Events are a way to notify off-chain listeners about on-chain events. They are used to emit
additional information about the transaction that is not stored - and, hence, can't be accessed -
on-chain. Events are emitted by the sui::event
module located in the
Sui Framework.
Any custom type with the copy and drop abilities can be emitted as an event. Sui Verifier requires the type to be internal to the module.
// File: sui-framework/sources/event.move
module sui::event;
/// Emit a custom Move event, sending the data off-chain.
/// Used for creating custom indexes and tracking on-chain
/// activity in a way that suits a specific application the most.
/// The type `T` is the main way to index the event, and can contain
/// phantom parameters, eg `emit(MyEvent<phantom T>)`.
public native fun emit<T: copy + drop>(event: T);
Emitting Events
Events are emitted using the emit
function in the sui::event
module. The function takes a single
argument - the event to be emitted. The event data is passed by value,
module book::events;
use sui::coin::Coin;
use sui::sui::SUI;
use sui::event;
/// The item that can be purchased.
public struct Item has key { id: UID }
/// Event emitted when an item is purchased. Contains the ID of the item and
/// the price for which it was purchased.
public struct ItemPurchased has copy, drop {
item: ID,
price: u64
/// A marketplace function which performs the purchase of an item.
public fun purchase(coin: Coin<SUI>, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
let item = Item { id: object::new(ctx) };
// Create an instance of `ItemPurchased` and pass it to `event::emit`.
event::emit(ItemPurchased {
item: object::id(&item),
price: coin.value()
// Omitting the rest of the implementation to keep the example simple.
abort 0
The Sui Verifier requires the type passed to the emit
function to be internal to the module. So
emitting a type from another module will result in a compilation error. Primitive types, although
they match the copy and drop requirement, are not allowed to be emitted as events.
Event Structure
Events are a part of the transaction result and are stored in the transaction effects. As such,
they natively have the sender
field which is the address who sent the transaction. So adding a
"sender" field to the event is not necessary. Similarly, event metadata contains the timestamp. But
it is important to note that the timestamp is relative to the node and may vary a little from node
to node.