0;


  1. Function names should be in snake_case.
  2. Function names should be descriptive.
public fun add(a: u64, b: u64): u64 { a + b }
public fun create_if_not_exists() { /* ... */ }


  1. Struct names should be in PascalCase.
  2. Struct fields should be in snake_case.
  3. Capabilities should be suffixed with Cap.
public struct Hero has key {
    id: UID
    value: u64,
    another_value: u64,

public struct AdminCap has key { id: UID }

Struct Method

  1. Struct methods should be in snake_case.
  2. If there's multiple structs with the same method, the method should be prefixed with the struct name. In this case, an alias can be added to the method using use fun.
public fun value(h: &Hero): u64 { h.value }

public use fun hero_health as;
public fun hero_health(h: &Hero): u64 { h.another_value }

public use fun boar_health as;
public fun boar_health(b: &Boar): u64 { b.another_value }