Visibility Modifiers
Every module member has a visibility. By default, all module members are private - meaning they are only accessible within the module they are defined in. However, you can add a visibility modifier to make a module member public - visible outside the module, or public(package) - visible in the modules within the same package, or entry - can be called from a transaction but can't be called from other modules.
Internal Visibility
A function or a struct defined in a module which has no visibility modifier is private to the module. It can't be called from other modules.
module book::internal_visibility;
// This function can be called from other functions in the same module
fun internal() { /* ... */ }
// Same module -> can call internal()
fun call_internal() {
The following code will not compile:
module book::try_calling_internal;
use book::internal_visibility;
// Different module -> can't call internal()
fun try_calling_internal() {
Note that just because a struct field is not visible from Move does not mean that its value is kept confidential — it is always possible to read the contents of an on-chain object from outside of Move. You should never store unencrypted secrets inside of objects.
Public Visibility
A struct or a function can be made public by adding the public
keyword before the fun
module book::public_visibility;
// This function can be called from other modules
public fun public() { /* ... */ }
A public function can be imported and called from other modules. The following code will compile:
module book::try_calling_public {
use book::public_visibility;
// Different module -> can call public()
fun try_calling_public() {
Unlike some languages, struct fields cannot be made public.
Package Visibility
Move 2024 introduces the package visibility modifier. A function with package visibility can be called from any module within the same package. It can't be called from other packages.
module book::package_visibility;
public(package) fun package_only() { /* ... */ }
A package function can be called from any module within the same package:
module book::try_calling_package;
use book::package_visibility;
// Same package `book` -> can call package_only()
fun try_calling_package() {