The Move Reference

Welcome to Move, a next generation language for secure asset programming. Its primary use case is in blockchain environments, where Move programs are used to construct state changes. Move allows developers to write programs that flexibly manage and transfer assets, while providing the security and protections against attacks on those assets. However, Move has been developed with use cases in mind outside a blockchain context as well.

Move takes its cue from Rust by using resource types with move (hence the name) semantics as an explicit representation of digital assets, such as currency.


Modules are the core program unit that define types along with functions that operate on these types. Struct types define the schema of Move's storage, and module functions define the rules interacting with values of those types. While modules themselves are also stored in storage, they are not accessible from within a Move program. In a blockchain environment, the modules are stored on chain in a process typically referred to as "publishing". After being published, entry and public functions can be invoked according to the rules of that particular Move instance.


A module has the following syntax:

module <address>::<identifier> {
    (<use> | <type> | <function> | <constant>)*

where <address> is a valid address specifying the module's package.

For example:

module 0x42::test {
    public struct Example has copy, drop { i: u64 }

    use std::debug;

    const ONE: u64 = 1;

    public fun print(x: u64) {
        let sum = x + ONE;
        let example = Example { i: sum };


The module test_addr::test part specifies that the module test will be published under the numerical address value assigned for the name test_addr in the package settings.

Modules should normally be declared using named addresses (as opposed to using the numerical value directly). For example:

module test_addr::test {
    public struct Example has copy, drop { a: address }

    friend test_addr::another_test;

    public fun print() {
        let example = Example { a: @test_addr };

These named addresses commonly match the name of the package.

Because named addresses only exist at the source language level and during compilation, named addresses will be fully substituted for their value at the bytecode level. For example if we had the following code:

fun example() {

and we compiled it with my_addr set to 0xC0FFEE, then it would be operationally equivalent to the following:

fun example() {

While at the source level these two different accesses are equivalent, it is a best practice to always use the named address and not the numerical value assigned to that address.

Module names can start with a lowercase letter from a to z or an uppercase letter from A to Z. After the first character, module names can contain underscores _, letters a to z, letters A to Z, or digits 0 to 9.

module a::my_module {}
module a::foo_bar_42 {}

Typically, module names start with a lowercase letter. A module named my_module should be stored in a source file named my_module.move.


All members inside a module block can appear in any order. Fundamentally, a module is a collection of types and functions. The use keyword refers to members from other modules. The const keyword defines constants that can be used in the functions of a module.

The friend syntax is a deprecated concept for specifying a list of trusted modules. The concept has been superseded by public(package)

Primitive Types

The primitive types are the basic building blocks of the language.

These primitive types can be used on their own or can be used be used to build more complex, user-defined types, e.g. in a struct.

These primitive types are used in conjunction with other types


Move supports six unsigned integer types: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, and u256. Values of these types range from 0 to a maximum that depends on the size of the type.

TypeValue Range
Unsigned 8-bit integer, u80 to 28 - 1
Unsigned 16-bit integer, u160 to 216 - 1
Unsigned 32-bit integer, u320 to 232 - 1
Unsigned 64-bit integer, u640 to 264 - 1
Unsigned 128-bit integer, u1280 to 2128 - 1
Unsigned 256-bit integer, u2560 to 2256 - 1


Literal values for these types are specified either as a sequence of digits (e.g.,112) or as hex literals, e.g., 0xFF. The type of the literal can optionally be added as a suffix, e.g., 112u8. If the type is not specified, the compiler will try to infer the type from the context where the literal is used. If the type cannot be inferred, it is assumed to be u64.

Number literals can be separated by underscores for grouping and readability. (e.g.,1_234_5678, 1_000u128, 0xAB_CD_12_35).

If a literal is too large for its specified (or inferred) size range, an error is reported.


// literals with explicit annotations;
let explicit_u8 = 1u8;
let explicit_u16 = 1u16;
let explicit_u32 = 1u32;
let explicit_u64 = 2u64;
let explicit_u128 = 3u128;
let explicit_u256 = 1u256;
let explicit_u64_underscored = 154_322_973u64;

// literals with simple inference
let simple_u8: u8 = 1;
let simple_u16: u16 = 1;
let simple_u32: u32 = 1;
let simple_u64: u64 = 2;
let simple_u128: u128 = 3;
let simple_u256: u256 = 1;

// literals with more complex inference
let complex_u8 = 1; // inferred: u8
// right hand argument to shift must be u8
let _unused = 10 << complex_u8;

let x: u8 = 38;
let complex_u8 = 2; // inferred: u8
// arguments to `+` must have the same type
let _unused = x + complex_u8;

let complex_u128 = 133_876; // inferred: u128
// inferred from function argument type

// literals can be written in hex
let hex_u8: u8 = 0x1;
let hex_u16: u16 = 0x1BAE;
let hex_u32: u32 = 0xDEAD80;
let hex_u64: u64 = 0xCAFE;
let hex_u128: u128 = 0xDEADBEEF;
let hex_u256: u256 = 0x1123_456A_BCDE_F;



Each of these types supports the same set of checked arithmetic operations. For all of these operations, both arguments (the left and right side operands) must be of the same type. If you need to operate over values of different types, you will need to first perform a cast. Similarly, if you expect the result of the operation to be too large for the integer type, perform a cast to a larger size before performing the operation.

All arithmetic operations abort instead of behaving in a way that mathematical integers would not (e.g., overflow, underflow, divide-by-zero).

SyntaxOperationAborts If
+additionResult is too large for the integer type
-subtractionResult is less than zero
*multiplicationResult is too large for the integer type
%modular divisionThe divisor is 0
/truncating divisionThe divisor is 0


The integer types support the following bitwise operations that treat each number as a series of individual bits, either 0 or 1, instead of as numerical integer values.

Bitwise operations do not abort.

&bitwise andPerforms a boolean and for each bit pairwise
|bitwise orPerforms a boolean or for each bit pairwise
^bitwise xorPerforms a boolean exclusive or for each bit pairwise

Bit Shifts

Similar to the bitwise operations, each integer type supports bit shifts. But unlike the other operations, the righthand side operand (how many bits to shift by) must always be a u8 and need not match the left side operand (the number you are shifting).

Bit shifts can abort if the number of bits to shift by is greater than or equal to 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 for u8, u16, u32, u64, u128 and u256 respectively.

SyntaxOperationAborts if
<<shift leftNumber of bits to shift by is greater than the size of the integer type
>>shift rightNumber of bits to shift by is greater than the size of the integer type


Integer types are the only types in Move that can use the comparison operators. Both arguments need to be of the same type. If you need to compare integers of different types, you must cast one of them first.

Comparison operations do not abort.

<less than
>greater than
<=less than or equal to
>=greater than or equal to


Like all types with drop, all integer types support the "equal" and "not equal" operations. Both arguments need to be of the same type. If you need to compare integers of different types, you must cast one of them first.

Equality operations do not abort.

!=not equal

For more details see the section on equality


Integer types of one size can be cast to integer types of another size. Integers are the only types in Move that support casting.

Casts do not truncate. Casting aborts if the result is too large for the specified type.

SyntaxOperationAborts if
(e as T)Cast integer expression e into an integer type Te is too large to represent as a T

Here, the type of e must be 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 and T must be u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, or u256.

For example:

  • (x as u8)
  • (y as u16)
  • (873u16 as u32)
  • (2u8 as u64)
  • (1 + 3 as u128)
  • (4/2 + 12345 as u256)


As with the other scalar values built-in to the language, integer values are implicitly copyable, meaning they can be copied without an explicit instruction such as copy.


bool is Move's primitive type for boolean true and false values.


Literals for bool are either true or false.



bool supports three logical operations:

SyntaxDescriptionEquivalent Expression
&&short-circuiting logical andp && q is equivalent to if (p) q else false
||short-circuiting logical orp || q is equivalent to if (p) true else q
!logical negation!p is equivalent to if (p) false else true

Control Flow

bool values are used in several of Move's control-flow constructs:


As with the other scalar values built-in to the language, boolean values are implicitly copyable, meaning they can be copied without an explicit instruction such as copy.


address is a built-in type in Move that is used to represent locations (sometimes called accounts) in storage. An address value is a 256-bit (32 byte) identifier. Move uses addresses to differentiate packages of modules, where each package has its own address and modules. Specific deployments of Move might also use the address value for storage operations.

For Sui, address is used to represent "accounts", and also objects via strong type wrappers (with sui::object::UID and sui::object::ID).

Although an address is a 256 bit integer under the hood, Move addresses are intentionally opaque---they cannot be created from integers, they do not support arithmetic operations, and they cannot be modified. Specific deployments of Move might have native functions to enable some of these operations (e.g., creating an address from bytes vector<u8>), but these are not part of the Move language itself.

While there are runtime address values (values of type address), they cannot be used to access modules at runtime.

Addresses and Their Syntax

Addresses come in two flavors, named or numerical. The syntax for a named address follows the same rules for any named identifier in Move. The syntax of a numerical address is not restricted to hex-encoded values, and any valid u256 numerical value can be used as an address value, e.g., 42, 0xCAFE, and 10_000 are all valid numerical address literals.

To distinguish when an address is being used in an expression context or not, the syntax when using an address differs depending on the context where it's used:

  • When an address is used as an expression, the address must be prefixed by the @ character, i.e., @<numerical_value> or @<named_address_identifier>.
  • Outside of expression contexts, the address may be written without the leading @ character, i.e., <numerical_value> or <named_address_identifier>.

In general, you can think of @ as an operator that takes an address from being a namespace item to being an expression item.

Named Addresses

Named addresses are a feature that allow identifiers to be used in place of numerical values in any spot where addresses are used, and not just at the value level. Named addresses are declared and bound as top level elements (outside of modules and scripts) in Move packages, or passed as arguments to the Move compiler.

Named addresses only exist at the source language level and will be fully substituted for their value at the bytecode level. Because of this, modules and module members should be accessed through the module's named address and not through the numerical value assigned to the named address during compilation. So while use my_addr::foo is equivalent to use 0x2::foo (if my_addr is assigned 0x2), it is a best practice to always use the my_addr name.


// shorthand for
// 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
let a1: address = @0x1;
// shorthand for
// 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000042
let a2: address = @0x42;
// shorthand for
// 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000DEADBEEF
let a3: address = @0xDEADBEEF;
// shorthand for
// 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000A
let a4: address = @0x0000000000000000000000000000000A;
// Assigns `a5` the value of the named address `std`
let a5: address = @std;
// Any valid numerical value can be used as an address
let a6: address = @66;
let a7: address = @42_000;

module 66::some_module {   // Not in expression context, so no @ needed
    use 0x1::other_module; // Not in expression context so no @ needed
    use std::vector;       // Can use a named address as a namespace item

module std::other_module {  // Can use a named address when declaring a module


vector<T> is the only primitive collection type provided by Move. A vector<T> is a homogeneous collection of T's that can grow or shrink by pushing/popping values off the "end".

A vector<T> can be instantiated with any type T. For example, vector<u64>, vector<address>, vector<0x42::my_module::MyData>, and vector<vector<u8>> are all valid vector types.


General vector Literals

Vectors of any type can be created with vector literals.

vector[]vector[]: vector<T> where T is any single, non-reference typeAn empty vector
vector[e1, ..., en]vector[e1, ..., en]: vector<T> where e_i: T s.t. 0 < i <= n and n > 0A vector with n elements (of length n)

In these cases, the type of the vector is inferred, either from the element type or from the vector's usage. If the type cannot be inferred, or simply for added clarity, the type can be specified explicitly:

vector<T>[]: vector<T>
vector<T>[e1, ..., en]: vector<T>

Example Vector Literals

(vector[]: vector<bool>);
(vector[0u8, 1u8, 2u8]: vector<u8>);
(vector<u128>[]: vector<u128>);
(vector<address>[@0x42, @0x100]: vector<address>);

vector<u8> literals

A common use-case for vectors in Move is to represent "byte arrays", which are represented with vector<u8>. These values are often used for cryptographic purposes, such as a public key or a hash result. These values are so common that specific syntax is provided to make the values more readable, as opposed to having to use vector[] where each individual u8 value is specified in numeric form.

There are currently two supported types of vector<u8> literals, byte strings and hex strings.

Byte Strings

Byte strings are quoted string literals prefixed by a b, e.g. b"Hello!\n".

These are ASCII encoded strings that allow for escape sequences. Currently, the supported escape sequences are:

Escape SequenceDescription
\nNew line (or Line feed)
\rCarriage return
\xHHHex escape, inserts the hex byte sequence HH

Hex Strings

Hex strings are quoted string literals prefixed by a x, e.g. x"48656C6C6F210A".

Each byte pair, ranging from 00 to FF, is interpreted as hex encoded u8 value. So each byte pair corresponds to a single entry in the resulting vector<u8>.

Example String Literals

fun byte_and_hex_strings() {
    assert!(b"" == x"", 0);
    assert!(b"Hello!\n" == x"48656C6C6F210A", 1);
    assert!(b"\x48\x65\x6C\x6C\x6F\x21\x0A" == x"48656C6C6F210A", 2);
        b"\"Hello\tworld!\"\n \r \\Null=\0" ==


vector supports the following operations via the std::vector module in the Move standard library:

vector::empty<T>(): vector<T>Create an empty vector that can store values of type TNever
vector::singleton<T>(t: T): vector<T>Create a vector of size 1 containing tNever
vector::push_back<T>(v: &mut vector<T>, t: T)Add t to the end of vNever
vector::pop_back<T>(v: &mut vector<T>): TRemove and return the last element in vIf v is empty
vector::borrow<T>(v: &vector<T>, i: u64): &TReturn an immutable reference to the T at index iIf i is not in bounds
vector::borrow_mut<T>(v: &mut vector<T>, i: u64): &mut TReturn a mutable reference to the T at index iIf i is not in bounds
vector::destroy_empty<T>(v: vector<T>)Delete vIf v is not empty
vector::append<T>(v1: &mut vector<T>, v2: vector<T>)Add the elements in v2 to the end of v1Never
vector::contains<T>(v: &vector<T>, e: &T): boolReturn true if e is in the vector v. Otherwise, returns falseNever
vector::swap<T>(v: &mut vector<T>, i: u64, j: u64)Swaps the elements at the ith and jth indices in the vector vIf i or j is out of bounds
vector::reverse<T>(v: &mut vector<T>)Reverses the order of the elements in the vector v in placeNever
vector::index_of<T>(v: &vector<T>, e: &T): (bool, u64)Return (true, i) if e is in the vector v at index i. Otherwise, returns (false, 0)Never
vector::remove<T>(v: &mut vector<T>, i: u64): TRemove the ith element of the vector v, shifting all subsequent elements. This is O(n) and preserves ordering of elements in the vectorIf i is out of bounds
vector::swap_remove<T>(v: &mut vector<T>, i: u64): TSwap the ith element of the vector v with the last element and then pop the element, This is O(1), but does not preserve ordering of elements in the vectorIf i is out of bounds

More operations may be added over time.


use std::vector;

let mut v = vector::empty<u64>();
vector::push_back(&mut v, 5);
vector::push_back(&mut v, 6);

assert!(*vector::borrow(&v, 0) == 5, 42);
assert!(*vector::borrow(&v, 1) == 6, 42);
assert!(vector::pop_back(&mut v) == 6, 42);
assert!(vector::pop_back(&mut v) == 5, 42);

Destroying and copying vectors

Some behaviors of vector<T> depend on the abilities of the element type, T. For example, vectors containing elements that do not have drop cannot be implicitly discarded like v in the example above--they must be explicitly destroyed with vector::destroy_empty.

Note that vector::destroy_empty will abort at runtime unless vec contains zero elements:

fun destroy_any_vector<T>(vec: vector<T>) {
    vector::destroy_empty(vec) // deleting this line will cause a compiler error

But no error would occur for dropping a vector that contains elements with drop:

fun destroy_droppable_vector<T: drop>(vec: vector<T>) {
    // valid!
    // nothing needs to be done explicitly to destroy the vector

Similarly, vectors cannot be copied unless the element type has copy. In other words, a vector<T> has copy if and only if T has copy. Note that it will be implicitly copied if needed:

let x = vector[10];
let y = x; // implicit copy
let z = x;
(y, z)

Keep in mind, copies of large vectors can be expensive. If this is a concern, annotating the intended usage can prevent accidental copies. For example,

let x = vector[10];
let y = move x;
let z = x; // ERROR! x has been moved
(y, z)

For more details see the sections on type abilities and generics.


As mentioned above, vector values can be copied only if the elements can be copied. In that case, the copy can be done via a copy or a dereference *.


Move has two types of references: immutable & and mutable &mut. Immutable references are read only, and cannot modify the underlying value (or any of its fields). Mutable references allow for modifications via a write through that reference. Move's type system enforces an ownership discipline that prevents reference errors.

Reference Operators

Move provides operators for creating and extending references as well as converting a mutable reference to an immutable one. Here and elsewhere, we use the notation e: T for "expression e has type T".

&e&T where e: T and T is a non-reference typeCreate an immutable reference to e
&mut e&mut T where e: T and T is a non-reference typeCreate a mutable reference to e.
&e.f&T where e.f: TCreate an immutable reference to field f of struct e.
&mut e.f&mut T where e.f: TCreate a mutable reference to field f of structe.
freeze(e)&T where e: &mut TConvert the mutable reference e into an immutable reference.

The &e.f and &mut e.f operators can be used both to create a new reference into a struct or to extend an existing reference:

let s = S { f: 10 };
let f_ref1: &u64 = &s.f; // works
let s_ref: &S = &s;
let f_ref2: &u64 = &s_ref.f // also works

A reference expression with multiple fields works as long as both structs are in the same module:

public struct A { b: B }
public struct B { c : u64 }
fun f(a: &A): &u64 {

Finally, note that references to references are not allowed:

let x = 7;
let y: &u64 = &x;
let z: &&u64 = &y; // ERROR! will not compile

Reading and Writing Through References

Both mutable and immutable references can be read to produce a copy of the referenced value.

Only mutable references can be written. A write *x = v discards the value previously stored in x and updates it with v.

Both operations use the C-like * syntax. However, note that a read is an expression, whereas a write is a mutation that must occur on the left hand side of an equals.

*eT where e is &T or &mut TRead the value pointed to by e
*e1 = e2() where e1: &mut T and e2: TUpdate the value in e1 with e2.

In order for a reference to be read, the underlying type must have the copy ability as reading the reference creates a new copy of the value. This rule prevents the copying of assets:

fun copy_coin_via_ref_bad(c: Coin) {
    let c_ref = &c;
    let counterfeit: Coin = *c_ref; // not allowed!

Dually: in order for a reference to be written to, the underlying type must have the drop ability as writing to the reference will discard (or "drop") the old value. This rule prevents the destruction of resource values:

fun destroy_coin_via_ref_bad(mut ten_coins: Coin, c: Coin) {
    let ref = &mut ten_coins;
    *ref = c; // ERROR! not allowed--would destroy 10 coins!

freeze inference

A mutable reference can be used in a context where an immutable reference is expected:

let mut x = 7;
let y: &u64 = &mut x;

This works because the under the hood, the compiler inserts freeze instructions where they are needed. Here are a few more examples of freeze inference in action:

fun takes_immut_returns_immut(x: &u64): &u64 { x }

// freeze inference on return value
fun takes_mut_returns_immut(x: &mut u64): &u64 { x }

fun expression_examples() {
    let mut x = 0;
    let mut y = 0;
    takes_immut_returns_immut(&x); // no inference
    takes_immut_returns_immut(&mut x); // inferred freeze(&mut x)
    takes_mut_returns_immut(&mut x); // no inference

    assert!(&x == &mut y, 42); // inferred freeze(&mut y)

fun assignment_examples() {
    let x = 0;
    let y = 0;
    let imm_ref: &u64 = &x;

    imm_ref = &x; // no inference
    imm_ref = &mut y; // inferred freeze(&mut y)


With this freeze inference, the Move type checker can view &mut T as a subtype of &T. As shown above, this means that anywhere for any expression where a &T value is used, a &mut T value can also be used. This terminology is used in error messages to concisely indicate that a &mut T was needed where a &T was supplied. For example

module a::example {
    fun read_and_assign(store: &mut u64, new_value: &u64) {
        *store = *new_value

    fun subtype_examples() {
        let mut x: &u64 = &0;
        let mut y: &mut u64 = &mut 1;

        x = &mut 1; // valid
        y = &2; // ERROR! invalid!

        read_and_assign(y, x); // valid
        read_and_assign(x, y); // ERROR! invalid!

will yield the following error messages


    ┌── example.move:11:9 ───
 12 │         y = &2; // invalid!
    │         ^ Invalid assignment to local 'y'
 12 │         y = &2; // invalid!
    │             -- The type: '&{integer}'
  9 │         let mut y: &mut u64 = &mut 1;
    │                    -------- Is not a subtype of: '&mut u64'


    ┌── example.move:14:9 ───
 15 │         read_and_assign(x, y); // invalid!
    │         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Invalid call of 'a::example::read_and_assign'. Invalid argument for parameter 'store'
  8 │         let mut x: &u64 = &0;
    │                    ---- The type: '&u64'
  3 │     fun read_and_assign(store: &mut u64, new_value: &u64) {
    │                                -------- Is not a subtype of: '&mut u64'

The only other types that currently have subtyping are tuples


Both mutable and immutable references can always be copied and extended even if there are existing copies or extensions of the same reference:

fun reference_copies(s: &mut S) {
  let s_copy1 = s; // ok
  let s_extension = &mut s.f; // also ok
  let s_copy2 = s; // still ok

This might be surprising for programmers familiar with Rust's ownership system, which would reject the code above. Move's type system is more permissive in its treatment of copies, but equally strict in ensuring unique ownership of mutable references before writes.

References Cannot Be Stored

References and tuples are the only types that cannot be stored as a field value of structs, which also means that they cannot exist in storage or objects. All references created during program execution will be destroyed when a Move program terminates; they are entirely ephemeral. This also applies to all types without the store ability: any value of a non-store type must be destroyed before the program terminates. ability, but note that references and tuples go a step further by never being allowed in structs in the first place.

This is another difference between Move and Rust, which allows references to be stored inside of structs.

One could imagine a fancier, more expressive, type system that would allow references to be stored in structs. We could allow references inside of structs that do not have the store ability, but the core difficulty is that Move has a fairly complex system for tracking static reference safety. This aspect of the type system would also have to be extended to support storing references inside of structs. In short, Move's reference safety system would have to expand to support stored references, and it is something we are keeping an eye on as the language evolves.

Tuples and Unit

Move does not fully support tuples as one might expect coming from another language with them as a first-class value. However, in order to support multiple return values, Move has tuple-like expressions. These expressions do not result in a concrete value at runtime (there are no tuples in the bytecode), and as a result they are very limited:

  • They can only appear in expressions (usually in the return position for a function).
  • They cannot be bound to local variables.
  • They cannot be bound to local variables.
  • They cannot be stored in structs.
  • Tuple types cannot be used to instantiate generics.

Similarly, unit () is a type created by the Move source language in order to be expression based. The unit value () does not result in any runtime value. We can consider unit() to be an empty tuple, and any restrictions that apply to tuples also apply to unit.

It might feel weird to have tuples in the language at all given these restrictions. But one of the most common use cases for tuples in other languages is for functions to allow functions to return multiple values. Some languages work around this by forcing the users to write structs that contain the multiple return values. However in Move, you cannot put references inside of structs. This required Move to support multiple return values. These multiple return values are all pushed on the stack at the bytecode level. At the source level, these multiple return values are represented using tuples.


Tuples are created by a comma separated list of expressions inside of parentheses.

()(): ()Unit, the empty tuple, or the tuple of arity 0
(e1, ..., en)(e1, ..., en): (T1, ..., Tn) where e_i: Ti s.t. 0 < i <= n and n > 0A n-tuple, a tuple of arity n, a tuple with n elements

Note that (e) does not have type (e): (t), in other words there is no tuple with one element. If there is only a single element inside of the parentheses, the parentheses are only used for disambiguation and do not carry any other special meaning.

Sometimes, tuples with two elements are called "pairs" and tuples with three elements are called "triples."


module 0x42::example {
    // all 3 of these functions are equivalent

    // when no return type is provided, it is assumed to be `()`
    fun returns_unit_1() { }

    // there is an implicit () value in empty expression blocks
    fun returns_unit_2(): () { }

    // explicit version of `returns_unit_1` and `returns_unit_2`
    fun returns_unit_3(): () { () }

    fun returns_3_values(): (u64, bool, address) {
        (0, false, @0x42)
    fun returns_4_values(x: &u64): (&u64, u8, u128, vector<u8>) {
        (x, 0, 1, b"foobar")


The only operation that can be done on tuples currently is destructuring.


For tuples of any size, they can be destructured in either a let binding or in an assignment.

For example:

module 0x42::example {
    // all 3 of these functions are equivalent
    fun returns_unit() {}
    fun returns_2_values(): (bool, bool) { (true, false) }
    fun returns_4_values(x: &u64): (&u64, u8, u128, vector<u8>) { (x, 0, 1, b"foobar") }

    fun examples(cond: bool) {
        let () = ();
        let (mut x, mut y): (u8, u64) = (0, 1);
        let (mut a, mut b, mut c, mut d) = (@0x0, 0, false, b"");

        () = ();
        (x, y) = if (cond) (1, 2) else (3, 4);
        (a, b, c, d) = (@0x1, 1, true, b"1");

    fun examples_with_function_calls() {
        let () = returns_unit();
        let (mut x, mut y): (bool, bool) = returns_2_values();
        let (mut a, mut b, mut c, mut d) = returns_4_values(&0);

        () = returns_unit();
        (x, y) = returns_2_values();
        (a, b, c, d) = returns_4_values(&1);

For more details, see Move Variables.


Along with references, tuples are the only types that have subtyping in Move. Tuples have subtyping only in the sense that subtype with references (in a covariant way).

For example:

let x: &u64 = &0;
let y: &mut u64 = &mut 1;

// (&u64, &mut u64) is a subtype of (&u64, &u64)
// since &mut u64 is a subtype of &u64
let (a, b): (&u64, &u64) = (x, y);

// (&mut u64, &mut u64) is a subtype of (&u64, &u64)
// since &mut u64 is a subtype of &u64
let (c, d): (&u64, &u64) = (y, y);

// ERROR! (&u64, &mut u64) is NOT a subtype of (&mut u64, &mut u64)
// since &u64 is NOT a subtype of &mut u64
let (e, f): (&mut u64, &mut u64) = (x, y);


As mentioned above, tuple values don't really exist at runtime. And currently they cannot be stored into local variables because of this (but it is likely that this feature will come at some point in the future). As such, tuples can only be moved currently, as copying them would require putting them into a local variable first.

Local Variables and Scope

Local variables in Move are lexically (statically) scoped. New variables are introduced with the keyword let, which will shadow any previous local with the same name. Locals marked as mut are mutable and can be updated both directly and via a mutable reference.

Declaring Local Variables

let bindings

Move programs use let to bind variable names to values:

let x = 1;
let y = x + x:

let can also be used without binding a value to the local.

let x;

The local can then be assigned a value later.

let x;
if (cond) {
  x = 1
} else {
  x = 0

This can be very helpful when trying to extract a value from a loop when a default value cannot be provided.

let x;
let cond = true;
let i = 0;
loop {
    let (res, cond) = foo(i);
    if (!cond) {
        x = res;
    i = i + 1;

To modify a local variable after it is assigned, or to borrow it mutably &mut, it must be declared as mut.

let mut x = 0;
if (cond) x = x + 1;
foo(&mut x);

For more details see the section on assignments below.

Variables must be assigned before use

Move's type system prevents a local variable from being used before it has been assigned.

let x;
x + x // ERROR! x is used before being assigned
let x;
if (cond) x = 0;
x + x // ERROR! x does not have a value in all cases
let x;
while (cond) x = 0;
x + x // ERROR! x does not have a value in all cases

Valid variable names

Variable names can contain underscores _, letters a to z, letters A to Z, and digits 0 to 9. Variable names must start with either an underscore _ or a letter a through z. They cannot start with uppercase letters.

// all valid
let x = e;
let _x = e;
let _A = e;
let x0 = e;
let xA = e;
let foobar_123 = e;

// all invalid
let X = e; // ERROR!
let Foo = e; // ERROR!

Type annotations

The type of a local variable can almost always be inferred by Move's type system. However, Move allows explicit type annotations that can be useful for readability, clarity, or debuggability. The syntax for adding a type annotation is:

let x: T = e; // "Variable x of type T is initialized to expression e"

Some examples of explicit type annotations:

module 0x42::example {

    public struct S { f: u64, g: u64 }

    fun annotated() {
        let u: u8 = 0;
        let b: vector<u8> = b"hello";
        let a: address = @0x0;
        let (x, y): (&u64, &mut u64) = (&0, &mut 1);
        let S { f, g: f2 }: S = S { f: 0, g: 1 };

Note that the type annotations must always be to the right of the pattern:

// ERROR! should be let (x, y): (&u64, &mut u64) = ...
let (x: &u64, y: &mut u64) = (&0, &mut 1);

When annotations are necessary

In some cases, a local type annotation is required if the type system cannot infer the type. This commonly occurs when the type argument for a generic type cannot be inferred. For example:

let _v1 = vector[]; // ERROR!
//        ^^^^^^^^ Could not infer this type. Try adding an annotation
let v2: vector<u64> = vector[]; // no error

In a rarer case, the type system might not be able to infer a type for divergent code (where all the following code is unreachable). Both return and abort are expressions and can have any type. A loop has type () if it has a break (or T if has a break e where e: T), but if there is no break out of the loop, it could have any type. If these types cannot be inferred, a type annotation is required. For example, this code:

let a: u8 = return ();
let b: bool = abort 0;
let c: signer = loop ();

let x = return (); // ERROR!
//  ^ Could not infer this type. Try adding an annotation
let y = abort 0; // ERROR!
//  ^ Could not infer this type. Try adding an annotation
let z = loop (); // ERROR!
//  ^ Could not infer this type. Try adding an annotation

Adding type annotations to this code will expose other errors about dead code or unused local variables, but the example is still helpful for understanding this problem.

Multiple declarations with tuples

let can introduce more than one local at a time using tuples. The locals declared inside the parenthesis are initialized to the corresponding values from the tuple.

let () = ();
let (x0, x1) = (0, 1);
let (y0, y1, y2) = (0, 1, 2);
let (z0, z1, z2, z3) = (0, 1, 2, 3);

The type of the expression must match the arity of the tuple pattern exactly.

let (x, y) = (0, 1, 2); // ERROR!
let (x, y, z, q) = (0, 1, 2); // ERROR!

You cannot declare more than one local with the same name in a single let.

let (x, x) = 0; // ERROR!

The mutability of the local variables declared can be mixed.

let (mut x, y) = (0, 1);
x = 1;

Multiple declarations with structs

let can also introduce more than one local variables at a time when destructuring (or matching against) a struct. In this form, the let creates a set of local variables that are initialized to the values of the fields from a struct. The syntax looks like this:

public struct T { f1: u64, f2: u64 }
let T { f1: local1, f2: local2 } = T { f1: 1, f2: 2 };
// local1: u64
// local2: u64

Similarly for positional structs

public struct P(u64, u64)


let P (local1, local2) = P ( 1, 2 );
// local1: u64
// local2: u64

Here is a more complicated example:

module 0x42::example {
    public struct X(u64)
    public struct Y { x1: X, x2: X }

    fun new_x(): X {

    fun example() {
        let Y { x1: X(f), x2 } = Y { x1: new_x(), x2: new_x() };
        assert!(f + x2.f == 2, 42);

        let Y { x1: X(f1), x2: X(f2) } = Y { x1: new_x(), x2: new_x() };
        assert!(f1 + f2 == 2, 42);

Fields of structs can serve double duty, identifying the field to bind and the name of the variable. This is sometimes referred to as punning.

let Y { x1, x2 } = e;

is equivalent to:

let Y { x1: x1, x2: x2 } = e;

As shown with tuples, you cannot declare more than one local with the same name in a single let.

let Y { x1: x, x2: x } = e; // ERROR!

And as with tuples, the mutability of the local variables declared can be mixed.

let Y { x1: mut x1, x2 } = e;

Furthermore, the mutability of annotation can be applied to the punned fields. Giving the equivalent example

let Y { mut x1, x2 } = e;

Destructuring against references

In the examples above for structs, the bound value in the let was moved, destroying the struct value and binding its fields.

public struct T { f1: u64, f2: u64 }
let T { f1: local1, f2: local2 } = T { f1: 1, f2: 2 };
// local1: u64
// local2: u64

In this scenario the struct value T { f1: 1, f2: 2 } no longer exists after the let.

If you wish instead to not move and destroy the struct value, you can borrow each of its fields. For example:

let t = T { f1: 1, f2: 2 };
let T { f1: local1, f2: local2 } = &t;
// local1: &u64
// local2: &u64

And similarly with mutable references:

let mut t = T { f1: 1, f2: 2 };
let T { f1: local1, f2: local2 } = &mut t;
// local1: &mut u64
// local2: &mut u64

This behavior can also work with nested structs.

module 0x42::example {
    public struct X(u64)
    public struct Y { x1: X, x2: X }

    fun new_x(): X {

    fun example() {
        let mut y = Y { x1: new_x(), x2: new_x() };

        let Y { x1: X(f), x2 } = &y;
        assert!(*f + x2.f == 2, 42);

        let Y { x1: X(f1), x2: X(f2) } = &mut y;
        *f1 = *f1 + 1;
        *f2 = *f2 + 1;
        assert!(*f1 + *f2 == 4, 42);

Ignoring Values

In let bindings, it is often helpful to ignore some values. Local variables that start with _ will be ignored and not introduce a new variable

fun three(): (u64, u64, u64) {
    (0, 1, 2)
let (x1, _, z1) = three();
let (x2, _y, z2) = three();
assert!(x1 + z1 == x2 + z2, 42);

This can be necessary at times as the compiler will warn on unused local variables

let (x1, y, z1) = three(); // WARNING!
//       ^ unused local 'y'

General let grammar

All of the different structures in let can be combined! With that we arrive at this general grammar for let statements:

let-bindinglet pattern-or-list type-annotationopt > initializeropt > pattern-or-listpattern | ( pattern-list ) > pattern-listpattern ,opt | pattern , pattern-list > type-annotation: type initializer= expression

The general term for the item that introduces the bindings is a pattern. The pattern serves to both destructure data (possibly recursively) and introduce the bindings. The pattern grammar is as follows:

patternlocal-variable | struct-type { field-binding-list } > field-binding-listfield-binding ,opt | field-binding , > field-binding-list > field-bindingfield | field : pattern

A few concrete examples with this grammar applied:

    let (x, y): (u64, u64) = (0, 1);
//       ^                           local-variable
//       ^                           pattern
//          ^                        local-variable
//          ^                        pattern
//          ^                        pattern-list
//       ^^^^                        pattern-list
//      ^^^^^^                       pattern-or-list
//            ^^^^^^^^^^^^           type-annotation
//                         ^^^^^^^^  initializer
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ let-binding

    let Foo { f, g: x } = Foo { f: 0, g: 1 };
//      ^^^                                    struct-type
//            ^                                field
//            ^                                field-binding
//               ^                             field
//                  ^                          local-variable
//                  ^                          pattern
//               ^^^^                          field-binding
//            ^^^^^^^                          field-binding-list
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                        pattern
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                        pattern-or-list
//                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   initializer
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ let-binding



After the local is introduced (either by let or as a function parameter), a mut local can be modified via an assignment:

x = e

Unlike let bindings, assignments are expressions. In some languages, assignments return the value that was assigned, but in Move, the type of any assignment is always ().

(x = e: ())

Practically, assignments being expressions means that they can be used without adding a new expression block with braces ({...}).

let x;
if (cond) x = 1 else x = 2;

The assignment uses the similar pattern syntax scheme as let bindings, but with absence of mut:

module 0x42::example {
    public struct X { f: u64 }

    fun new_x(): X {
        X { f: 1 }

    // Note: this example will complain about unused variables and assignments.
    fun example() {
       let (mut x, mut y, mut f, mut g) = (0, 0, 0, 0);

       (X { f }, X { f: x }) = (new_x(), new_x());
       assert!(f + x == 2, 42);

       (x, y, f, _, g) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

Note that a local variable can only have one type, so the type of the local cannot change between assignments.

let mut x;
x = 0;
x = false; // ERROR!

Mutating through a reference

In addition to directly modifying a local with assignment, a mut local can be modified via a mutable reference &mut.

let mut x = 0;
let r = &mut x;
*r = 1;
assert!(x == 1, 42);

This is particularly useful if either:

(1) You want to modify different variables depending on some condition.

let mut x = 0;
let mut y = 1;
let r = if (cond) &mut x else &mut y;
*r = *r + 1;

(2) You want another function to modify your local value.

let mut x = 0;
modify_ref(&mut x);

This sort of modification is how you modify structs and vectors!

let mut v = vector[];
vector::push_back(&mut v, 100);
assert!(*vector::borrow(&v, 0) == 100, 42);

For more details, see Move references.


Any local declared with let is available for any subsequent expression, within that scope. Scopes are declared with expression blocks, {...}.

Locals cannot be used outside of the declared scope.

let x = 0;
    let y = 1;
x + y // ERROR!
//  ^ unbound local 'y'

But, locals from an outer scope can be used in a nested scope.

    let x = 0;
        let y = x + 1; // valid

Locals can be mutated in any scope where they are accessible. That mutation survives with the local, regardless of the scope that performed the mutation.

let mut x = 0;
x = x + 1;
assert!(x == 1, 42);
    x = x + 1;
    assert!(x == 2, 42);
assert!(x == 2, 42);

Expression Blocks

An expression block is a series of statements separated by semicolons (;). The resulting value of an expression block is the value of the last expression in the block.

{ let x = 1; let y = 1; x + y }

In this example, the result of the block is x + y.

A statement can be either a let declaration or an expression. Remember that assignments (x = e) are expressions of type ().

{ let x; let y = 1; x = 1; x + y }

Function calls are another common expression of type (). Function calls that modify data are commonly used as statements.

{ let v = vector[]; vector::push_back(&mut v, 1); v }

This is not just limited to () types---any expression can be used as a statement in a sequence!

    let x = 0;
    x + 1; // value is discarded
    x + 2; // value is discarded
    b"hello"; // value is discarded

But! If the expression contains a resource (a value without the drop ability), you will get an error. This is because Move's type system guarantees that any value that is dropped has the drop ability. (Ownership must be transferred or the value must be explicitly destroyed within its declaring module.)

    let x = 0;
    Coin { value: x }; // ERROR!
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unused value without the `drop` ability

If a final expression is not present in a block---that is, if there is a trailing semicolon ;, there is an implicit unit () value. Similarly, if the expression block is empty, there is an implicit unit () value.

Both are equivalent

{ x = x + 1; 1 / x; }
{ x = x + 1; 1 / x; () }

Similarly both are equivalent

{ }
{ () }

An expression block is itself an expression and can be used anyplace an expression is used. (Note: The body of a function is also an expression block, but the function body cannot be replaced by another expression.)

let my_vector: vector<vector<u8>> = {
    let mut v = vector[];
    vector::push_back(&mut v, b"hello");
    vector::push_back(&mut v, b"goodbye");

(The type annotation is not needed in this example and only added for clarity.)


If a let introduces a local variable with a name already in scope, that previous variable can no longer be accessed for the rest of this scope. This is called shadowing.

let x = 0;
assert!(x == 0, 42);

let x = 1; // x is shadowed
assert!(x == 1, 42);

When a local is shadowed, it does not need to retain the same type as before.

let x = 0;
assert!(x == 0, 42);

let x = b"hello"; // x is shadowed
assert!(x == b"hello", 42);

After a local is shadowed, the value stored in the local still exists, but will no longer be accessible. This is important to keep in mind with values of types without the drop ability, as ownership of the value must be transferred by the end of the function.

module 0x42::example {
    public struct Coin has store { value: u64 }

    fun unused_coin(): Coin {
        let x = Coin { value: 0 }; // ERROR!
//          ^ This local still contains a value without the `drop` ability
        x.value = 1;
        let x = Coin { value: 10 };
//      ^ Invalid return

When a local is shadowed inside a scope, the shadowing only remains for that scope. The shadowing is gone once that scope ends.

let x = 0;
    let x = 1;
    assert!(x == 1, 42);
assert!(x == 0, 42);

Remember, locals can change type when they are shadowed.

let x = 0;
    let x = b"hello";
    assert!(x = b"hello", 42);
assert!(x == 0, 42);

Move and Copy

All local variables in Move can be used in two ways, either by move or copy. If one or the other is not specified, the Move compiler is able to infer whether a copy or a move should be used. This means that in all of the examples above, a move or a copy would be inserted by the compiler. A local variable cannot be used without the use of move or copy.

copy will likely feel the most familiar coming from other programming languages, as it creates a new copy of the value inside of the variable to use in that expression. With copy, the local variable can be used more than once.

let x = 0;
let y = copy x + 1;
let z = copy x + 2;

Any value with the copy ability can be copied in this way, and will be copied implicitly unless a move is specified.

move takes the value out of the local variable without copying the data. After a move occurs, the local variable is unavailable, even if the value's type has the copy ability.

let x = 1;
let y = move x + 1;
//      ------ Local was moved here
let z = move x + 2; // Error!
//      ^^^^^^ Invalid usage of local 'x'
y + z


Move's type system will prevent a value from being used after it is moved. This is the same safety check described in let declaration that prevents local variables from being used before it is assigned a value.


As mentioned above, the Move compiler will infer a copy or move if one is not indicated. The algorithm for doing so is quite simple:

  • Any value with the copy ability is given a copy.
  • Any reference (both mutable &mut and immutable &) is given a copy.
    • Except under special circumstances where it is made a move for predictable borrow checker errors. This will happen once the reference is no longer used.
  • Any other value is given a move.

Given the structs

public struct Foo has copy, drop, store { f: u64 }
public struct Coin has store { value: u64 }

we have the following example

let s = b"hello";
let foo = Foo { f: 0 };
let coin = Coin { value: 0 };
let coins = vector[Coin { value: 0 }, Coin { value: 0 }];

let s2 = s; // copy
let foo2 = foo; // copy
let coin2 = coin; // move
let coins2 = coin; // move

let x = 0;
let b = false;
let addr = @0x42;
let x_ref = &x;
let coin_ref = &mut coin2;

let x2 = x; // copy
let b2 = b; // copy
let addr2 = @0x42; // copy
let x_ref2 = x_ref; // copy
let coin_ref2 = coin_ref; // copy


Move supports two equality operations == and !=


==equalReturns true if the two operands have the same value, false otherwise
!=not equalReturns true if the two operands have different values, false otherwise


Both the equal (==) and not-equal (!=) operations only work if both operands are the same type

0 == 0; // `true`
1u128 == 2u128; // `false`
b"hello" != x"00"; // `true`

Equality and non-equality also work over all user defined types!

module 0x42::example {
    public struct S has copy, drop { f: u64, s: vector<u8> }

    fun always_true(): bool {
        let s = S { f: 0, s: b"" };
        s == s

    fun always_false(): bool {
        let s = S { f: 0, s: b"" };
        s != s

If the operands have different types, there is a type checking error

1u8 == 1u128; // ERROR!
//     ^^^^^ expected an argument of type 'u8'
b"" != 0; // ERROR!
//     ^ expected an argument of type 'vector<u8>'

Typing with references

When comparing references, the type of the reference (immutable or mutable) does not matter. This means that you can compare an immutable & reference with a mutable one &mut of the same underlying type.

let i = &0;
let m = &mut 1;

i == m; // `false`
m == i; // `false`
m == m; // `true`
i == i; // `true`

The above is equivalent to applying an explicit freeze to each mutable reference where needed

let i = &0;
let m = &mut 1;

i == freeze(m); // `false`
freeze(m) == i; // `false`
m == m; // `true`
i == i; // `true`

But again, the underlying type must be the same type

let i = &0;
let s = &b"";

i == s; // ERROR!
//   ^ expected an argument of type '&u64'

Automatic Borrowing

Starting in Move 2024 edition, the == and != operators automatically borrow their operands if one of the operands is a reference and the other is not. This means that the following code works without any errors:

let r = &0;

// In all cases, `0` is automatically borrowed as `&0`
r == 0; // `true`
0 == r; // `true`
r != 0; // `false`
0 != r; // `false`

This automatic borrow is always an immutable borrow.


Both == and != consume the value when comparing them. As a result, the type system enforces that the type must have drop. Recall that without the drop ability, ownership must be transferred by the end of the function, and such values can only be explicitly destroyed within their declaring module. If these were used directly with either equality == or non-equality !=, the value would be destroyed which would break drop ability safety guarantees!

module 0x42::example {
    public struct Coin has store { value: u64 }
    fun invalid(c1: Coin, c2: Coin) {
        c1 == c2 // ERROR!
//      ^^    ^^ These assets would be destroyed!

But, a programmer can always borrow the value first instead of directly comparing the value, and reference types have the drop ability. For example

module 0x42::example {
    public struct Coin has store { value: u64 }
    fun swap_if_equal(c1: Coin, c2: Coin): (Coin, Coin) {
        let are_equal = &c1 == c2; // valid, note `c2` is automatically borrowed
        if (are_equal) (c2, c1) else (c1, c2)

Avoid Extra Copies

While a programmer can compare any value whose type has drop, a programmer should often compare by reference to avoid expensive copies.

let v1: vector<u8> = function_that_returns_vector();
let v2: vector<u8> = function_that_returns_vector();
assert!(copy v1 == copy v2, 42);
//      ^^^^       ^^^^
use_two_vectors(v1, v2);

let s1: Foo = function_that_returns_large_struct();
let s2: Foo = function_that_returns_large_struct();
assert!(copy s1 == copy s2, 42);
//      ^^^^       ^^^^
use_two_foos(s1, s2);

This code is perfectly acceptable (assuming Foo has drop), just not efficient. The highlighted copies can be removed and replaced with borrows

let v1: vector<u8> = function_that_returns_vector();
let v2: vector<u8> = function_that_returns_vector();
assert!(&v1 == &v2, 42);
//      ^      ^
use_two_vectors(v1, v2);

let s1: Foo = function_that_returns_large_struct();
let s2: Foo = function_that_returns_large_struct();
assert!(&s1 == &s2, 42);
//      ^      ^
use_two_foos(s1, s2);

The efficiency of the == itself remains the same, but the copys are removed and thus the program is more efficient.

Abort and Assert

return and abort are two control flow constructs that end execution, one for the current function and one for the entire transaction.

More information on return can be found in the linked section


abort is an expression that takes one argument: an abort code of type u64. For example:

abort 42

The abort expression halts execution the current function and reverts all changes made to state by the current transaction (note though that this guarantee must be upheld by the adapter of the specific deployment of Move). There is no mechanism for "catching" or otherwise handling an abort.

Luckily, in Move transactions are all or nothing, meaning any changes to storage are made all at once only if the transaction succeeds. For Sui, this means no objects are modified.

Because of this transactional commitment of changes, after an abort there is no need to worry about backing out changes. While this approach is lacking in flexibility, it is incredibly simple and predictable.

Similar to return, abort is useful for exiting control flow when some condition cannot be met.

In this example, the function will pop two items off of the vector, but will abort early if the vector does not have two items

use std::vector;

fun pop_twice<T>(v: &mut vector<T>): (T, T) {
    if (vector::length(v) < 2) abort 42;
    (vector::pop_back(v), vector::pop_back(v))

This is even more useful deep inside a control-flow construct. For example, this function checks that all numbers in the vector are less than the specified bound. And aborts otherwise

use std::vector;
fun check_vec(v: &vector<u64>, bound: u64) {
    let i = 0;
    let n = vector::length(v);
    while (i < n) {
        let cur = *vector::borrow(v, i);
        if (cur > bound) abort 42;
        i = i + 1;


assert is a builtin, macro operation provided by the Move compiler. It takes two arguments, a condition of type bool and a code of type u64

assert!(condition: bool, code: u64)

Since the operation is a macro, it must be invoked with the !. This is to convey that the arguments to assert are call-by-expression. In other words, assert is not a normal function and does not exist at the bytecode level. It is replaced inside the compiler with

if (condition) () else abort code

assert is more commonly used than just abort by itself. The abort examples above can be rewritten using assert

use std::vector;
fun pop_twice<T>(v: &mut vector<T>): (T, T) {
    assert!(vector::length(v) >= 2, 42); // Now uses 'assert'
    (vector::pop_back(v), vector::pop_back(v))


use std::vector;
fun check_vec(v: &vector<u64>, bound: u64) {
    let i = 0;
    let n = vector::length(v);
    while (i < n) {
        let cur = *vector::borrow(v, i);
        assert!(cur <= bound, 42); // Now uses 'assert'
        i = i + 1;

Note that because the operation is replaced with this if-else, the argument for the code is not always evaluated. For example:

assert!(true, 1 / 0)

Will not result in an arithmetic error, it is equivalent to

if (true) () else (1 / 0)

So the arithmetic expression is never evaluated!

Abort codes in the Move VM

When using abort, it is important to understand how the u64 code will be used by the VM.

Normally, after successful execution, the Move VM, and the adapter for the specific deployment, determine the changes made to storage.

If an abort is reached, the VM will instead indicate an error. Included in that error will be two pieces of information:

  • The module that produced the abort (package/address value and module name)
  • The abort code.

For example

module 0x2::example {
    public fun aborts() {
        abort 42

module 0x3::invoker {
    public fun always_aborts() {

If a transaction, such as the function always_aborts above, calls 0x2::example::aborts, the VM would produce an error that indicated the module 0x2::example and the code 42.

This can be useful for having multiple aborts being grouped together inside a module.

In this example, the module has two separate error codes used in multiple functions

module 0x42::example {

    use std::vector;

    const EEmptyVector: u64 = 0;
    const EIndexOutOfBounds: u64 = 1;

    // move i to j, move j to k, move k to i
    public fun rotate_three<T>(v: &mut vector<T>, i: u64, j: u64, k: u64) {
        let n = vector::length(v);
        assert!(n > 0, EEmptyVector);
        assert!(i < n, EIndexOutOfBounds);
        assert!(j < n, EIndexOutOfBounds);
        assert!(k < n, EIndexOutOfBounds);

        vector::swap(v, i, k);
        vector::swap(v, j, k);

    public fun remove_twice<T>(v: &mut vector<T>, i: u64, j: u64): (T, T) {
        let n = vector::length(v);
        assert!(n > 0, EEmptyVector);
        assert!(i < n, EIndexOutOfBounds);
        assert!(j < n, EIndexOutOfBounds);
        assert!(i > j, EIndexOutOfBounds);

        (vector::remove<T>(v, i), vector::remove<T>(v, j))

The type of abort

The abort i expression can have any type! This is because both constructs break from the normal control flow, so they never need to evaluate to the value of that type.

The following are not useful, but they will type check

let y: address = abort 0;

This behavior can be helpful in situations where you have a branching instruction that produces a value on some branches, but not all. For example:

let b =
    if (x == 0) false
    else if (x == 1) true
    else abort 42;
//       ^^^^^^^^ `abort 42` has type `bool`

Clever Errors

Clever errors are a feature that allows for more informative error messages when an assertion fails or an abort is raised. They are a source feature and compile to a u64 abort code value that contains the information needed to access the line number, constant name, and constant value given the clever error code and the module that the clever error constant was declared in. Because of this compilation, post-processing is required to go from the u64 abort code value to a human-readable error message. The post-processing is automatically performed by the Sui GraphQL server, as well as the Sui CLI. If you want to manually decode a clever abort code, you can use the process outlined in Inflating Clever Abort Codes to do so.

Clever errors include source line information amongst other data. Because of this their value may change due to any changes in the source file (e.g., due to auto-formatting, adding a new module member, or adding a newline).

Clever Abort Codes

Clever abort codes allow you to use non-u64 constants as abort codes as long as the constants are annotated with the #[error] attribute. They can be used both in assertions, and as codes to abort.

module 0x42::a_module;

const EIsThree: vector<u8> = b"The value is three";

// Will abort with `EIsThree` if `x` is 3
public fun double_except_three(x: u64): u64 {
    assert!(x != 3, EIsThree);
    x * x

// Will always abort with `EIsThree`
public fun clever_abort() {
    abort EIsThree

In this example, the EIsThree constant is a vector<u8>, which is not a u64. However, the #[error] attribute allows the constant to be used as an abort code, and will at runtime produce a u64 abort code value that holds:

  1. A set tag-bit that indicates that the abort code is a clever abort code.
  2. The line number of where the abort occurred in the source file (e.g., 7).
  3. The index in the module's identifier table for the constant's name (e.g., EIsThree).
  4. The index of the constant's value in the module's constant table (e.g., b"The value is three").

In hex, if double_except_three(3) is called, it will abort with a u64 abort code as follows:

  ^       ^    ^    ^
  |       |    |    |
  |       |    |    |
  |       |    |    +-- Constant value index = 0 (b"The value is three")
  |       |    +-- Constant name index = 1 (EIsThree)
  |       +-- Line number = 7 (line of the assertion)
  +-- Tag bit = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000

And could be rendered as a human-readable error message as (e.g.)

Error from '0x42::a_module::double_except_three' (line 7), abort 'EIsThree': "The value is three"

The exact formatting of this message may vary depending on the tooling used to decode the clever error however all of the information needed to generate a human-readable error message like the above is present in the u64 abort code when coupled with the module where the error occurred.

Clever abort code values do not need to be a vector<u8> -- it can be any valid constant type in Move.

Assertions with no Abort Codes

Assertions and abort statements without an abort code will automatically derive an abort code from the source line number and will be encoded in the clever error format with the constant name and constant value information will be filled with sentinel values of 0xffff each. E.g.,

module 0x42::a_module;

fun assert_false(x: bool) {

fun abort_no_code() {

Both of these will produce a u64 abort code value that holds:

  1. A set tag-bit that indicates that the abort code is a clever abort code.
  2. The line number of where the abort occurred in the source file (e.g., 6).
  3. A sentinel value of 0xffff for the index into the module's identifier table for the constant's name.
  4. A sentinel value of 0xffff for the index of the constant's value in the module's constant table.

In hex, if assert_false(3) is called, it will abort with a u64 abort code as follows:

  ^       ^    ^    ^
  |       |    |    |
  |       |    |    |
  |       |    |    +-- Constant value index = 0xffff (sentinel value)
  |       |    +-- Constant name index = 0xffff (sentinel value)
  |       +-- Line number = 4 (link of the assertion)
  +-- Tag bit = 0b1000_0000_0000_0000

Clever Errors and Macros

The line number information in clever abort codes are derived from the source file at the location where the abort occurs. In particular, for a function this will be the line number within in the function, however for macros, this will be the location where the macro is invoked. This can be quite useful when writing macros as it provides a way for users to use macros that may raise abort conditions and still get useful error messages.

module 0x42::macro_exporter;

public macro fun assert_false() {

public macro fun abort_always() {

public fun assert_false_fun() {
    assert!(false); // Will always abort with the line number of this invocation

public fun abort_always_fun() {
    abort // Will always abort with the line number of this invocation

Then in a module that uses these macros:

module 0x42::user_module;

use 0x42::macro_exporter::{

fun invoke_assert_false() {
    assert_false!(); // Will abort with the line number of this invocation

fun invoke_abort_always() {
    abort_always!(); // Will abort with the line number of this invocation

fun invoke_assert_false_fun() {
    assert_false_fun(); // Will abort with the line number of the assertion in `assert_false_fun`

fun invoke_abort_always_fun() {
    abort_always_fun(); // Will abort with the line number of the `abort` in `abort_always_fun`

Inflating Clever Abort Codes

Precisely, the layout of a clever abort code is as follows:

|<tagbit>|<reserved>|<source line number>|<module identifier index>|<module constant index>|
| 1-bit  | 15-bits  |       16-bits      |     16-bits             |        16-bits        |

Note that the Move abort will come with some additional information -- importantly in our case the module where the error occurred. This is important because the identifier index, and constant index are relative to the module's identifier and constant tables (if not set the sentinel values).

To decode a clever abort code, you will need to know the module where the error occurred if either the identifier index or constant index are not set to the sentinel value of 0xffff.

In pseudo-code, you can decode a clever abort code as follows:

fn main() {
// Information available in the MoveAbort
let clever_abort_code: u64 = ...;
let (package_id, module_name): (PackageStorageId, ModuleName) = ...;

let is_clever_abort = (clever_abort_code & 0x8000_0000_0000_0000) != 0;

if is_clever_abort {
    // Get line number, identifier index, and constant index
    // Identifier and constant index are sentinel values if set to '0xffff'
    let line_number = ((clever_abort_code & 0x0000_ffff_0000_0000) >> 32) as u16;
    let identifier_index = ((clever_abort_code & 0x0000_0000_ffff_0000) >> 16) as u16;
    let constant_index = ((clever_abort_code & 0x0000_0000_0000_ffff)) as u16;

    // Print the line error message
    print!("Error from '{}::{}' (line {})", package_id, module_name, line_number);

    // No need to print anything or load the module if both are sentinel values
    if identifier_index == 0xffff && constant_index == 0xffff {

    // Only needed if constant name and value are not 0xffff
    let module: CompiledModule = fetch_module(package_id, module_name);

    // Print the constant name (if any)
    if identifier_index != 0xffff {
        let constant_name = module.get_identifier_at_table_index(identifier_index);
        print!(", '{}'", constant_name);

    // Print the constant value (if any)
    if constant_index != 0xffff {
        let constant_value = module.get_constant_at_table_index(constant_index).deserialize_on_constant_type().to_string();
        print!(": {}", constant_value);


Control Flow

Move offers multiple constructs for control flow based on boolean expressions, including common programming constructs such as if expressions and while and for loops, along with advanced control flow structures including labels for loops and escapable named blocks. It also supports more more complex constructs based on structural pattern matching.

Conditional if Expressions

An if expression specifies that some code should only be evaluated if a certain condition is true. For example:

if (x > 5) x = x - 5

The condition must be an expression of type bool.

An if expression can optionally include an else clause to specify another expression to evaluate when the condition is false.

if (y <= 10) y = y + 1 else y = 10

Either the "true" branch or the "false" branch will be evaluated, but not both. Either branch can be a single expression or an expression block.

The conditional expressions may produce values so that the if expression has a result.

let z = if (x < 100) x else 100;

The expressions in the true and false branches must have compatible types. For example:

// x and y must be u64 integers
let maximum: u64 = if (x > y) x else y;

// ERROR! branches different types
let z = if (maximum < 10) 10u8 else 100u64;

// ERROR! branches different types, as default false-branch is () not u64
if (maximum >= 10) maximum;

If the else clause is not specified, the false branch defaults to the unit value. The following are equivalent:

if (condition) true_branch // implied default: else ()
if (condition) true_branch else ()

Commonly, if expressions are used in conjunction with expression blocks.

let maximum = if (x > y) x else y;
if (maximum < 10) {
    x = x + 10;
    y = y + 10;
} else if (x >= 10 && y >= 10) {
    x = x - 10;
    y = y - 10;

Grammar for Conditionals

if-expressionif ( expression ) expression else-clauseopt > else-clauseelse expression

Loop Constructs in Move

Many programs require iteration over values, and Move provides while and loop forms to allow you to write code in these situations. In addition, you can also modify control flow of these loops during execution by using break (to exit the loop) and continue (to skip the remainder of this iteration and return to the top of the control flow structure).

while Loops

The while construct repeats the body (an expression of type unit) until the condition (an expression of type bool) evaluates to false.

Here is an example of simple while loop that computes the sum of the numbers from 1 to n:

fun sum(n: u64): u64 {
    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut i = 1;
    while (i <= n) {
        sum = sum + i;
        i = i + 1


Infinite while loops are also allowed:

fun foo() {
    while (true) { }

Using break Inside of while Loops

In Move, while loops can use break to exit early. For example, suppose we were looking for the position of a value in a vector, and would like to break if we find it:

fun find_position(values: &vector<u64>, target_value: u64): Option<u64> {
    let size = vector::length(values);
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut found = false;

    while (i < size) {
        if (vector::borrow(values, i) == &target_value) {
            found = true;
        i = i + 1

    if (found) {
    } else {

Here, if the borrowed vector value is equal to our target value, we set the found flag to true and then call break, which will cause the program to exit the loop.

Finally, note that break for while loops cannot take a value: while loops always return the unit type () and thus break does, too.

Using continue Inside of while Loops

Similar to break, Move's while loops can invoke continue to skip over part of the loop body. This allows us to skip part of a computation if a condition is not met, such as in the following example:

fun sum_even(values: &vector<u64>): u64 {
    let size = vector::length(values);
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut even_sum = 0;

    while (i < size) {
        let number = *vector::borrow(values, i);
        i = i + 1;
        if (number % 2 == 1) continue;
        even_sum = even_sum + number;

This code will iterate over the provided vector. For each entry, if that entry is an even number, it will add it to the even_sum. If it is not, however, it will call continue, skipping the sum operation and returning to the while loop conditional check.

loop Expressions

The loop expression repeats the loop body (an expression with type ()) until it hits a break:

fun sum(n: u64): u64 {
    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut i = 1;

    loop {
       i = i + 1;
       if (i >= n) break;
       sum = sum + i;


Without a break, the loop will continue forever. In the example below, the program will run forever because the loop does not have a break:

fun foo() {
    let mut i = 0;
    loop { i = i + 1 }

Here is an example that uses loop to write the sum function:

fun sum(n: u64): u64 {
    let sum = 0;
    let i = 0;
    loop {
        i = i + 1;
        if (i > n) break;
        sum = sum + i


Using break with Values in loop

Unlike while loops, which always return (), a loop may return a value using break. In doing so, the overall loop expression evaluates to a value of that type. For example, we can rewrite find_position from above using loop and break, immediately returning the index if we find it:

fun find_position(values: &vector<u64>, target_value: u64): Option<u64> {
    let size = vector::length(values);
    let mut i = 0;

    loop {
        if (vector::borrow(values, i) == &target_value) {
            break option::some(i)
        } else if (i >= size) {
            break option::none()
        i = i + 1;

This loop will break with an option result, and, as the last expression in the function body, will produce that value as the final function result.

Using continue Inside of loop Expressions

As you might expect, continue can also be used inside a loop. Here is the previous sum_even function rewritten using loop with break and continue instead of while.

fun sum_even(values: &vector<u64>): u64 {
    let size = vector::length(values);
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut even_sum = 0;

    loop {
        if (i >= size) break;
        let number = *vector::borrow(values, i);
        i = i + 1;
        if (number % 2 == 1) continue;
        even_sum = even_sum + number;

The Type of while and loop

In Move, loops are typed expressions. A while expression always has type ().

let () = while (i < 10) { i = i + 1 };

If a loop contains a break, the expression has the type of the break. A break with no value has the unit type ().

(loop { if (i < 10) i = i + 1 else break }: ());
let () = loop { if (i < 10) i = i + 1 else break };

let x: u64 = loop { if (i < 10) i = i + 1 else break 5 };
let x: u64 = loop { if (i < 10) { i = i + 1; continue} else break 5 };

In addition, if a loop contains multiple breaks, they must all return the same type:

// invalid -- first break returns (), second returns 5
let x: u64 = loop { if (i < 10) break else break 5 };

If loop does not have a break, loop can have any type much like return, abort, break, and continue.

(loop (): u64);
(loop (): address);
(loop (): &vector<vector<u8>>);

If you need even more-precise control flow, such as breaking out of nested loops, the next chapter presents the use of labeled control flow in Move.

Labeled Control Flow

Move supports labeled control flow when writing both loops and blocks of code, allowing you to break and continue loops and return from blocks (which can be particularly helpful in the presence of macros).


Loops allow you to define and transfer control to specific labels in a function. For example, we can nest two loops and use break and continue with those labels to precisely specify control flow. You can prefix any loop or while form with a 'label: form to allow breaking or continuing directly there.

To demonstrate this behavior, consider a function that takes nested vectors of numbers (i.e., vector<vector<u64>>) to sum against some threshold, which behaves as follows:

  • If the sum of all the numbers are under the threshold, return that sum.
  • If adding a number to the current sum would surpass the threshold, return the current sum.

We can write this by iterating over the vector of vectors as nested loops and labelling the outer one. If any addition in the inner loop would push us over the threshold, we can use break with the outer label to escape both loops at once:

fun sum_until_threshold(input: &vector<vector<u64>>, threshold: u64): u64 {
    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut i = 0;
    let input_size = input.length();

    'outer: loop {
        // breaks to outer since it is the closest enclosing loop
        if (i >= input_size) break sum;

        let vec = &input[i];
        let size = vec.length();
        let mut j = 0;

        while (j < size) {
            let v_entry = vec[j];
            if (sum + v_entry < threshold) {
                sum = sum + v_entry;
            } else {
                // the next element we saw would break the threshold,
                // so we return the current sum
                break 'outer sum
            j = j + 1;
        i = i + 1;

These sorts of labels can also be used with a nested loop form, providing precise control in larger bodies of code. For example, if we were processing a large table where each entry required iteration that might see us continuing the inner or outer loop, we could express that code using labels:

let x = 'outer: loop {
    'inner: while (cond) {
        if (cond0) { break 'outer value };
        if (cond1) { continue 'inner }
        else if (cond2) { continue 'outer }

Labeled Blocks

Labeled blocks allow you to write Move programs that contain intra-function non-local control flow, including inside of macro lambdas and returning values:

fun named_return(n: u64): vector<u8> {
    let x = 'a: {
        if (n % 2 == 0) {
            return 'a b"even"

In this simple example, the program checks if the input n is even. If it is, the program leaves the block labeled 'a: with the value b"even". If not, the code continues, ending the block labeled 'a: with the value b"odd". At the end, we set x to the value and then return it.

This control flow feature works across macro bodies as well. For example, suppose we wanted to write a function to find the first even number in a vector, and that we have some macro for_ref that iterates the vector elements in a loop:

macro fun for_ref<$T>($vs: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T|) {
    let vs = $vs;
    let mut i = 0;
    let end = vs.length();
    while (i < end) {
        i = i + 1;

Using for_ref and a label, we can write a lambda expression to pass for_ref that will escape the loop, returning the first even number it finds:

fun find_first_even(vs: vector<u64>): Option<u64> {
    'result: {
        for_ref!(&vs, |n| if (*n % 2 == 0) { return 'result option::some(*n)});

This function will iterate vs until it finds an even number, and return that (or return option::none() if no even number exists). This makes named labels a powerful tool for interacting with control flow macros such as for!, allowing you to customize iteration behavior in those contexts.


To clarify program behavior, you may only use break and continue with loop labels, while return will only work with block labels. To this end, the following programs produce errors:

fun bad_loop() {
    'name: loop {
        return 'name 5
            // ^^^^^ Invalid usage of 'return' with a loop block label

fun bad_block() {
    'name: {
        continue 'name;
              // ^^^^^ Invalid usage of 'break' with a loop block label
        break 'name;
           // ^^^^^ Invalid usage of 'break' with a loop block label

Pattern Matching

A match expression is a powerful control structure that allows you to compare a value against a series of patterns and then execute code based on which pattern matches first. Patterns can be anything from simple literals to complex, nested struct and enum definitions. As opposed to if expressions, which change control flow based on a bool-typed test expression, a match expression operates over a value of any type and selects one of many arms.

A match expression can match Move values as well as mutable or immutable references, binding sub-patterns accordingly.

For example:

fun run(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        1 => 2,
        2 => 3,
        x => x,

run(1); // returns 2
run(2); // returns 3
run(3); // returns 3
run(0); // returns 0

match Syntax

A match takes an expression and a non-empty series of match arms delimited by commas.

Each match arm consists of a pattern (p), an optional guard (if (g) where g is an expression of type bool), an arrow (=>), and an arm expression (e) to execute when the pattern matches. For example,

match (expression) {
    pattern1 if (guard_expression) => expression1,
    pattern2 => expression2,
    pattern3 => { expression3, expression4, ... },

Match arms are checked in order from top to bottom, and the first pattern that matches (with a guard expression, if present, that evaluates to true) will be executed.

Note that the series of match arms within a match must be exhaustive, meaning that every possible value of the type being matched must be covered by one of the patterns in the match. If the series of match arms is not exhaustive, the compiler will raise an error.

Pattern Syntax

A pattern is matched by a value if the value is equal to the pattern, and where variables and wildcards (e.g., x, y, _, or ..) are "equal" to anything.

Patterns are used to match values. Patterns can be

LiteralA literal value, such as 1, true, @0x1
ConstantA constant value, e.g., MyConstant
VariableA variable, e.g., x, y, z
WildcardA wildcard, e.g., _
ConstructorA constructor pattern, e.g., MyStruct { x, y }, MyEnum::Variant(x)
At-patternAn at-pattern, e.g., x @ MyEnum::Variant(..)
Or-patternAn or-pattern, e.g., MyEnum::Variant(..) \| MyEnum::OtherVariant(..)
Multi-arity wildcardA multi-arity wildcard, e.g., MyEnum::Variant(..)
Mutable-bindingA mutable-binding pattern, e.g., mut x

Patterns in Move have the following grammar:

pattern = <literal>
        | <constant>
        | <variable>
        | _
        | C { <variable> : inner-pattern ["," <variable> : inner-pattern]* } // where C is a struct or enum variant
        | C ( inner-pattern ["," inner-pattern]* ... )                       // where C is a struct or enum variant
        | C                                                                  // where C is an enum variant
        | <variable> @ top-level-pattern
        | pattern | pattern
        | mut <variable>
inner-pattern = pattern
              | ..     // multi-arity wildcard

Some examples of patterns are:

// literal pattern

// constant pattern

// variable pattern

// wildcard pattern

// constructor pattern that matches `MyEnum::Variant` with the fields `1` and `true`
MyEnum::Variant(1, true)

// constructor pattern that matches `MyEnum::Variant` with the fields `1` and binds the second field's value to `x`
MyEnum::Variant(1, x)

// multi-arity wildcard pattern that matches multiple fields within the `MyEnum::Variant` variant

// constructor pattern that matches the `x` field of `MyStruct` and binds the `y` field to `other_variable`
MyStruct { x, y: other_variable }

// at-pattern that matches `MyEnum::Variant` and binds the entire value to `x`
x @ MyEnum::Variant(..)

// or-pattern that matches either `MyEnum::Variant` or `MyEnum::OtherVariant`
MyEnum::Variant(..) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(..)

// same as the above or-pattern, but with explicit wildcards
MyEnum::Variant(_, _) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, _)

// or-pattern that matches either `MyEnum::Variant` or `MyEnum::OtherVariant` and binds the u64 field to `x`
MyEnum::Variant(x, _) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, x)

// constructor pattern that matches `OtherEnum::V` and if the inner `MyEnum` is `MyEnum::Variant`

Patterns and Variables

Patterns that contain variables bind them to the match subject or subject subcomponent being matched. These variables can then be used either in any match guard expressions, or on the right-hand side of the match arm. For example:

public struct Wrapper(u64)

fun add_under_wrapper_unless_equal(wrapper: Wrapper, x: u64): u64 {
    match (wrapper) {
        Wrapper(y) if (y == x) => Wrapper(y),
        Wrapper(y) => y + x,
add_under_wrapper_unless_equal(Wrapper(1), 2); // returns Wrapper(3)
add_under_wrapper_unless_equal(Wrapper(2), 3); // returns Wrapper(5)
add_under_wrapper_unless_equal(Wrapper(3), 3); // returns Wrapper(3)

Combining Patterns

Patterns can be nested, but patterns can also be combined using the or operator (|). For example, p1 | p2 succeeds if either pattern p1 or p2 matches the subject. This pattern can occur anywhere -- either as a top-level pattern or a sub-pattern within another pattern.

public enum MyEnum has drop {
    Variant(u64, bool),
    OtherVariant(bool, u64),

fun test_or_pattern(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1 | 2 | 3, true) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(true, 1 | 2 | 3) => 1,
        MyEnum::Variant(8, true) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 6 | 7) => 2,
        _ => 3,

test_or_pattern(MyEnum::Variant(3, true)); // returns 1
test_or_pattern(MyEnum::OtherVariant(true, 2)); // returns 1
test_or_pattern(MyEnum::Variant(8, true)); // returns 2
test_or_pattern(MyEnum::OtherVariant(false, 7)); // returns 2
test_or_pattern(MyEnum::OtherVariant(false, 80)); // returns 3

Restrictions on Some Patterns

The mut and .. patterns also have specific conditions placed on when, where, and how they can be used, as detailed in Limitations on Specific Patterns. At a high level, the mut modifier can only be used on variable patterns, and the .. pattern can only be used once within a constructor pattern -- and not as a top-level pattern.

The following is an invalid usage of the .. pattern because it is used as a top-level pattern:

match (x) {
    .. => 1,
    // ERROR: `..` pattern can only be used within a constructor pattern

match (x) {
    MyStruct(.., ..) => 1,
    // ERROR:    ^^  `..` pattern can only be used once within a constructor pattern

Pattern Typing

Patterns are not expressions, but they are nevertheless typed. This means that the type of a pattern must match the type of the value it matches. For example, the pattern 1 has an integer type, the pattern MyEnum::Variant(1, true) has type MyEnum, the pattern MyStruct { x, y } has type MyStruct, and OtherStruct<bool> { x: true, y: 1} has type OtherStruct<bool>. If you try to match on an expression that differs from the type of the pattern in the match, this will result in a type error. For example:

match (1) {
    // The `true` literal pattern is of type `bool` so this is a type error.
    true => 1,
    // TYPE ERROR: expected type u64, found bool
    _ => 2,

Similarly, the following would also result in a type error because MyEnum and MyStruct are different types:

match (MyStruct { x: 0, y: 0 }) {
    MyEnum::Variant(..) => 1,
    // TYPE ERROR: expected type MyEnum, found MyStruct


Prior to delving into the specifics of pattern matching and what it means for a value to "match" a pattern, let's examine a few examples to provide an intuition for the concept.

fun test_lit(x: u64): u8 {
    match (x) {
        1 => 2,
        2 => 3,
        _ => 4,
test_lit(1); // returns 2
test_lit(2); // returns 3
test_lit(3); // returns 4
test_lit(10); // returns 4

fun test_var(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        y => y,
test_var(1); // returns 1
test_var(2); // returns 2
test_var(3); // returns 3

const MyConstant: u64 = 10;
fun test_constant(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyConstant => 1,
        _ => 2,
test_constant(MyConstant); // returns 1
test_constant(10); // returns 1
test_constant(20); // returns 2

fun test_or_pattern(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        1 | 2 | 3 => 1,
        4 | 5 | 6 => 2,
        _ => 3,
test_or_pattern(3); // returns 1
test_or_pattern(5); // returns 2
test_or_pattern(70); // returns 3

fun test_or_at_pattern(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        x @ (1 | 2 | 3) => x + 1,
        y @ (4 | 5 | 6) => y + 2,
        z => z + 3,
test_or_pattern(2); // returns 3
test_or_pattern(5); // returns 7
test_or_pattern(70); // returns 73

The most important thing to note from these examples is that a pattern matches a value if the value is equal to the pattern, and wildcard/variable patterns match anything. This is true for literals, variables, and constants. For example, in the test_lit function, the value 1 matches the pattern 1, the value 2 matches the pattern 2, and the value 3 matches the wildcard _. Similarly, in the test_var function, both the value 1 and the value 2 matches the pattern y.

A variable x matches (or "equals") any value, and a wildcard _ matches any value (but only one value). Or-patterns are like a logical OR, where a value matches the pattern if it matches any of patterns in the or-pattern so p1 | p2 | p3 should be read "matches p1, or p2, or p3".

Matching Constructors

Pattern matching includes the concept of constructor patterns. These patterns allow you to inspect and access deep within both structs and enums, and are one of the most powerful parts of pattern matching. Constructor patterns, coupled with variable bindings, allow you to match on values by their structure, and pull out the parts of the value you care about for usage on the right-hand side of the match arm.

Take the following:

fun f(x: MyEnum) {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1, true) => 1,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 3) => 2,
        MyEnum::Variant(..) => 3,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(..) => 4,
f(MyEnum::Variant(1, true)); // returns 1
f(MyEnum::Variant(2, true)); // returns 3
f(MyEnum::OtherVariant(false, 3)); // returns 2
f(MyEnum::OtherVariant(true, 3)); // returns 2
f(MyEnum::OtherVariant(true, 2)); // returns 4

This is saying that "if x is MyEnum::Variant with the fields 1 and true, then return 1. If it is MyEnum::OtherVariant with any value for the first field, and 3 for the second, then return 2. If it is MyEnum::Variant with any fields, then return 3. Finally, if it is MyEnum::OtherVariant with any fields, then return 4".

You can also nest patterns. So, if you wanted to match either 1, 2, or 10, instead of just matching 1 in the previous MyEnum::Variant, you could do so with an or-pattern:

fun f(x: MyEnum) {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1 | 2 | 10, true) => 1,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 3) => 2,
        MyEnum::Variant(..) => 3,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(..) => 4,
f(MyEnum::Variant(1, true)); // returns 1
f(MyEnum::Variant(2, true)); // returns 1
f(MyEnum::Variant(10, true)); // returns 1
f(MyEnum::Variant(10, false)); // returns 3

Ability Constraints

Additionally, match bindings are subject to the same ability restrictions as other aspects of Move. In particular, the compiler will signal an error if you try to match a value (not-reference) without drop using a wildcard, as the wildcard expects to drop the value. Similarly, if you bind a non-drop value using a binder, it must be used in the right-hand side of the match arm. In addition, if you fully destruct that value, you have unpacked it, matching the semantics of non-drop struct unpacking. See the abilities section on drop for more details about the drop capability.

public struct NonDrop(u64)

fun drop_nondrop(x: NonDrop) {
    match (x) {
        NonDrop(1) => 1,
        _ => 2
        // ERROR: cannot wildcard match on a non-droppable value

fun destructure_nondrop(x: NonDrop) {
    match (x) {
        NonDrop(1) => 1,
        NonDrop(_) => 2
        // OK!

fun use_nondrop(x: NonDrop): NonDrop {
    match (x) {
        NonDrop(1) => NonDrop(8),
        x => x


The match expression in Move must be exhaustive: every possible value of the type being matched must be covered by one of the patterns in one of the match's arms. If the series of match arms is not exhaustive, the compiler will raise an error. Note that any arm with a guard expression does not contribute to match exhaustion, as it might fail to match at runtime.

As an example, a match on a u8 is exhaustive only if it matches on every number from 0 to 255 inclusive, unless there is a wildcard or variable pattern present. Similarly, a match on a bool would need to match on both true and false, unless there is a wildcard or variable pattern present.

For structs, because there is only one type of constructor for the type, only one constructor needs to be matched, but the fields within the struct need to be matched exhaustively as well. Conversely, enums may define multiple variants, and each variant must be matched (including any sub-fields) for the match to be considered exhaustive.

Because underscores and variables are wildcards that match anything, they count as matching all values of the type they are matching on in that position. Additionally, the multi-arity wildcard pattern .. can be used to match on multiple values within a struct or enum variant.

To see some examples of non-exhaustive matches, consider the following:

public enum MyEnum {
    Variant(u64, bool),
    OtherVariant(bool, u64),

public struct Pair<T>(T, T)

fun f(x: MyEnum): u8 {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1, true) => 1,
        MyEnum::Variant(_, _) => 1,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 3) => 2,
        // ERROR: not exhaustive as the value `MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 4)` is not matched.

fun match_pair_bool(x: Pair<bool>): u8 {
    match (x) {
        Pair(true, true) => 1,
        Pair(true, false) => 1,
        Pair(false, false) => 1,
        // ERROR: not exhaustive as the value `Pair(false, true)` is not matched.

These examples can then be made exhaustive by adding a wildcard pattern to the end of the match arm, or by fully matching on the remaining values:

fun f(x: MyEnum): u8 {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1, true) => 1,
        MyEnum::Variant(_, _) => 1,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 3) => 2,
        // Now exhaustive since this will match all values of MyEnum::OtherVariant
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(..) => 2,


fun match_pair_bool(x: Pair<bool>): u8 {
    match (x) {
        Pair(true, true) => 1,
        Pair(true, false) => 1,
        Pair(false, false) => 1,
        // Now exhaustive since this will match all values of Pair<bool>
        Pair(false, true) => 1,


As previously mentioned, you can add a guard to a match arm by adding an if clause after the pattern. This guard will run after the pattern has been matched but before the expression on the right hand side of the arrow is evaluated. If the guard expression evaluates to true then the expression on the right hand side of the arrow will be evaluated, if it evaluates to false then it will be considered a failed match and the next match arm in the match expression will be checked.

fun match_with_guard(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        1 if (false) => 1,
        1 => 2,
        _ => 3,

match_with_guard(1); // returns 2
match_with_guard(0); // returns 3

Guard expressions can reference variables bound in the pattern during evaluation. However, note that variables are only available as immutable reference in guards regardless of the pattern being matched -- even if there are mutability specifiers on the variable or if the pattern is being matched by value.

fun incr(x: &mut u64) {
    *x = *x + 1;

fun match_with_guard_incr(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        x if ({ incr(&mut x); x == 1 }) => 1,
        // ERROR:    ^^^ invalid borrow of immutable value
        _ => 2,

fun match_with_guard_incr2(x: &mut u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        x if ({ incr(&mut x); x == 1 }) => 1,
        // ERROR:    ^^^ invalid borrow of immutable value
        _ => 2,

Additionally, it is important to note any match arms that have guard expressions will not be considered either for exhaustivity purposes because the compiler has no way of evaluating the guard expression statically.

Limitations on Specific Patterns

There are some restrictions on when the .. and mut pattern modifiers can be used in a pattern.

Mutability Usage

A mut modifier can be placed on a variable pattern to specify that the variable is to be mutated in the right-hand expression of the match arm. Note that since the mut modifier only signifies that the variable is to be mutated, not the underlying data, this can be used on all types of match (by value, immutable reference, and mutable reference).

Note that the mut modifier can only be applied to variables, and not other types of patterns.

public struct MyStruct(u64)

fun top_level_mut(x: MyStruct) {
    match (x) {
        mut MyStruct(y) => 1,
        // ERROR: cannot use mut on a non-variable pattern

fun mut_on_immut(x: &MyStruct): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct(mut y) => {
            y = &(*y + 1);

fun mut_on_value(x: MyStruct): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct(mut y) =>  {
            *y = *y + 1;

fun mut_on_mut(x: &mut MyStruct): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct(mut y) =>  {
            *y = *y + 1;

let mut x = MyStruct(1);

mut_on_mut(&mut x); // returns 2
x.0; // returns 2

mut_on_immut(&x); // returns 3
x.0; // returns 2

mut_on_value(x); // returns 3

.. Usage

The .. pattern can only be used within a constructor pattern as a wildcard that matches any number of fields -- the
the compiler expands the .. to inserting _ in any missing fields in the constructor pattern (if any). So MyStruct(_, _, _) is the same as MyStruct(..), MyStruct(1, _, _) is the same as MyStruct(1, ..). Because of this, there are some restrictions on how, and where the .. pattern can be used:

  • It can only be used once within the constructor pattern;
  • In positional arguments it can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of the patterns within the constructor;
  • In named arguments it can only be used at the end of the patterns within the constructor;
public struct MyStruct(u64, u64, u64, u64) has drop;

public struct MyStruct2 {
    x: u64,
    y: u64,
    z: u64,
    w: u64,

fun wild_match(x: MyStruct) {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct(.., 1) => 1,
        // OK! The `..` pattern can be used at the beginning of the constructor pattern
        MyStruct(1, ..) => 2,
        // OK! The `..` pattern can be used at the end of the constructor pattern
        MyStruct(1, .., 1) => 3,
        // OK! The `..` pattern can be used at the middle of the constructor pattern
        MyStruct(1, .., 1, 1) => 4,
        MyStruct(..) => 5,

fun wild_match2(x: MyStruct2) {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct2 { x: 1, .. } => 1,
        MyStruct2 { x: 1, w: 2 .. } => 2,
        MyStruct2 { .. } => 3,


Functions are declared inside of modules and define the logic and behavior of the module. Functions can be reused, either being called from other functions or as entry points for execution.


Functions are declared with the fun keyword followed by the function name, type parameters, parameters, a return type, and finally the function body.

<visibility>? <entry>? <macro>? fun <identifier><[type_parameters: constraint],*>([identifier: type],*): <return_type> <function_body>

For example

fun foo<T1, T2>(x: u64, y: T1, z: T2): (T2, T1, u64) { (z, y, x) }


Module functions, by default, can only be called within the same module. These internal (sometimes called private) functions cannot be called from other modules or as entry points.

module a::m {
    fun foo(): u64 { 0 }
    fun calls_foo(): u64 { foo() } // valid

module b::other {
    fun calls_m_foo(): u64 {
        a::m::foo() // ERROR!
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^ 'foo' is internal to 'a::m'

To allow access from other modules, the function must be declared public or public(package). Tangential to visibility, an entry function can be called as an entry point for execution.

public visibility

A public function can be called by any function defined in any module. As shown in the following example, a public function can be called by:

  • other functions defined in the same module,
  • functions defined in another module, or
  • as an entry point for execution.
module a::m {
    public fun foo(): u64 { 0 }
    fun calls_foo(): u64 { foo() } // valid

module b::other {
    fun calls_m_foo(): u64 {
        a::m::foo() // valid

Fore more details on the entry point to execution see the section below.

public(package) visibility

The public(package) visibility modifier is a more restricted form of the public modifier to give more control about where a function can be used. A public(package) function can be called by:

  • other functions defined in the same module, or
  • other functions defined in the same package (the same address)
module a::m {
    public(package) fun foo(): u64 { 0 }
    fun calls_foo(): u64 { foo() } // valid

module a::n {
    fun calls_m_foo(): u64 {
        a::m::foo() // valid, also in `a`

module b::other {
    fun calls_m_foo(): u64 {
        b::m::foo() // ERROR!
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^ 'foo' can only be called from a module in `a`

DEPRECATED public(friend) visibility

Before the addition of public(package), public(friend) was used to allow limited public access to functions in the same package, but where the list of allowed modules had to be explicitly enumerated by the callee's module. see Friends for more details.

entry modifier

In addition to public functions, you might have some functions in your modules that you want to use as the entry point to execution. The entry modifier is designed to allow module functions to initiate execution, without having to expose the functionality to other modules.

Essentially, the combination of public and entry functions define the "main" functions of a module, and they specify where Move programs can start executing.

Keep in mind though, an entry function can still be called by other Move functions. So while they can serve as the start of a Move program, they aren't restricted to that case.

For example:

module a::m {
    entry fun foo(): u64 { 0 }
    fun calls_foo(): u64 { foo() } // valid!

module a::n {
    fun calls_m_foo(): u64 {
        a::m::foo() // ERROR!
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^ 'foo' is internal to 'a::m'

entry functions may have restrictions on their parameters and return types. Although, these restrictions are specific to each individual deployment of Move.

The documentation for entry functions on Sui can be found here..

To enable easier testing, entry functions can be called from #[test] and #[test_only] contexts.

module a::m {
    entry fun foo(): u64 { 0 }
module a::m_test {
    fun my_test(): u64 { a::m::foo() } // valid!
    fun my_test_helper(): u64 { a::m::foo() } // valid!

macro modifier

Unlike normal functions, macro functions do not exist at runtime. Instead, these functions are substituted inline at each call site during compilation. These macro functions leverage this compilation process to provide functionality beyond standard functions, such as accepting higher-order lambda-style functions as arguments. These lambda arguments, also expanded during compilation, allow you to pass parts of the function body to the macro as arguments. For instance, consider the following simple loop macro, where the loop body is supplied as a lambda:

macro fun ntimes($n: u64, $body: |u64| -> ()) {
    let n = $n;
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < n) {
        i = i + 1;

fun example() {
    let mut sum = 0;
    ntimes!(10, |x| sum = sum + x );

See the chapter on macros for more information.


Function names can start with letters a to z. After the first character, function names can contain underscores _, letters a to z, letters A to Z, or digits 0 to 9.

fun fOO() {}
fun bar_42() {}
fun bAZ_19() {}

Type Parameters

After the name, functions can have type parameters

fun id<T>(x: T): T { x }
fun example<T1: copy, T2>(x: T1, y: T2): (T1, T1, T2) { (copy x, x, y) }

For more details, see Move generics.


Functions parameters are declared with a local variable name followed by a type annotation

fun add(x: u64, y: u64): u64 { x + y }

We read this as x has type u64

A function does not have to have any parameters at all.

fun useless() { }

This is very common for functions that create new or empty data structures

module a::example {
  public struct Counter { count: u64 }

  fun new_counter(): Counter {
      Counter { count: 0 }

Return type

After the parameters, a function specifies its return type.

fun zero(): u64 { 0 }

Here : u64 indicates that the function's return type is u64.

Using tuples, a function can return multiple values:

fun one_two_three(): (u64, u64, u64) { (0, 1, 2) }

If no return type is specified, the function has an implicit return type of unit (). These functions are equivalent:

fun just_unit(): () { () }
fun just_unit() { () }
fun just_unit() { }

As mentioned in the tuples section, these tuple "values" do not exist as runtime values. This means that a function that returns unit () does not return any value during execution.

Function body

A function's body is an expression block. The return value of the function is the last value in the sequence

fun example(): u64 {
    let x = 0;
    x = x + 1;
    x // returns 'x'

See the section below for more information on returns

For more information on expression blocks, see Move variables.

Native Functions

Some functions do not have a body specified, and instead have the body provided by the VM. These functions are marked native.

Without modifying the VM source code, a programmer cannot add new native functions. Furthermore, it is the intent that native functions are used for either standard library code or for functionality needed for the given Move environment.

Most native functions you will likely see are in standard library code, such as vector

module std::vector {
    native public fun length<Element>(v: &vector<Element>): u64;


When calling a function, the name can be specified either through an alias or fully qualified

module a::example {
    public fun zero(): u64 { 0 }

module b::other {
    use a::example::{Self, zero};
    fun call_zero() {
        // With the `use` above all of these calls are equivalent

When calling a function, an argument must be given for every parameter.

module a::example {
    public fun takes_none(): u64 { 0 }
    public fun takes_one(x: u64): u64 { x }
    public fun takes_two(x: u64, y: u64): u64 { x + y }
    public fun takes_three(x: u64, y: u64, z: u64): u64 { x + y + z }

module b::other {
    fun call_all() {
        a::example::takes_two(0, 1);
        a::example::takes_three(0, 1, 2);

Type arguments can be either specified or inferred. Both calls are equivalent.

module a::example {
    public fun id<T>(x: T): T { x }

module b::other {
    fun call_all() {

For more details, see Move generics.

Returning values

The result of a function, its "return value", is the final value of its function body. For example

fun add(x: u64, y: u64): u64 {
    x + y

The return value here is the result of x + y.

As mentioned above, the function's body is an expression block. The expression block can sequence various statements, and the final expression in the block will be be the value of that block

fun double_and_add(x: u64, y: u64): u64 {
    let double_x = x * 2;
    let double_y = y * 2;
    double_x + double_y

The return value here is the result of double_x + double_y

return expression

A function implicitly returns the value that its body evaluates to. However, functions can also use the explicit return expression:

fun f1(): u64 { return 0 }
fun f2(): u64 { 0 }

These two functions are equivalent. In this slightly more involved example, the function subtracts two u64 values, but returns early with 0 if the second value is too large:

fun safe_sub(x: u64, y: u64): u64 {
    if (y > x) return 0;
    x - y

Note that the body of this function could also have been written as if (y > x) 0 else x - y.

However return really shines is in exiting deep within other control flow constructs. In this example, the function iterates through a vector to find the index of a given value:

use std::vector;
use std::option::{Self, Option};
fun index_of<T>(v: &vector<T>, target: &T): Option<u64> {
    let i = 0;
    let n = vector::length(v);
    while (i < n) {
        if (vector::borrow(v, i) == target) return option::some(i);
        i = i + 1


Using return without an argument is shorthand for return (). That is, the following two functions are equivalent:

fun foo() { return }
fun foo() { return () }

Macro Functions

Macro functions are a way of defining functions that are expanded during compilation at each call site. The arguments of the macro are not evaluated eagerly like a normal function, and instead are substituted by expression. In addition, the caller can supply code to the macro via lambdas.

These expression substitution mechanics make macro functions similar to macros found in other programming languages; however, they are more constrained in Move than you might expect from other languages. The parameters and return values of macro functions are still typed--though this can be partially relaxed with the _ type. The upside of this restriction however, is that macro functions can be used anywhere a normal function can be used, which is notably helpful with method syntax.

A more extensive syntactic macro system may come in the future.


macro functions have a similar syntax to normal functions. However, all type parameter names and all parameter names must start with a $. Note that _ can still be used by itself, but not as a prefix, and $_ must be used instead.

<visibility>? macro fun <identifier><[$type_parameters: constraint],*>([$identifier: type],*): <return_type> <function_body>

For example, the following macro function takes a vector and a lambda, and applies the lambda to each element of the vector to construct a new vector.

macro fun map<$T, $U>($v: vector<$T>, $f: |$T| -> $U): vector<$U> {
    let mut v = $v;
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut result = vector[];
    while (!v.is_empty()) {
        i = i + 1;

The $ is there to indicate that the parameters (both type and value parameters) do not behave like their normal, non-macro counterparts. For type parameters, they can be instantiated with any type (even a reference type & or &mut), and they will satisfy any constraint. Similarly for parameters, they will not be evaluated eagerly, and instead the argument expression will be substituted at each usage.


Lambdas are a new type of expression that can only be used with macros. These are used to pass code from the caller into the body of the macro. While the substitution is done at compile time, they are used similarly to anonymous functions, lambdas, or closures in other languages.

As seen in the example above ($f: |$T| -> $U), lambda types are defined with the syntax

|<type>,*| (-> <type>)?

A few examples

|u64, u64| -> u128 // a lambda that takes two u64s and returns a u128
|&mut vector<u8>| -> &mut u8 // a lambda that takes a &mut vector<u8> and returns a &mut u8

If the return type is not annotated, it is unit () by default.

// the following are equivalent
|&mut vector<u8>, u64|
|&mut vector<u8>, u64| -> ()

Lambda expressions are then defined at the call site of the macro with the syntax

|(<identifier> (: <type>)?),*| <expression>
|(<identifier> (: <type>)?),*| -> <type> { <expression> }

Note that if the return type is annotated, the body of the lambda must be enclosed in {}.

Using the map macro defined above

let v = vector[1, 2, 3];
let doubled: vector<u64> = map!(v, |x| 2 * x);
let bytes: vector<vector<u8>> = map!(v, |x| std::bcs::to_bytes(&x));

And with type annotations

let doubled: vector<u64> = map!(v, |x: u64| 2 * x); // return type annotation optional
let bytes: vector<vector<u8>> = map!(v, |x: u64| -> vector<u8> { std::bcs::to_bytes(&x) });


Lambda expressions can also refer to variables in the scope where the lambda is defined. This is sometimes called "capturing".

let res = foo();
let incremented = map!(vector[1, 2, 3], |x| x + res);

Any variable can be captured, including mutable and immutable references.

See the Examples section for more complicated usages.


Currently, lambdas can only be used directly in the call of a macro function. They cannot be bound to a variable. For example, the following is code will produce an error:

let f = |x| 2 * x;
//      ^^^^^^^^^ Error! Lambdas must be used directly in 'macro' calls
let doubled: vector<u64> = map!(vector[1, 2, 3], f);


Like normal functions, macro functions are typed--the types of the parameters and return value must be annotated. However, the body of the function is not type checked until the macro is expanded. This means that not all usages of a given macro may be valid. For example

macro fun add_one<$T>($x: $T): $T {
    $x + 1

The above macro will not type check if $T is not a primitive integer type.

This can be particularly useful in conjunction with method syntax, where the function is not resolved until after the macro is expanded.

macro fun call_foo<$T, $U>($x: $T): &$U {

This macro will only expand successfully if $T has a method foo that returns a reference &$U. As described in the hygiene section, foo will be resolved based on the scope where call_foo was defined--not where it was expanded.

Type Parameters

Type parameters can be instantiated with any type, including reference types & and &mut. They can also be instantiated with tuple types, though the utility of this is limited currently since tuples cannot be bound to a variable.

This relaxation forces the constraints of a type parameter to be satisfied at the call site in a way that does not normally occur. It is generally recommended however to add all necessary constraints to a type parameter. For example

public struct NoAbilities()
public struct CopyBox<T: copy> has copy, drop { value: T }
macro fun make_box<$T>($x: $T): CopyBox<$T> {
    CopyBox { value: $x }

This macro will expand only if $T is instantiated with a type with the copy ability.

make_box!(1); // Valid!
make_box!(NoAbilities()); // Error! 'NoAbilities' does not have the copy ability

The suggested declaration of make_box would be to add the copy constraint to the type parameter. This then communicates to the caller that the type must have the copy ability.

macro fun make_box<$T: copy>($x: $T): CopyBox<$T> {
    CopyBox { value: $x }

One might reasonably ask then, why have this relaxation if the recommendation is not to use it? The constraints on type parameters simply cannot be enforced in all cases because the bodies are not checked until expansion. In the following example, the copy constraint on $T is not necessary in the signature, but is necessary in the body.

macro fun read_ref<$T>($r: &$T): $T {

If however, you want to have an extremely relaxed type signature, it is instead recommended to use the _ type.

_ Type

Normally, the _ placeholder type is used in expressions to allow for partial annotations of type arguments. However, with macro functions, the _ type can be used in place of type parameters to relax the signature for any type. This should increase the ergonomics of declaring "generic" macro functions.

For example, we could take any combination of integers and add them together.

macro fun add($x: _, $y: _, $z: _): u256 {
    ($x as u256) + ($y as u256) + ($z as u256)

Additionally, the _ type can be instantiated multiple times with different types. For example

public struct Box<T> has copy, drop, store { value: T }
macro fun create_two($f: |_| -> Box<_>): (Box<u8>, Box<u16>) {
    ($f(0u8), $f(0u16))

If we declared the function with type parameters instead, the types would have to unify to a common type, which is not possible in this case.

macro fun create_two<$T>($f: |$T| -> Box<$T>): (Box<u8>, Box<u16>) {
    ($f(0u8), $f(0u16))
    //           ^^^^ Error! expected `u8` but found `u16`
let (a, b) = create_two!(|value| Box { value });

In this case, $T must be instantiated with a single type, but inference finds that $T must be bound to both u8 and u16.

There is a tradeoff however, as the _ type conveys less meaning and intention for the caller. Consider map macro from above re-declared with _ instead of $T and $U.

macro fun map($v: vector<_>, $f: |_| -> _): vector<_> {

There is no longer any indication of behavior of $f at the type level. The caller must gain understanding from comments or the body of the macro.

Expansion and Substitution

The body of the macro is substituted into the call site at compile time. Each parameter is replaced by the expression, not the value, of its argument. For lambdas, additional local variables can have values bound within the context of the macro body.

Taking a very simple example

macro fun apply($f: |u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {

With the call site

let incremented = apply!(|x| x + 1, 5);

This will roughly be expanded to

let incremented = {
    let x = { 5 };
    { x + 1 }

Again, the value of x is not substituted, but the expression 5 is. This might mean that an argument is evaluated multiple times, or not at all, depending on the body of the macro.

macro fun dup($f: |u64, u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {
    $f($x, $x)
let sum = dup!(|x, y| x + y, foo());

is expanded to

let sum = {
    let x = { foo() };
    let y = { foo() };
    { x + y }

Note that foo() will be called twice. Which would not happen if dup were a normal function.

It is often recommended to create predictable evaluation behavior by binding arguments to local variables.

macro fun dup($f: |u64, u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {
    let a = $x;
    $f(a, a)

Now that same call site will expand to

let sum = {
    let a = { foo() };
        let x = { a };
        let y = { a };
        { x + y }


In the example above, the dup macro had a local variable a that was used to bind the argument $x. You might ask, what would happen if the variable was instead named x? Would that conflict with the x in the lambda?

The short answer is, no. macro functions are hygienic, meaning that the expansion of macros and lambdas will not accidentally capture variables from another scope.

The compiler does this by associating a unique number with each scope. When the macro is expanded, the macro body gets its own scope. Additionally, the arguments are re-scoped on each usage.

Modifying the dup macro to use x instead of a

macro fun dup($f: |u64, u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {
    let a = $x;
    $f(a, a)

The expansion of the call site

// let sum = dup!(|x, y| x + y, foo());
let sum = {
    let x#1 = { foo() };
        let x#2 = { x#1 };
        let y#2 = { x#1 };
        { x#2 + y#2 }

This is an approximation of the compiler's internal representation, some details are omitted for the simplicity of this example.

And each usage of an argument is re-scoped so that the different usages do not conflict.

macro fun apply_twice($f: |u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {
    $f($x) + $f($x)
let result = apply_twice!(|x| x + 1, { let x = 5; x });

Expands to

let result = {
        let x#1 = { let x#2 = { 5 }; x#2 };
        { x#1 + x#1 }
        let x#3 = { let x#4 = { 5 }; x#4 };
        { x#3 + x#3 }

Similar to variable hygiene, method resolution is also scoped to the macro definition. For example

public struct S { f: u64, g: u64 }

fun f(s: &S): u64 {
fun g(s: &S): u64 {

use fun f as foo;
macro fun call_foo($s: &S): u64 {
    let s = $s;

The method call foo will in this case always resolve to the function f, even if call_foo is used in a scope where foo is bound to a different function, such as g.

fun example(s: &S): u64 {
    use fun g as foo;
    call_foo!(s) // expands to 'f(s)', not 'g(s)'

Due to this though, unused use fun declarations might not get warnings in modules with macro functions.

Control Flow

Similar to variable hygiene, control flow constructs are also always scoped to where they are defined, not to where they are expanded.

macro fun maybe_div($x: u64, $y: u64): u64 {
    let x = $x;
    let y = $y;
    if (y == 0) return 0;
    x / y

At the call site, return will always return from the macro body, not from the caller.

let result: vector<u64> = vector[maybe_div!(10, 0)];

Will expand to

let result: vector<u64> = vector['a: {
    let x = { 10 };
    let y = { 0 };
    if (y == 0) return 'a 0;
    x / y

Where return 'a 0 will return to the block 'a: { ... } and not to the caller's body. See the section on labeled control flow for more details.

Similarly, return in a lambda will return from the lambda, not from the macro body and not from the outer function.

macro fun apply($f: |u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {


let result = apply!(|x| { if (x == 0) return 0; x + 1 }, 100);

will expand to

let result = {
    let x = { 100 };
    'a: {
        if (x == 0) return 'a 0;
        x + 1

In addition to returning from the lambda, a label can be used to return to the outer function. In the vector::any macro, a return with a label is used to return from the entire macro early

public macro fun any<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): bool {
    let v = $v;
    'any: {
        v.do_ref!(|e| if ($f(e)) return 'any true);

The return 'any true exits from the "loop" early when the condition is met. Otherwise, the macro "returns" false.

Method Syntax

When applicable, macro functions can be called using method syntax. When using method syntax, the evaluation of the arguments will change in that the first argument (the "receiver" of the method) will be evaluated outside of the macro expansion. This example is contrived, but will concisely demonstrate the behavior.

public struct S() has copy, drop;
public fun foo(): S { abort 0 }
public macro fun maybe_s($s: S, $cond: bool): S {
    if ($cond) $s
    else S()

Even though foo() will abort, its return type can be used to start a method call.

$s will not be evaluated if $cond is false, and under a normal non-method call, an argument of foo() would not be evaluated and would not abort. The following example demonstrates $s not being evaluated with an argument of foo().

maybe_s!(foo(), false) // does not abort

It becomes more clear as to why it does not abort when looking at the expanded form

if (false) foo()
else S()

However, when using method syntax, the first argument is evaluated before the macro is expanded. So the same argument of foo() for $s will now be evaluated and will abort.

foo().maybe_s!(false) // aborts

We can see this more clearly when looking the expanded form

let tmp = foo(); // aborts
if (false) tmp
else S()

Conceptually, the receiver for a method call is bound to a temporary variable before the macro is expanded, which forces the evaluation and thus the abort.

Parameter Limitations

The parameters of a macro function must always be used as expressions. They cannot be used in situations where the argument might be re-interpreted. For example, the following is not allowed

macro fun no($x: _): _ {

The reason is that if the argument $x was not a reference, it would be borrowed first, which would could re-interpret the argument. To get around this limitation, you should bind the argument to a local variable.

macro fun yes($x: _): _ {
    let x = $x;


Lazy arguments: assert_eq

macro fun assert_eq<$T>($left: $T, $right: $T, $code: u64) {
    let left = $left;
    let right = $right;
    if (left != right) {
        std::debug::print(&b"assertion failed.\n left: ");
        std::debug::print(&b"\n does not equal right: ");
        abort $code;

In this case the argument to $code is not evaluated unless the assertion fails.

assert_eq!(vector[true, false], vector[true, false], 1 / 0); // division by zero is not evaluated

Any integer square root

This macro calculates the integer square root for any integer type, besides u256.

$T is the type of the input and $bitsize is the number of bits in that type, for example u8 has 8 bits. $U should be set to the next larger integer type, for example u16 for u8.

In this macro, the type of the integer literals are 1 and 0 are annotated, e.g. (1: $U) allowing for the type of the literal to differ with each call. Similarly, as can be used with the type parameters $T and $U. This macro will then only successfully expand if $T and $U are instantiated with the integer types.

macro fun num_sqrt<$T, $U>($x: $T, $bitsize: u8): $T {
    let x = $x;
    let mut bit = (1: $U) << $bitsize;
    let mut res = (0: $U);
    let mut x = x as $U;

    while (bit != 0) {
        if (x >= res + bit) {
            x = x - (res + bit);
            res = (res >> 1) + bit;
        } else {
            res = res >> 1;
        bit = bit >> 2;

    res as $T

Iterating over a vector

The two macros iterate over a vector, immutably and mutably respectively.

macro fun for_imm<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T|) {
    let v = $v;
    let n = v.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < n) {
        i = i + 1;

macro fun for_mut<$T>($v: &mut vector<$T>, $f: |&mut $T|) {
    let v = $v;
    let n = v.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < n) {
        $f(&mut v[i]);
        i = i + 1;

A few examples of usage

fun imm_examples(v: &vector<u64>) {
    // print all elements
    for_imm!(v, |x| std::debug::print(x));

    // sum all elements
    let mut sum = 0;
    for_imm!(v, |x| sum = sum + x);

    // find the max element
    let mut max = 0;
    for_imm!(v, |x| if (x > max) max = x);

fun mut_examples(v: &mut vector<u64>) {
    // increment each element
    for_mut!(v, |x| *x = *x + 1);

    // set each element to the previous value, and the first to last value
    let mut prev = v[v.length() - 1];
    for_mut!(v, |x| {
        let tmp = *x;
        *x = prev;
        prev = tmp;

    // set the max element to 0
    let mut max = &mut 0;
    for_mut!(v, |x| if (*x > *max) max = x);
    *max = 0;

Non-loop lambda usage

Lambdas do not need to be used in loops, and are often useful for conditionally applying code.

macro fun inspect<$T>($opt: &Option<$T>, $f: |&$T|) {
    let opt = $opt;
    if (opt.is_some()) $f(opt.borrow())

macro fun is_some_and<$T>($opt: &Option<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): bool {
    let opt = $opt;
    if (opt.is_some()) $f(opt.borrow())
    else false

macro fun map<$T, $U>($opt: Option<$T>, $f: |$T| -> $U): Option<$U> {
    let opt = $opt;
    if (opt.is_some()) {
    } else {

And some examples of usage

fun examples(opt: Option<u64>) {
    // print the value if it exists
    inspect!(&opt, |x| std::debug::print(x));

    // check if the value is 0
    let is_zero = is_some_and!(&opt, |x| *x == 0);

    // upcast the u64 to a u256
    let str_opt = map!(opt, |x| x as u256);

Structs and Resources

A struct is a user-defined data structure containing typed fields. Structs can store any non-reference, non-tuple type, including other structs.

Structs can be used to define all "asset" values or unrestricted values, where the operations performed on those values can be controlled by the struct's abilities. By default, structs are linear and ephemeral. By this we mean that they: cannot be copied, cannot be dropped, and cannot be stored in storage. This means that all values have to have ownership transferred (linear) and the values must be dealt with by the end of the program's execution (ephemeral). We can relax this behavior by giving the struct abilities which allow values to be copied or dropped and also to be stored in storage or to define storage schemas.

Defining Structs

Structs must be defined inside a module, and the struct's fields can either be named or positional:

module a::m {
    public struct Foo { x: u64, y: bool }
    public struct Bar {}
    public struct Baz { foo: Foo, }
    //                          ^ note: it is fine to have a trailing comma

    public struct PosFoo(u64, bool)
    public struct PosBar()
    public struct PosBaz(Foo)

Structs cannot be recursive, so the following definitions are invalid:

public struct Foo { x: Foo }
//                     ^ ERROR! recursive definition

public struct A { b: B }
public struct B { a: A }
//                   ^ ERROR! recursive definition

public struct D(D)
//              ^ ERROR! recursive definition


As you may have noticed, all structs are declared as public. This means that the type of the struct can be referred to from any other module. However, the fields of the struct, and the ability to create or destroy the struct, are still internal to the module that defines the struct.

In the future, we plan on adding to declare structs as public(package) or as internal, much like functions.


As mentioned above: by default, a struct declaration is linear and ephemeral. So to allow the value to be used in these ways (e.g., copied, dropped, stored in an object, or used to define a storable object), structs can be granted abilities by annotating them with has <ability>:

module a::m {
    public struct Foo has copy, drop { x: u64, y: bool }

The ability declaration can occur either before or after the struct's fields. However, only one or the other can be used, and not both. If declared after the struct's fields, the ability declaration must be terminated with a semicolon:

module a::m {
    public struct PreNamedAbilities has copy, drop { x: u64, y: bool }
    public struct PostNamedAbilities { x: u64, y: bool } has copy, drop;
    public struct PostNamedAbilitiesInvalid { x: u64, y: bool } has copy, drop
    //                                                                        ^ ERROR! missing semicolon

    public struct NamedInvalidAbilities has copy { x: u64, y: bool } has drop;
    //                                                               ^ ERROR! duplicate ability declaration

    public struct PrePositionalAbilities has copy, drop (u64, bool)
    public struct PostPositionalAbilities (u64, bool) has copy, drop;
    public struct PostPositionalAbilitiesInvalid (u64, bool) has copy, drop
    //                                                                     ^ ERROR! missing semicolon
    public struct InvalidAbilities has copy (u64, bool) has drop;
    //                                                  ^ ERROR! duplicate ability declaration

For more details, see the section on annotating a struct's abilities.


Structs must start with a capital letter A to Z. After the first letter, struct names can contain underscores _, letters a to z, letters A to Z, or digits 0 to 9.

public struct Foo {}
public struct BAR {}
public struct B_a_z_4_2 {}
public struct P_o_s_Foo()

This naming restriction of starting with A to Z is in place to give room for future language features. It may or may not be removed later.

Using Structs

Creating Structs

Values of a struct type can be created (or "packed") by indicating the struct name, followed by value for each field.

For a struct with named fields, the order of the fields does not matter, but the field name needs to be provided. For a struct with positional fields, the order of the fields must match the order of the fields in the struct definition, and it must be created using () instead of {} to enclose the parameters.

module a::m {
    public struct Foo has drop { x: u64, y: bool }
    public struct Baz has drop { foo: Foo }
    public struct Positional(u64, bool) has drop;

    fun example() {
        let foo = Foo { x: 0, y: false };
        let baz = Baz { foo: foo };
        // Note: positional struct values are created using parentheses and
        // based on position instead of name.
        let pos = Positional(0, false);
        let pos_invalid = Positional(false, 0);
        //                           ^ ERROR! Fields are out of order and the types don't match.

For structs with named fields, you can use the following shorthand if you have a local variable with the same name as the field:

let baz = Baz { foo: foo };
// is equivalent to
let baz = Baz { foo };

This is sometimes called "field name punning".

Destroying Structs via Pattern Matching

Struct values can be destroyed by binding or assigning them in patterns using similar syntax to constructing them.

module a::m {
    public struct Foo { x: u64, y: bool }
    public struct Bar(Foo)
    public struct Baz {}
    public struct Qux()

    fun example_destroy_foo() {
        let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: false };
        let Foo { x, y: foo_y } = foo;
        //        ^ shorthand for `x: x`

        // two new bindings
        //   x: u64 = 3
        //   foo_y: bool = false

    fun example_destroy_foo_wildcard() {
        let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: false };
        let Foo { x, y: _ } = foo;

        // only one new binding since y was bound to a wildcard
        //   x: u64 = 3

    fun example_destroy_foo_assignment() {
        let x: u64;
        let y: bool;
        Foo { x, y } = Foo { x: 3, y: false };

        // mutating existing variables x and y
        //   x = 3, y = false

    fun example_foo_ref() {
        let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: false };
        let Foo { x, y } = &foo;

        // two new bindings
        //   x: &u64
        //   y: &bool

    fun example_foo_ref_mut() {
        let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: false };
        let Foo { x, y } = &mut foo;

        // two new bindings
        //   x: &mut u64
        //   y: &mut bool

    fun example_destroy_bar() {
        let bar = Bar(Foo { x: 3, y: false });
        let Bar(Foo { x, y }) = bar;
        //            ^ nested pattern

        // two new bindings
        //   x: u64 = 3
        //   y: bool = false

    fun example_destroy_baz() {
        let baz = Baz {};
        let Baz {} = baz;

    fun example_destroy_qux() {
        let qux = Qux();
        let Qux() = qux;

Accessing Struct Fields

Fields of a struct can be accessed using the dot operator ..

For structs with named fields, the fields can be accessed by their name:

public struct Foo { x: u64, y: bool }
let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
let x = foo.x;  // x == 3
let y = foo.y;  // y == true

For positional structs, fields can be accessed by their position in the struct definition:

public struct PosFoo(u64, bool)
let pos_foo = PosFoo(3, true);
let x = pos_foo.0;  // x == 3
let y = pos_foo.1;  // y == true

Accessing struct fields without borrowing or copying them is subject to the field's ability constraints. For more details see the sections on borrowing structs and fields and reading and writing fields for more information.

Borrowing Structs and Fields

The & and &mut operator can be used to create references to structs or fields. These examples include some optional type annotations (e.g., : &Foo) to demonstrate the type of operations.

let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
let foo_ref: &Foo = &foo;
let y: bool = foo_ref.y;         // reading a field via a reference to the struct
let x_ref: &u64 = &foo.x;        // borrowing a field by extending a reference to the struct

let x_ref_mut: &mut u64 = &mut foo.x;
*x_ref_mut = 42;            // modifying a field via a mutable reference

It is possible to borrow inner fields of nested structs:

let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
let bar = Bar(foo);

let x_ref = &bar.0.x;

You can also borrow a field via a reference to a struct:

let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
let foo_ref = &foo;
let x_ref = &foo_ref.x;
// this has the same effect as let x_ref = &foo.x

Reading and Writing Fields

If you need to read and copy a field's value, you can then dereference the borrowed field:

let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
let bar = Bar(copy foo);
let x: u64 = *&foo.x;
let y: bool = *&foo.y;
let foo2: Foo = *&bar.0;

More canonically, the dot operator can be used to read fields of a struct without any borrowing. As is true with dereferencing, the field type must have the copy ability.

let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
let x = foo.x;  // x == 3
let y = foo.y;  // y == true

Dot operators can be chained to access nested fields:

let bar = Bar(Foo { x: 3, y: true });
let x = baz.0.x; // x = 3;

However, this is not permitted for fields that contain non-primitive types, such a vector or another struct:

let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
let bar = Bar(foo);
let foo2: Foo = *&bar.0;
let foo3: Foo = bar.0; // error! must add an explicit copy with *&

We can mutably borrow a field to a struct to assign it a new value:

let mut foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
*&mut foo.x = 42;     // foo = Foo { x: 42, y: true }
*&mut foo.y = !foo.y; // foo = Foo { x: 42, y: false }
let mut bar = Bar(foo);               // bar = Bar(Foo { x: 42, y: false })
*&mut bar.0.x = 52;                   // bar = Bar(Foo { x: 52, y: false })
*&mut bar.0 = Foo { x: 62, y: true }; // bar = Bar(Foo { x: 62, y: true })

Similar to dereferencing, we can instead directly use the dot operator to modify a field. And in both cases, the field type must have the drop ability.

let mut foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
foo.x = 42;     // foo = Foo { x: 42, y: true }
foo.y = !foo.y; // foo = Foo { x: 42, y: false }
let mut bar = Bar(foo);         // bar = Bar(Foo { x: 42, y: false })
bar.0.x = 52;                   // bar = Bar(Foo { x: 52, y: false })
bar.0 = Foo { x: 62, y: true }; // bar = Bar(Foo { x: 62, y: true })

The dot syntax for assignment also works via a reference to a struct:

let foo = Foo { x: 3, y: true };
let foo_ref = &mut foo;
foo_ref.x = foo_ref.x + 1;

Privileged Struct Operations

Most struct operations on a struct type T can only be performed inside the module that declares T:

  • Struct types can only be created ("packed"), destroyed ("unpacked") inside the module that defines the struct.
  • The fields of a struct are only accessible inside the module that defines the struct.

Following these rules, if you want to modify your struct outside the module, you will need to provide public APIs for them. The end of the chapter contains some examples of this.

However as stated in the visibility section above, struct types are always visible to another module

module a::m {
    public struct Foo has drop { x: u64 }

    public fun new_foo(): Foo {
        Foo { x: 42 }

module a::n {
    use a::m::Foo;

    public struct Wrapper has drop {
        foo: Foo
        //   ^ valid the type is public


    fun f1(foo: Foo) {
        let x = foo.x;
        //      ^ ERROR! cannot access fields of `Foo` outside of `a::m`

    fun f2() {
        let foo_wrapper = Wrapper { foo: m::new_foo() };
        //                               ^ valid the function is public


As mentioned above in Defining Structs, structs are by default linear and ephemeral. This means they cannot be copied or dropped. This property can be very useful when modeling real world assets like money, as you do not want money to be duplicated or get lost in circulation.

module a::m {
    public struct Foo { x: u64 }

    public fun copying() {
        let foo = Foo { x: 100 };
        let foo_copy = copy foo; // ERROR! 'copy'-ing requires the 'copy' ability
        let foo_ref = &foo;
        let another_copy = *foo_ref // ERROR! dereference requires the 'copy' ability

    public fun destroying_1() {
        let foo = Foo { x: 100 };

        // error! when the function returns, foo still contains a value.
        // This destruction requires the 'drop' ability

    public fun destroying_2(f: &mut Foo) {
        *f = Foo { x: 100 } // error!
                            // destroying the old value via a write requires the 'drop' ability

To fix the example fun destroying_1, you would need to manually "unpack" the value:

module a::m {
    public struct Foo { x: u64 }

    public fun destroying_1_fixed() {
        let foo = Foo { x: 100 };
        let Foo { x: _ } = foo;

Recall that you are only able to deconstruct a struct within the module in which it is defined. This can be leveraged to enforce certain invariants in a system, for example, conservation of money.

If on the other hand, your struct does not represent something valuable, you can add the abilities copy and drop to get a struct value that might feel more familiar from other programming languages:

module a::m {
    public struct Foo has copy, drop { x: u64 }

    public fun run() {
        let foo = Foo { x: 100 };
        let foo_copy = foo;
        //             ^ this code copies foo,
        //             whereas `let x = move foo` would move foo

        let x = foo.x;            // x = 100
        let x_copy = foo_copy.x;  // x = 100

        // both foo and foo_copy are implicitly discarded when the function returns


Structs can be used to define storage schemas, but the details are different per deployment of Move. See the documentation for the key ability and Sui objects for more details.


An enum is a user-defined data structure containing one or more variants. Each variant can optionally contain typed fields. The number, and types of these fields can differ for each variant in the enumeration. Fields in enums can store any non-reference, non-tuple type, including other structs or enums.

As a simple example, consider the following enum definition in Move:

public enum Action {
    Pause { duration: u32 },
    MoveTo { x: u64, y: u64 },

This declares an enum Action that represents different actions that can be taken by a game -- you can Stop, Pause for a given duration, MoveTo a specific location, or Jump to a specific height.

Similar to structs, enums can have abilities that control what operations can be performed on them. It is important to note however that enums cannot have the key ability since they cannot be top-level objects.

Defining Enums

Enums must be defined in a module, an enum must contain at least one variant, and each variant of an enum can either have no fields, positional fields, or named fields. Here are some examples of each:

module a::m {
    public enum Foo has drop {
        //                 ^ note: it is fine to have a trailing comma after variant declarations
    public enum Bar has copy, drop {
        VariantWithPositionalFields(u64, bool),
    public enum Baz has drop {
        VariantWithNamedFields { x: u64, y: bool, z: Bar },

Enums cannot be recursive in any of their variants, so the following definitions of an enum are not allowed because they would be recursive in at least one variant.


module a::m {
    public enum Foo {
        //        ^ error: recursive enum variant
    public enum List {
        Cons { head: u64, tail: List },
        //                      ^ error: recursive enum variant
    public enum BTree<T> {
        Node { left: BTree<T>, right: BTree<T> },
        //           ^ error: recursive enum variant

    // Mutually recursive enums are also not allowed
    public enum MutuallyRecursiveA {
        //    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: recursive enum variant

    public enum MutuallyRecursiveB {
        //    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: recursive enum variant


All enums are declared as public. This means that the type of the enum can be referred to from any other module. However, the variants of the enum, the fields within each variant, and the ability to create or destroy variants of the enum are internal to the module that defines the enum.


Just like with structs, by default an enum declaration is linear and ephemeral. To use an enum value in a non-linear or non-ephemeral way -- i.e., copied, dropped, or stored in an object -- you need to grant it additional abilities by annotating them with has <ability>:

module a::m {
    public enum Foo has copy, drop {

The ability declaration can occur either before or after the enum's variants, however only one or the other can be used, and not both. If declared after the variants, the ability declaration must be terminated with a semicolon:

module a::m {
    public enum PreNamedAbilities has copy, drop { Variant }
    public enum PostNamedAbilities { Variant } has copy, drop;
    public enum PostNamedAbilitiesInvalid { Variant } has copy, drop
    //                                                              ^ ERROR! missing semicolon

    public enum NamedInvalidAbilities has copy { Variant } has drop;
    //                                                     ^ ERROR! duplicate ability declaration

For more details, see the section on annotating abilities.


Enums and variants within enums must start with a capital letter A to Z. After the first letter, enum names can contain underscores _, lowercase letters a to z, uppercase letters A to Z, or digits 0 to 9.

public enum Foo { Variant }
public enum BAR { Variant }
public enum B_a_z_4_2 { V_a_riant_0 }

This naming restriction of starting with A to Z is in place to give room for future language features.

Using Enums

Creating Enum Variants

Values of an enum type can be created (or "packed") by indicating a variant of the enum, followed by a value for each field in the variant. The variant name must always be qualified by the enum's name.

Similarly to structs, for a variant with named fields, the order of the fields does not matter but the field names need to be provided. For a variant with positional fields, the order of the fields matters and the order of the fields must match the order in the variant declaration. It must also be created using () instead of {}. If the variant has no fields, the variant name is sufficient and no () or {} needs to be used.

module a::m {
    public enum Action has drop {
        Pause { duration: u32 },
        MoveTo { x: u64, y: u64 },
    public enum Other has drop {

    fun example() {
        // Note: The `Stop` variant of `Action` doesn't have fields so no parentheses or curlies are needed.
        let stop = Action::Stop;
        let pause = Action::Pause { duration: 10 };
        let move_to = Action::MoveTo { x: 10, y: 20 };
        let jump = Action::Jump(10);
        // Note: The `Stop` variant of `Other` does have positional fields so we need to supply them.
        let other_stop = Other::Stop(10);

For variants with named fields you can also use the shorthand syntax that you might be familiar with from structs to create the variant:

let duration = 10;

let pause = Action::Pause { duration: duration };
// is equivalent to
let pause = Action::Pause { duration };

Pattern Matching Enum Variants and Destructuring

Since enum values can take on different shapes, dot access to fields of variants is not allowed like it is for struct fields. Instead, to access fields within a variant -- either by value, or immutable or mutable reference -- you must use pattern matching.

You can pattern match on Move values by value, immutable reference, and mutable reference. When pattern matching by value, the value is moved into the match arm. When pattern matching by reference, the value is borrowed into the match arm (either immutably or mutably). We'll go through a brief description of pattern matching using match here, but for more information on pattern matching using match in Move see the Pattern Matching section.

A match statement is used to pattern match on a Move value and consists of a number of match arms. Each match arm consists of a pattern, an arrow =>, and an expression, followed by a comma ,. The pattern can be a struct, enum variant, binding (x, y), wildcard (_ or ..), constant (ConstValue), or literal value (true, 42, and so on). The value is matched against each pattern from the top-down, and will match the first pattern that structurally matches the value. Once the value is matched, the expression on the right hand side of the => is executed.

Additionally, match arms can have optional guards that are checked after the pattern matches but before the expression is executed. Guards are specified by the if keyword followed by an expression that must evaluate to a boolean value before the =>.

module a::m {
    public enum Action has drop {
        Pause { duration: u32 },
        MoveTo { x: u64, y: u64 },

    public struct GameState {
        // Fields containing a game state
        character_x: u64,
        character_y: u64,
        character_height: u64,
        // ...

    fun perform_action(stat: &mut GameState, action: Action) {
        match (action) {
            // Handle the `Stop` variant
            Action::Stop => state.stop(),
            // Handle the `Pause` variant
            // If the duration is 0, do nothing
            Action::Pause { duration: 0 } => (),
            Action::Pause { duration } => state.pause(duration),
            // Handle the `MoveTo` variant
            Action::MoveTo { x, y } => state.move_to(x, y),
            // Handle the `Jump` variant
            // if the game disallows jumps then do nothing
            Action::Jump(_) if (state.jumps_not_allowed()) => (),
            // otherwise, jump to the specified height
            Action::Jump(height) => state.jump(height),

To see how to pattern match on an enum to update values within it mutably, let's take the following example of a simple enum that has two variants, each with a single field. We can then write two functions, one that only increments the value of the first variant, and another that only increments the value of the second variant:

module a::m {
    public enum SimpleEnum {

    public fun incr_enum_variant1(simple_enum: &mut SimpleEnum) {
        match (simple_enum) {
            SimpleEnum::Variant1(mut value) => *value += 1,
            _ => (),

    public fun incr_enum_variant2(simple_enum: &mut SimpleEnum) {
        match (simple_enum) {
            SimpleEnum::Variant2(mut value) => *value += 1,
            _ => (),

Now, if we have a value of SimpleEnum we can use the functions to increment the value of this variant:

let mut x = SimpleEnum::Variant1(10);
incr_enum_variant1(&mut x);
assert!(x == SimpleEnum::Variant1(11));
// Doesn't increment since it increments a different variant
incr_enum_variant2(&mut x);
assert!(x == SimpleEnum::Variant1(11));

When pattern matching on a Move value that does not have the drop ability, the value must be consumed or destructured in each match arm. If the value is not consumed or destructured in a match arm, the compiler will raise an error. This is to ensure that all possible values are handled in the match statement.

As an example, consider the following code:

module a::m {
    public enum X { Variant { x: u64 } }

    public fun bad(x: X) {
        match (x) {
            _ => (),
           // ^ ERROR! value of type `X` is not consumed or destructured in this match arm

To properly handle this, you will need to destructure X and all its variants in the match's arm(s):

module a::m {
    public enum X { Variant { x: u64 } }

    public fun good(x: X) {
        match (x) {
            // OK! Compiles since the value is destructured
            X::Variant { x: _ } => (),

Overwriting to Enum Values

As long as the enum has the drop ability, you can overwrite the value of an enum with a new value of the same type just as you might with other values in Move.

module a::m {
    public enum X has drop {

    public fun overwrite_enum(x: &mut X) {
        *x = X::A(10);
let mut x = X::B(20);
overwrite_enum(&mut x);
assert!(x == X::A(10));


Constants are a way of giving a name to shared, static values inside of a module.

The constant's value must be known at compilation. The constant's value is stored in the compiled module. And each time the constant is used, a new copy of that value is made.


Constant declarations begin with the const keyword, followed by a name, a type, and a value.

const <name>: <type> = <expression>;

For example

module a::example {
    const MY_ADDRESS: address = @a;

    public fun permissioned(addr: address) {
        assert!(addr == MY_ADDRESS, 0);


Constants must start with a capital letter A to Z. After the first letter, constant names can contain underscores _, letters a to z, letters A to Z, or digits 0 to 9.

const FLAG: bool = false;
const EMyErrorCode: u64 = 0;
const ADDRESS_42: address = @0x42;

Even though you can use letters a to z in a constant. The general style guidelines are to use just uppercase letters A to Z, with underscores _ between each word. For error codes, we use E as a prefix and then upper camel case (also known as Pascal case) for the rest of the name, as seen in EMyErrorCode.

The current naming restriction of starting with A to Z is in place to give room for future language features.


public or public(package) constants are not currently supported. const values can be used only in the declaring module. However, as a convenience, they can be used across modules in unit tests attributes.

Valid Expressions

Currently, constants are limited to the primitive types bool, u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, u256, address, and vector<T>, where T is the valid type for a constant.


Commonly, consts are assigned a simple value, or literal, of their type. For example

const MY_BOOL: bool = false;
const MY_ADDRESS: address = @0x70DD;
const BYTES: vector<u8> = b"hello world";
const HEX_BYTES: vector<u8> = x"DEADBEEF";

Complex Expressions

In addition to literals, constants can include more complex expressions, as long as the compiler is able to reduce the expression to a value at compile time.

Currently, equality operations, all boolean operations, all bitwise operations, and all arithmetic operations can be used.

const RULE: bool = true && false;
const CAP: u64 = 10 * 100 + 1;
const SHIFTY: u8 = {
    (1 << 1) * (1 << 2) * (1 << 3) * (1 << 4)
const HALF_MAX: u128 = 340282366920938463463374607431768211455 / 2;
const REM: u256 =
    57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968 % 654321;
const EQUAL: bool = 1 == 1;

If the operation would result in a runtime exception, the compiler will give an error that it is unable to generate the constant's value

const DIV_BY_ZERO: u64 = 1 / 0; // ERROR!
const SHIFT_BY_A_LOT: u64 = 1 << 100; // ERROR!
const NEGATIVE_U64: u64 = 0 - 1; // ERROR!

Additionally, constants can refer to other constants within the same module.

const BASE: u8 = 4;
const SQUARE: u8 = BASE * BASE;

Note though, that any cycle in the constant definitions results in an error.

const A: u16 = B + 1;
const B: u16 = A + 1; // ERROR!


Generics can be used to define functions and structs over different input data types. This language feature is sometimes referred to as parametric polymorphism. In Move, we will often use the term generics interchangeably with type parameters and type arguments.

Generics are commonly used in library code, such as in vector, to declare code that works over any possible type (that satisfies the specified constraints). This sort of parameterization allows you to reuse the same implementation across multiple types and situations.

Declaring Type Parameters

Both functions and structs can take a list of type parameters in their signatures, enclosed by a pair of angle brackets <...>.

Generic Functions

Type parameters for functions are placed after the function name and before the (value) parameter list. The following code defines a generic identity function that takes a value of any type and returns that value unchanged.

fun id<T>(x: T): T {
    // this type annotation is unnecessary but valid
    (x: T)

Once defined, the type parameter T can be used in parameter types, return types, and inside the function body.

Generic Structs

Type parameters for structs are placed after the struct name, and can be used to name the types of the fields.

public struct Foo<T> has copy, drop { x: T }

public struct Bar<T1, T2> has copy, drop {
    x: T1,
    y: vector<T2>,

Note that type parameters do not have to be used

Type Arguments

Calling Generic Functions

When calling a generic function, one can specify the type arguments for the function's type parameters in a list enclosed by a pair of angle brackets.

fun foo() {
    let x = id<bool>(true);

If you do not specify the type arguments, Move's type inference will supply them for you.

Using Generic Structs

Similarly, one can attach a list of type arguments for the struct's type parameters when constructing or destructing values of generic types.

fun foo() {
    // type arguments on construction
    let foo = Foo<bool> { x: true };
    let bar = Bar<u64, u8> { x: 0, y: vector<u8>[] };

    // type arguments on destruction
    let Foo<bool> { x } = foo;
    let Bar<u64, u8> { x, y } = bar;

In any case if you do not specify the type arguments, Move's type inference will supply them for you.

Type Argument Mismatch

If you specify the type arguments and they conflict with the actual values supplied, an error will be given:

fun foo() {
    let x = id<u64>(true); // ERROR! true is not a u64

and similarly:

fun foo() {
    let foo = Foo<bool> { x: 0 }; // ERROR! 0 is not a bool
    let Foo<address> { x } = foo; // ERROR! bool is incompatible with address

Type Inference

In most cases, the Move compiler will be able to infer the type arguments so you don't have to write them down explicitly. Here's what the examples above would look like if we omit the type arguments:

fun foo() {
    let x = id(true);
    //        ^ <bool> is inferred

    let foo = Foo { x: true };
    //           ^ <bool> is inferred

    let Foo { x } = foo;
    //     ^ <bool> is inferred

Note: when the compiler is unable to infer the types, you'll need annotate them manually. A common scenario is to call a function with type parameters appearing only at return positions.

module a::m {

    fun foo() {
        let v = vector[]; // ERROR!
        //            ^ The compiler cannot figure out the element type, since it is never used

        let v = vector<u64>[];
        //            ^~~~~ Must annotate manually in this case.

Note that these cases are a bit contrived since the vector[] is never used, ad as such, Move's type inference cannot infer the type.

However, the compiler will be able to infer the type if that value is used later in that function:

module a::m {
    fun foo() {
        let v = vector[];
        //            ^ <u64> is inferred
        vector::push_back(&mut v, 42);
        //               ^ <u64> is inferred

_ Type

In some cases, you might want to explicitly annotate some of the type arguments, but let the compiler infer the others. The _ type serves as such a placeholder for the compiler to infer the type.

let bar = Bar<u64, _> { x: 0, y: vector[b"hello"] };
//                 ^ vector<u8> is inferred

The placeholder _ may only appear in expressions and macro function definitions, not signatures. This means you cannot use _ as part of the definition of a function parameter, function return type, constant definition type, and datatype field.


In Move, the integer types u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, and u256 are all distinct types. However, each one of these types can be created with the same numerical value syntax. In other words, if a type suffix is not provided, the compiler will infer the integer type based on the usage of the value.

let x8: u8 = 0;
let x16: u16 = 0;
let x32: u32 = 0;
let x64: u64 = 0;
let x128: u128 = 0;
let x256: u256 = 0;

If the value is not used in a context that requires a specific integer type, u64 is taken as a default.

let x = 0;
//      ^ u64 is used by default

If the value however is too large for the inferred type, an error will be given

let i: u8 = 256; // ERROR!
//          ^^^ too large for u8
let x = 340282366920938463463374607431768211454;
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ too large for u64

In cases where the number is too large, you might need to annotate it explicitly

let x = 340282366920938463463374607431768211454u128;
//                                             ^^^^ valid!

Unused Type Parameters

For a struct definition, an unused type parameter is one that does not appear in any field defined in the struct, but is checked statically at compile time. Move allows unused type parameters so the following struct definition is valid:

public struct Foo<T> {
    foo: u64

This can be convenient when modeling certain concepts. Here is an example:

module a::m {
    // Currency Specifiers
    public struct A {}
    public struct B {}

    // A generic coin type that can be instantiated using a currency
    // specifier type.
    //   e.g. Coin<A>, Coin<B> etc.
    public struct Coin<Currency> has store {
        value: u64

    // Write code generically about all currencies
    public fun mint_generic<Currency>(value: u64): Coin<Currency> {
        Coin { value }

    // Write code concretely about one currency
    public fun mint_a(value: u64): Coin<A> {
    public fun mint_b(value: u64): Coin<B> {

In this example, Coin<Currency> is generic on the Currency type parameter, which specifies the currency of the coin and allows code to be written either generically on any currency or concretely on a specific currency. This generality applies even when the Currency type parameter does not appear in any of the fields defined in Coin.

Phantom Type Parameters

In the example above, although struct Coin asks for the store ability, neither Coin<A> nor Coin<B> will have the store ability. This is because of the rules for Conditional Abilities and Generic Types and the fact that A and B don't have the store ability, despite the fact that they are not even used in the body of struct Coin. This might cause some unpleasant consequences. For example, we are unable to put Coin<A> into a wallet in storage.

One possible solution would be to add spurious ability annotations to A and B (i.e., public struct Currency1 has store {}). But, this might lead to bugs or security vulnerabilities because it weakens the types with unnecessary ability declarations. For example, we would never expect a value in the storage to have a field in type A, but this would be possible with the spurious store ability. Moreover, the spurious annotations would be infectious, requiring many functions generic on the unused type parameter to also include the necessary constraints.

Phantom type parameters solve this problem. Unused type parameters can be marked as phantom type parameters, which do not participate in the ability derivation for structs. In this way, arguments to phantom type parameters are not considered when deriving the abilities for generic types, thus avoiding the need for spurious ability annotations. For this relaxed rule to be sound, Move's type system guarantees that a parameter declared as phantom is either not used at all in the struct definition, or it is only used as an argument to type parameters also declared as phantom.


In a struct definition a type parameter can be declared as phantom by adding the phantom keyword before its declaration.

public struct Coin<phantom Currency> has store {
    value: u64

If a type parameter is declared as phantom we say it is a phantom type parameter. When defining a struct, Move's type checker ensures that every phantom type parameter is either not used inside the struct definition or it is only used as an argument to a phantom type parameter.

public struct S1<phantom T1, T2> { f: u64 }
//               ^^^^^^^ valid, T1 does not appear inside the struct definition

public struct S2<phantom T1, T2> { f: S1<T1, T2> }
//               ^^^^^^^ valid, T1 appears in phantom position

The following code shows examples of violations of the rule:

public struct S1<phantom T> { f: T }
//               ^^^^^^^ ERROR!  ^ Not a phantom position

public struct S2<T> { f: T }
public struct S3<phantom T> { f: S2<T> }
//               ^^^^^^^ ERROR!     ^ Not a phantom position

More formally, if a type is used as an argument to a phantom type parameter we say the type appears in phantom position. With this definition in place, the rule for the correct use of phantom parameters can be specified as follows: A phantom type parameter can only appear in phantom position.

Note that specifying phantom is not required, but the compiler will warn if a type parameter could be phantom but was not marked as such.


When instantiating a struct, the arguments to phantom parameters are excluded when deriving the struct abilities. For example, consider the following code:

public struct S<T1, phantom T2> has copy { f: T1 }
public struct NoCopy {}
public struct HasCopy has copy {}

Consider now the type S<HasCopy, NoCopy>. Since S is defined with copy and all non-phantom arguments have copy then S<HasCopy, NoCopy> also has copy.

Phantom Type Parameters with Ability Constraints

Ability constraints and phantom type parameters are orthogonal features in the sense that phantom parameters can be declared with ability constraints.

public struct S<phantom T: copy> {}

When instantiating a phantom type parameter with an ability constraint, the type argument has to satisfy that constraint, even though the parameter is phantom. The usual restrictions apply and T can only be instantiated with arguments having copy.


In the examples above, we have demonstrated how one can use type parameters to define "unknown" types that can be plugged in by callers at a later time. This however means the type system has little information about the type and has to perform checks in a very conservative way. In some sense, the type system must assume the worst case scenario for an unconstrained generic--a type with no abilities.

Constraints offer a way to specify what properties these unknown types have so the type system can allow operations that would otherwise be unsafe.

Declaring Constraints

Constraints can be imposed on type parameters using the following syntax.

// T is the name of the type parameter
T: <ability> (+ <ability>)*

The <ability> can be any of the four abilities, and a type parameter can be constrained with multiple abilities at once. So all of the following would be valid type parameter declarations:

T: copy
T: copy + drop
T: copy + drop + store + key

Verifying Constraints

Constraints are checked at instantiation sites

public struct Foo<T: copy> { x: T }

public struct Bar { x: Foo<u8> }
//                         ^^ valid, u8 has `copy`

public struct Baz<T> { x: Foo<T> }
//                            ^ ERROR! T does not have 'copy'

And similarly for functions

fun unsafe_consume<T>(x: T) {
    // ERROR! x does not have 'drop'

fun consume<T: drop>(x: T) {
    // valid, x will be dropped automatically

public struct NoAbilities {}

fun foo() {
    let r = NoAbilities {};
    //      ^^^^^^^^^^^ ERROR! NoAbilities does not have 'drop'

And some similar examples, but with copy

fun unsafe_double<T>(x: T) {
    (copy x, x)
    // ERROR! T does not have 'copy'

fun double<T: copy>(x: T) {
    (copy x, x) // valid, T has 'copy'

public struct NoAbilities {}

fun foo(): (NoAbilities, NoAbilities) {
    let r = NoAbilities {};
    //     ^ ERROR! NoAbilities does not have 'copy'

For more information, see the abilities section on conditional abilities and generic types.

Limitations on Recursions

Recursive Structs

Generic structs can not contain fields of the same type, either directly or indirectly, even with different type arguments. All of the following struct definitions are invalid:

public struct Foo<T> {
    x: Foo<u64> // ERROR! 'Foo' containing 'Foo'

public struct Bar<T> {
    x: Bar<T> // ERROR! 'Bar' containing 'Bar'

// ERROR! 'A' and 'B' forming a cycle, which is not allowed either.
public struct A<T> {
    x: B<T, u64>

public struct B<T1, T2> {
    x: A<T1>
    y: A<T2>

Advanced Topic: Type-level Recursions

Move allows generic functions to be called recursively. However, when used in combination with generic structs, this could create an infinite number of types in certain cases, and allowing this means adding unnecessary complexity to the compiler, vm and other language components. Therefore, such recursions are forbidden.

This restriction might be relaxed in the future, but for now, the following examples should give you an idea of what is allowed and what is not.

module a::m {
    public struct A<T> {}

    // Finitely many types -- allowed.
    // foo<T> -> foo<T> -> foo<T> -> ... is valid
    fun foo<T>() {

    // Finitely many types -- allowed.
    // foo<T> -> foo<A<u64>> -> foo<A<u64>> -> ... is valid
    fun foo<T>() {

Not allowed:

module a::m {
    public struct A<T> {}

    // Infinitely many types -- NOT allowed.
    // error!
    // foo<T> -> foo<A<T>> -> foo<A<A<T>>> -> ...
    fun foo<T>() {

And similarly, not allowed:

module a::n {
    public struct A<T> {}

    // Infinitely many types -- NOT allowed.
    // error!
    // foo<T1, T2> -> bar<T2, T1> -> foo<T2, A<T1>>
    //   -> bar<A<T1>, T2> -> foo<A<T1>, A<T2>>
    //   -> bar<A<T2>, A<T1>> -> foo<A<T2>, A<A<T1>>>
    //   -> ...
    fun foo<T1, T2>() {
        bar<T2, T1>();

    fun bar<T1, T2> {
        foo<T1, A<T2>>();

Note, the check for type level recursions is based on a conservative analysis on the call sites and does NOT take control flow or runtime values into account.

module a::m {
    public struct A<T> {}

    // Infinitely many types -- NOT allowed.
    // error!
    fun foo<T>(n: u64) {
        if (n > 0) foo<A<T>>(n - 1);

The function in the example above will technically terminate for any given input and therefore only creating finitely many types, but it is still considered invalid by Move's type system.


Abilities are a typing feature in Move that control what actions are permissible for values of a given type. This system grants fine grained control over the "linear" typing behavior of values, as well as if and how values are used in storage (as defined by the specific deployment of Move, e.g. the notion of storage for the blockchain). This is implemented by gating access to certain bytecode instructions so that for a value to be used with the bytecode instruction, it must have the ability required (if one is required at all—not every instruction is gated by an ability).

For Sui, key is used to signify an object. Objects are the basic unit of storage where each object has a unique, 32-byte ID. store is then used to both indicate what data can be stored inside of an object, and is also used to indicate what types can be transferred outside of their defining module.

The Four Abilities

The four abilities are:

  • copy
    • Allows values of types with this ability to be copied.
  • drop
    • Allows values of types with this ability to be popped/dropped.
  • store
    • Allows values of types with this ability to exist inside a value in storage.
    • For Sui, store controls what data can be stored inside of an object. store also controls what types can be transferred outside of their defining module.
  • key
    • Allows the type to serve as a "key" for storage. Ostensibly this means the value can be a top-level value in storage; in other words, it does not need to be contained in another value to be in storage.
    • For Sui, key is used to signify an object.


The copy ability allows values of types with that ability to be copied. It gates the ability to copy values out of local variables with the copy operator and to copy values via references with dereference *e.

If a value has copy, all values contained inside of that value have copy.


The drop ability allows values of types with that ability to be dropped. By dropped, we mean that value is not transferred and is effectively destroyed as the Move program executes. As such, this ability gates the ability to ignore values in a multitude of locations, including:

If a value has drop, all values contained inside of that value have drop.


The store ability allows values of types with this ability to exist inside of a value in storage, but not necessarily as a top-level value in storage. This is the only ability that does not directly gate an operation. Instead it gates the existence in storage when used in tandem with key.

If a value has store, all values contained inside of that value have store.

For Sui, store serves double duty. It controls what values can appear inside of an object, and what objects can be transferred outside of their defining module.


The key ability allows the type to serve as a key for storage operations as defined by the deployment of Move. While it is specific per Move instance, it serves to gates all storage operations, so in order for a type to be used with storage primitives, the type must have the key ability.

If a value has key, all values contained inside of that value have store. This is the only ability with this sort of asymmetry.

For Sui, key is used to signify an object.

Builtin Types

All primitive, builtin types have copy, drop, and store.

  • bool, u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, u256, and address all have copy, drop, and store.
  • vector<T> may have copy, drop, and store depending on the abilities of T.
  • Immutable references & and mutable references &mut both have copy and drop.
    • This refers to copying and dropping the reference itself, not what they refer to.
    • References cannot appear in global storage, hence they do not have store.

Note that none of the primitive types have key, meaning none of them can be used directly with storage operations.

Annotating Structs and Enums

To declare that a struct or enum has an ability, it is declared with has <ability> after the datatype name and either before or after the fields/variants. For example:

public struct Ignorable has drop { f: u64 }
public struct Pair has copy, drop, store { x: u64, y: u64 }
public struct MyVec(vector<u64>) has copy, drop, store;

public enum IgnorableEnum has drop { Variant }
public enum PairEnum has copy, drop, store { Variant }
public enum MyVecEnum { Variant } has copy, drop, store;

In this case: Ignorable* has the drop ability. Pair* and MyVec* both have copy, drop, and store.

All of these abilities have strong guarantees over these gated operations. The operation can be performed on the value only if it has that ability; even if the value is deeply nested inside of some other collection!

As such: when declaring a struct’s abilities, certain requirements are placed on the fields. All fields must satisfy these constraints. These rules are necessary so that structs satisfy the reachability rules for the abilities given above. If a struct is declared with the ability...

  • copy, all fields must have copy.
  • drop, all fields must have drop.
  • store, all fields must have store.
  • key, all fields must have store.
    • key is the only ability currently that doesn’t require itself.

An enum can have any of these abilities with the exception of key, which enums cannot have because they cannot be top-level values (objects) in storage. The same rules apply to fields of enum variants as they do for struct fields though. In particular, if an enum is declared with the ability...

  • copy, all fields of all variants must have copy.
  • drop, all fields of all variants must have drop.
  • store, all fields of all variants must have store.
  • key, is not allowed on enums as previously mentioned.

For example:

// A struct without any abilities
public struct NoAbilities {}

public struct WantsCopy has copy {
    f: NoAbilities, // ERROR 'NoAbilities' does not have 'copy'

public enum WantsCopyEnum has copy {
    Variant2(NoAbilities), // ERROR 'NoAbilities' does not have 'copy'

and similarly:

// A struct without any abilities
public struct NoAbilities {}

public struct MyData has key {
    f: NoAbilities, // Error 'NoAbilities' does not have 'store'

public struct MyDataEnum has store {
    Variant2(NoAbilities), // Error 'NoAbilities' does not have 'store'

Conditional Abilities and Generic Types

When abilities are annotated on a generic type, not all instances of that type are guaranteed to have that ability. Consider this struct declaration:

// public struct Cup<T> has copy, drop, store, key { item: T }

It might be very helpful if Cup could hold any type, regardless of its abilities. The type system can see the type parameter, so it should be able to remove abilities from Cup if it sees a type parameter that would violate the guarantees for that ability.

This behavior might sound a bit confusing at first, but it might be more understandable if we think about collection types. We could consider the builtin type vector to have the following type declaration:

vector<T> has copy, drop, store;

We want vectors to work with any type. We don't want separate vector types for different abilities. So what are the rules we would want? Precisely the same that we would want with the field rules above. So, it would be safe to copy a vector value only if the inner elements can be copied. It would be safe to ignore a vector value only if the inner elements can be ignored/dropped. And, it would be safe to put a vector in storage only if the inner elements can be in storage.

To have this extra expressiveness, a type might not have all the abilities it was declared with depending on the instantiation of that type; instead, the abilities a type will have depends on both its declaration and its type arguments. For any type, type parameters are pessimistically assumed to be used inside of the struct, so the abilities are only granted if the type parameters meet the requirements described above for fields. Taking Cup from above as an example:

  • Cup has the ability copy only if T has copy.
  • It has drop only if T has drop.
  • It has store only if T has store.
  • It has key only if T has store.

Here are examples for this conditional system for each ability:

Example: conditional copy

public struct NoAbilities {}
public struct S has copy, drop { f: bool }
public struct Cup<T> has copy, drop, store { item: T }

fun example(c_x: Cup<u64>, c_s: Cup<S>) {
    // Valid, 'Cup<u64>' has 'copy' because 'u64' has 'copy'
    let c_x2 = copy c_x;
    // Valid, 'Cup<S>' has 'copy' because 'S' has 'copy'
    let c_s2 = copy c_s;

fun invalid(c_account: Cup<signer>, c_n: Cup<NoAbilities>) {
    // Invalid, 'Cup<signer>' does not have 'copy'.
    // Even though 'Cup' was declared with copy, the instance does not have 'copy'
    // because 'signer' does not have 'copy'
    let c_account2 = copy c_account;
    // Invalid, 'Cup<NoAbilities>' does not have 'copy'
    // because 'NoAbilities' does not have 'copy'
    let c_n2 = copy c_n;

Example: conditional drop

public struct NoAbilities {}
public struct S has copy, drop { f: bool }
public struct Cup<T> has copy, drop, store { item: T }

fun unused() {
    Cup<bool> { item: true }; // Valid, 'Cup<bool>' has 'drop'
    Cup<S> { item: S { f: false }}; // Valid, 'Cup<S>' has 'drop'

fun left_in_local(c_account: Cup<signer>): u64 {
    let c_b = Cup<bool> { item: true };
    let c_s = Cup<S> { item: S { f: false }};
    // Valid return: 'c_account', 'c_b', and 'c_s' have values
    // but 'Cup<signer>', 'Cup<bool>', and 'Cup<S>' have 'drop'

fun invalid_unused() {
    // Invalid, Cannot ignore 'Cup<NoAbilities>' because it does not have 'drop'.
    // Even though 'Cup' was declared with 'drop', the instance does not have 'drop'
    // because 'NoAbilities' does not have 'drop'
    Cup<NoAbilities> { item: NoAbilities {} };

fun invalid_left_in_local(): u64 {
    let n = Cup<NoAbilities> { item: NoAbilities {} };
    // Invalid return: 'c_n' has a value
    // and 'Cup<NoAbilities>' does not have 'drop'

Example: conditional store

public struct Cup<T> has copy, drop, store { item: T }

// 'MyInnerData is declared with 'store' so all fields need 'store'
struct MyInnerData has store {
    yes: Cup<u64>, // Valid, 'Cup<u64>' has 'store'
    // no: Cup<signer>, Invalid, 'Cup<signer>' does not have 'store'

// 'MyData' is declared with 'key' so all fields need 'store'
struct MyData has key {
    yes: Cup<u64>, // Valid, 'Cup<u64>' has 'store'
    inner: Cup<MyInnerData>, // Valid, 'Cup<MyInnerData>' has 'store'
    // no: Cup<signer>, Invalid, 'Cup<signer>' does not have 'store'

Example: conditional key

public struct NoAbilities {}
public struct MyData<T> has key { f: T }

fun valid(addr: address) acquires MyData {
    // Valid, 'MyData<u64>' has 'key'
    transfer(addr, MyData<u64> { f: 0 });

fun invalid(addr: address) {
   // Invalid, 'MyData<NoAbilities>' does not have 'key'
   transfer(addr, MyData<NoAbilities> { f: NoAbilities {} })
   // Invalid, 'MyData<NoAbilities>' does not have 'key'
   // Invalid, 'MyData<NoAbilities>' does not have 'key'

// Mock storage operation
native public fun transfer<T: key>(addr: address, value: T);

Uses and Aliases

The use syntax can be used to create aliases to members in other modules. use can be used to create aliases that last either for the entire module, or for a given expression block scope.


There are several different syntax cases for use. Starting with the most simple, we have the following for creating aliases to other modules

use <address>::<module name>;
use <address>::<module name> as <module alias name>;

For example

use std::vector;
use std::option as o;

use std::vector; introduces an alias vector for std::vector. This means that anywhere you would want to use the module name std::vector (assuming this use is in scope), you could use vector instead. use std::vector; is equivalent to use std::vector as vector;

Similarly use std::option as o; would let you use o instead of std::option

use std::vector;
use std::option as o;

fun new_vec(): vector<o::Option<u8>> {
    let mut v = vector[];
    vector::push_back(&mut v, o::some(0));
    vector::push_back(&mut v, o::none());

If you want to import a specific module member (such as a function or struct). You can use the following syntax.

use <address>::<module name>::<module member>;
use <address>::<module name>::<module member> as <member alias>;

For example

use std::vector::push_back;
use std::option::some as s;

This would let you use the function std::vector::push_back without full qualification. Similarly for std::option::some with s. Instead you could use push_back and s respectively. Again, use std::vector::push_back; is equivalent to use std::vector::push_back as push_back;

use std::vector::push_back;
use std::option::some as s;

fun new_vec(): vector<std::option::Option<u8>> {
    let mut v = vector[];
    vector::push_back(&mut v, s(0));
    vector::push_back(&mut v, std::option::none());

Multiple Aliases

If you want to add aliases for multiple module members at once, you can do so with the following syntax

use <address>::<module name>::{<module member>, <module member> as <member alias> ... };

For example

use std::vector::push_back;
use std::option::{some as s, none as n};

fun new_vec(): vector<std::option::Option<u8>> {
    let mut v = vector[];
    push_back(&mut v, s(0));
    push_back(&mut v, n());

Self aliases

If you need to add an alias to the Module itself in addition to module members, you can do that in a single use using Self. Self is a member of sorts that refers to the module.

use std::option::{Self, some, none};

For clarity, all of the following are equivalent:

use std::option;
use std::option as option;
use std::option::Self;
use std::option::Self as option;
use std::option::{Self};
use std::option::{Self as option};

Multiple Aliases for the Same Definition

If needed, you can have as many aliases for any item as you like

use std::vector::push_back;
use std::option::{Option, some, none};

fun new_vec(): vector<Option<u8>> {
    let mut v = vector[];
    push_back(&mut v, some(0));
    push_back(&mut v, none());

Nested imports

In Move, you can also import multiple names with the same use declaration. This brings all provided names into scope:

use std::{
    vector::{Self as vec, push_back},
    string::{String, Self as str}

fun example(s: &mut String) {
    let mut v = vec::empty();
    push_back(&mut v, 0);
    push_back(&mut v, 10);
    str::append_utf8(s, v);

Inside a module

Inside of a module all use declarations are usable regardless of the order of declaration.

module a::example {
    use std::vector;

    fun new_vec(): vector<Option<u8>> {
        let mut v = vector[];
        vector::push_back(&mut v, 0);
        vector::push_back(&mut v, 10);

    use std::option::{Option, some, none};

The aliases declared by use in the module usable within that module.

Additionally, the aliases introduced cannot conflict with other module members. See Uniqueness for more details

Inside an expression

You can add use declarations to the beginning of any expression block

module a::example {
    fun new_vec(): vector<Option<u8>> {
        use std::vector::push_back;
        use std::option::{Option, some, none};

        let mut v = vector[];
        push_back(&mut v, some(0));
        push_back(&mut v, none());

As with let, the aliases introduced by use in an expression block are removed at the end of that block.

module a::example {
    fun new_vec(): vector<Option<u8>> {
        let result = {
            use std::vector::push_back;
            use std::option::{Option, some, none};

            let mut v = vector[];
            push_back(&mut v, some(0));
            push_back(&mut v, none());

Attempting to use the alias after the block ends will result in an error

    fun new_vec(): vector<Option<u8>> {
        let mut result = {
            use std::vector::push_back;
            use std::option::{Option, some, none};

            let mut v = vector[];
            push_back(&mut v, some(0));
        push_back(&mut result, std::option::none());
        // ^^^^^^ ERROR! unbound function 'push_back'

Any use must be the first item in the block. If the use comes after any expression or let, it will result in a parsing error

    let mut v = vector[];
    use std::vector; // ERROR!

This allows you to shorten your import blocks in many situations. Note that these imports, as the previous ones, are all subject to the naming and uniqueness rules described in the following sections.

Naming rules

Aliases must follow the same rules as other module members. This means that aliases to structs (and constants) must start with A to Z

module a::data {
    public struct S {}
    const FLAG: bool = false;
    public fun foo() {}
module a::example {
    use a::data::{
        S as s, // ERROR!
        FLAG as fLAG, // ERROR!
        foo as FOO,  // valid
        foo as bar, // valid


Inside a given scope, all aliases introduced by use declarations must be unique.

For a module, this means aliases introduced by use cannot overlap

module a::example {
    use std::option::{none as foo, some as foo}; // ERROR!
    //                                     ^^^ duplicate 'foo'

    use std::option::none as bar;

    use std::option::some as bar; // ERROR!
    //                       ^^^ duplicate 'bar'


And, they cannot overlap with any of the module's other members

module a::data {
    public struct S {}
module example {
    use a::data::S;

    public struct S { value: u64 } // ERROR!
    //            ^ conflicts with alias 'S' above

Inside of an expression block, they cannot overlap with each other, but they can shadow other aliases or names from an outer scope


use aliases inside of an expression block can shadow names (module members or aliases) from the outer scope. As with shadowing of locals, the shadowing ends at the end of the expression block;

module a::example {

    public struct WrappedVector { vec: vector<u64> }

    public fun empty(): WrappedVector {
        WrappedVector { vec: std::vector::empty() }

    public fun push_back(v: &mut WrappedVector, value: u64) {
        std::vector::push_back(&mut v.vec, value);

    fun example1(): WrappedVector {
        use std::vector::push_back;
        // 'push_back' now refers to std::vector::push_back
        let mut vec = vector[];
        push_back(&mut vec, 0);
        push_back(&mut vec, 1);
        push_back(&mut vec, 10);
        WrappedVector { vec }

    fun example2(): WrappedVector {
        let vec = {
            use std::vector::push_back;
            // 'push_back' now refers to std::vector::push_back

            let mut v = vector[];
            push_back(&mut v, 0);
            push_back(&mut v, 1);
        // 'push_back' now refers to Self::push_back
        let mut res = WrappedVector { vec };
        push_back(&mut res, 10);

Unused Use or Alias

An unused use will result in a warning

module a::example {
    use std::option::{some, none}; // Warning!
    //                      ^^^^ unused alias 'none'

    public fun example(): std::option::Option<u8> {


As a syntactic convenience, some functions in Move can be called as "methods" on a value. This is done by using the . operator to call the function, where the value on the left-hand side of the . is the first argument to the function (sometimes called the receiver). The type of that value statically determines which function is called. This is an important difference from some other languages, where this syntax might indicate a dynamic call, where the function to be called is determined at runtime. In Move, all function calls are statically determined.

In short, this syntax exists to make it easier to call functions without having to create an alias with use, and without having to explicitly borrow the first argument to the function. Additionally, this can make code more readable, as it reduces the amount of boilerplate needed to call a function and makes it easier to chain function calls.


The syntax for calling a method is as follows:

<expression> . <identifier> <[type_arguments],*> ( <arguments> )

For example

*nums.borrow_mut(i) = 5;

Method Resolution

When a method is called, the compiler will statically determine which function is called based on the type of the receiver (the argument on the left-hand side of the .). The compiler maintains a mapping from type and method name to the module and function name that should be called. This mapping is created form the use fun aliases that are currently in scope, and from the appropriate functions in the receiver type's defining module. In all cases, the receiver type is the first argument to the function, whether by-value or by-reference.

In this section, when we say a method "resolves" to a function, we mean that the compiler will statically replace the method with a normal function call. For example if we have with foo resolving to a::m::foo, the compiler will replace with a::m::foo(x, e), potentially automatically borrowing x.

Functions in the Defining Module

In a type’s defining module, the compiler will automatically create a method alias for any function declaration for its types when the type is the first argument in the function. For example,

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop, store;
    public fun foo(x: &X) { ... }
    public fun bar(flag: bool, x: &X) { ... }

The function foo can be called as a method on a value of type X. However, not the first argument (and one is not created for bool since bool is not defined in that module). For example,

fun example(x: a::m::X) {; // valid
    //; ERROR!

use fun Aliases

Like a traditional use, a use fun statement creates an alias local to its current scope. This could be for the current module or the current expression block. However, the alias is associated to a type.

The syntax for a use fun statement is as follows:

use fun <function> as <type>.<method alias>;

This creates an alias for the <function>, which the <type> can receive as <method alias>.

For example

module a::cup {
    public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

    public fun cup_borrow<T>(c: &Cup<T>): &T {

    public fun cup_value<T>(c: Cup<T>): T {
        let Cup(t) = c;

    public fun cup_swap<T: drop>(c: &mut Cup<T>, t: T) {
        c.0 = t;

We can now create use fun aliases to these functions

module b::example {
    use fun a::cup::cup_borrow as Cup.borrow;
    use fun a::cup::cup_value as Cup.value;
    use fun a::cup::cup_swap as Cup.set;

    fun example(c: &mut Cup<u64>) {
        let _ = c.borrow(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_borrow
        let v = c.value(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_value
        c.set(v * 2); // resolves to a::cup::cup_swap

Note that the <function> in the use fun does not have to be a fully resolved path, and an alias can be used instead, so the declarations in the above example could equivalently be written as

    use a::cup::{Self, cup_swap};

    use fun cup::cup_borrow as Cup.borrow;
    use fun cup::cup_value as Cup.value;
    use fun cup_swap as Cup.set;

While these examples are cute for renaming the functions in the current module, the feature is perhaps more useful for declaring methods on types from other modules. For example, if we wanted to add a new utility to Cup, we could do so with a use fun alias and still use method syntax

module b::example {

    fun double(c: &Cup<u64>): Cup<u64> {
        let v = c.value();
        Cup::new(v * 2)


Normally, we would be stuck having to call it as double(&c) because b::example did not define Cup, but instead we can use a use fun alias

    fun double_double(c: Cup<u64>): (Cup<u64>, Cup<u64>) {
        use fun b::example::double as Cup.dub;
        (c.dub(), c.dub()) // resolves to b::example::double in both calls

While use fun can be made in any scope, the target <function> of the use fun must have a first argument that is the same as the <type>.

public struct X() has copy, drop, store;

fun new(): X { X() }
fun flag(flag: bool): u8 { if (flag) 1 else 0 }

use fun new as; // ERROR!
use fun flag as X.flag; // ERROR!
// Neither `new` nor `flag` has first argument of type `X`

But any first argument of the <type> can be used, including references and mutable references

public struct X() has copy, drop, store;

public fun by_val(_: X) {}
public fun by_ref(_: &X) {}
public fun by_mut(_: &mut X) {}

// All 3 valid, in any scope
use fun by_val as X.v;
use fun by_ref as X.r;
use fun by_mut as X.m;

Note for generics, the methods are associated for all instances of the generic type. You cannot overload the method to resolve to different functions depending on the instantiation.

public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

public fun value<T: copy>(c: &Cup<T>): T {

use fun value as Cup<bool>.flag; // ERROR!
use fun value as Cup<u64>.num; // ERROR!
// In both cases, `use fun` aliases cannot be generic, they must work for all instances of the type

public use fun Aliases

Unlike a traditional use, the use fun statement can be made public, which allows it to be used outside of its declared scope. A use fun can be made public if it is declared in the module that defines the receivers type, much like the method aliases that are automatically created for functions in the defining module. Or conversely, one can think that an implicit public use fun is created automatically for every function in the defining module that has a first argument of the receiver type (if it is defined in that module). Both of these views are equivalent.

module a::cup {
    public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

    public use fun cup_borrow as Cup.borrow;
    public fun cup_borrow<T>(c: &Cup<T>): &T {

In this example, a public method alias is created for a::cup::Cup.borrow and a::cup::Cup.cup_borrow. Both resolve to a::cup::cup_borrow. And both are "public" in the sense that they can be used outside of a::cup, without an additional use or use fun.

module b::example {

    fun example<T: drop>(c: a::cup::Cup<u64>) {
        c.borrow(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_borrow
        c.cup_borrow(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_borrow

The public use fun declarations thus serve as a way of renaming a function if you want to give it a cleaner name for use with method syntax. This is especially helpful if you have a module with multiple types, and similarly named functions for each type.

module a::shapes {

    public struct Rectangle { base: u64, height: u64 }
    public struct Box { base: u64, height: u64, depth: u64 }

    // Rectangle and Box can have methods with the same name

    public use fun rectangle_base as Rectangle.base;
    public fun rectangle_base(rectangle: &Rectangle): u64 {

    public use fun box_base as Box.base;
    public fun box_base(box: &Box): u64 {


Another use for public use fun is adding methods to types from other modules. This can be helpful in conjunction with functions spread out across a single package.

module a::cup {
    public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

    public fun new<T>(t: T): Cup<T> { Cup(t) }
    public fun borrow<T>(c: &Cup<T>): &T {
    // `public use fun` to a function defined in another module
    public use fun a::utils::split as Cup.split;

module a::utils {
    use a::m::{Self, Cup};

    public fun split<u64>(c: Cup<u64>): (Cup<u64>, Cup<u64>) {
        let Cup(t) = c;
        let half = t / 2;
        let rem = if (t > 0) t - half else 0;
        (cup::new(half), cup::new(rem))


And note that this public use fun does not create a circular dependency, as the use fun is not present after the module is compiled--all methods are resolved statically.

Interactions with use Aliases

A small detail to note is that method aliases respect normal use aliases.

module a::cup {
    public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

    public fun cup_borrow<T>(c: &Cup<T>): &T {

module b::other {
    use a::cup::{Cup, cup_borrow as borrow};

    fun example(c: &Cup<u64>) {
        c.borrow(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_borrow

A helpful way to think about this is that use creates an implicit use fun alias for the function whenever it can. In this case the use a::cup::cup_borrow as borrow creates an implicit use fun a::cup::cup_borrow as Cup.borrow because it would be a valid use fun alias. Both views are equivalent. This line of reasoning can inform how specific methods will resolve with shadowing. See the cases in Scoping for more details.


If not public, a use fun alias is local to its scope, much like a normal use. For example

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop, store;
    public fun foo(_: &X) {}
    public fun bar(_: &X) {}

module b::other {
    use a::m::X;

    use fun a::m::foo as X.f;

    fun example(x: &X) {
        x.f(); // resolves to a::m::foo
            use a::m::bar as f;
            x.f(); // resolves to a::m::bar
        x.f(); // still resolves to a::m::foo
            use fun a::m::bar as X.f;
            x.f(); // resolves to a::m::bar

Automatic Borrowing

When resolving a method, the compiler will automatically borrow the receiver if the function expects a reference. For example

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop;
    public fun by_val(_: X) {}
    public fun by_ref(_: &X) {}
    public fun by_mut(_: &mut X) {}

    fun example(mut x: X) {
        x.by_ref(); // resolves to a::m::by_ref(&x)
        x.by_mut(); // resolves to a::m::by_mut(&mut x)

In these examples, x was automatically borrowed to &x and &mut x respectively. This will also work through field access

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop;
    public fun by_val(_: X) {}
    public fun by_ref(_: &X) {}
    public fun by_mut(_: &mut X) {}

    public struct Y has drop { x: X }

    fun example(mut y: Y) {
        y.x.by_ref(); // resolves to a::m::by_ref(&y.x)
        y.x.by_mut(); // resolves to a::m::by_mut(&mut y.x)

Note that in both examples, the local variable had to be labeled as mut to allow for the &mut borrow. Without this, there would be an error saying that x (or y in the second example) is not mutable.

Keep in mind that without a reference, normal rules for variable and field access come into play. Meaning a value might be moved or copied if it is not borrowed.

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop;
    public fun by_val(_: X) {}
    public fun by_ref(_: &X) {}
    public fun by_mut(_: &mut X) {}

    public struct Y has drop { x: X }
    public fun drop_y(y: Y) { y }

    fun example(y: Y) {
        y.x.by_val(); // copies `y.x` since `by_val` is by-value and `X` has `copy`
        y.drop_y(); // moves `y` since `drop_y` is by-value and `Y` does _not_ have `copy`


Method calls can be chained, because any expression can be the receiver of the method.

module a::shapes {
    public struct Point has copy, drop, store { x: u64, y: u64 }
    public struct Line has copy, drop, store { start: Point, end: Point }

    public fun x(p: &Point): u64 { p.x }
    public fun y(p: &Point): u64 { p.y }

    public fun start(l: &Line): &Point { &l.start }
    public fun end(l: &Line): &Point { &l.end }


module b::example {
    use a::shapes::Line;

    public fun x_values(l: Line): (u64, u64) {
        (l.start().x(), l.end().x())


In this example for l.start().x(), the compiler first resolves l.start() to a::shapes::start(&l). Then .x() is resolved to a::shapes::x(a::shapes::start(&l)). Similarly for l.end().x(). Keep in mind, this feature is not "special"--the left-hand side of the . can be any expression, and the compiler will resolve the method call as normal. We simply draw attention to this sort of "chaining" because it is a common practice to increase readability.

Index Syntax

Move provides syntax attributes to allow you to define operations that look and feel like native Move code, lowering these operations into your user-provided definitions.

Our first syntax method, index, allows you to define a group of operations that can be used as custom index accessors for your datatypes, such as accessing a matrix element as m[i,j], by annotating functions that should be used for these index operations. Moreover, these definitions are bespoke per-type and available implicitly for any programmer using your type.

Overview and Summary

To start, consider a Matrix type that uses a vector of vectors to represent its values. You can write a small library using index syntax annotations on the borrow and borrow_mut functions as follows:

module matrix {

    public struct Matrix<T> { v: vector<vector<T>> }

    public fun borrow<T>(s: &Matrix<T>, i: u64, j: u64): &T {
        vector::borrow(vector::borrow(&s.v, i), j)

    public fun borrow_mut<T>(s: &mut Matrix<T>, i: u64, j: u64): &mut T {
        vector::borrow_mut(vector::borrow_mut(&mut s.v, i), j)

    public fun make_matrix<T>(v: vector<vector<T>>):  Matrix<T> {
        Matrix { v }


Now anyone using this Matrix type has access to index syntax for it:

let mut m = matrix::make_matrix(vector[
    vector[1, 0, 0],
    vector[0, 1, 0],
    vector[0, 0, 1],

let mut i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
    let mut j = 0;
    while (j < 3) {
        if (i == j) {
            assert!(m[i, j] == 1, 1);
        } else {
            assert!(m[i, j] == 0, 0);
        *(&mut m[i,j]) = 2;
        j = j + 1;
    i = i + 1;


As the example indicates, if you define a datatype and an associated index syntax method, anyone can invoke that method by writing index syntax on a value of that type:

let mat = matrix::make_matrix(...);
let m_0_0 = mat[0, 0];

During compilation, the compiler translates these into the appropriate function invocations based on the position and mutable usage of the expression:

let mut mat = matrix::make_matrix(...);

let m_0_0 = mat[0, 0];
// translates to `copy matrix::borrow(&mat, 0, 0)`

let m_0_0 = &mat[0, 0];
// translates to `matrix::borrow(&mat, 0, 0)`

let m_0_0 = &mut mat[0, 0];
// translates to `matrix::borrow_mut(&mut mat, 0, 0)`

You can also intermix index expressions with field accesses:

public struct V { v: vector<u64> }

public struct Vs { vs: vector<V> }

fun borrow_first(input: &Vs): &u64 {
    // translates to `vector::borrow(&vector::borrow(&input.vs, 0).v, 0)`

Index Functions Take Flexible Arguments

Note that, aside from the definition and type limitations described in the rest of this chapter, Move places no restrictions on the values your index syntax method takes as parameters. This allows you to implement intricate programmatic behavior when defining index syntax, such as a data structure that takes a default value if the index is out of bounds:

public fun borrow_or_set<Key: copy, Value: drop>(
    input: &mut MTable<Key, Value>,
    key: Key,
    default: Value
): &mut Value {
    if (contains(input, key)) {
        borrow(input, key)
    } else {
        insert(input, key, default);
        borrow(input, key)

Now, when you index into MTable, you must also provide a default value:

let string_key: String = ...;
let mut table: MTable<String, u64> = m_table::make_table();
let entry: &mut u64 = &mut table[string_key, 0];

This sort of extensible power allows you to write precise index interfaces for your types, concretely enforcing bespoke behavior.

Defining Index Syntax Functions

This powerful syntax form allows all of your user-defined datatypes to behave in this way, assuming your definitions adhere to the following rules:

  1. The #[syntax(index)] attribute is added to the designated functions defined in the same module as the subject type.
  2. The designated functions have public visibility.
  3. The functions take a reference type as its subject type (its first argument) and returns a matching references type (mut if the subject was mut).
  4. Each type has only a single mutable and single immutable definition.
  5. Immutable and mutable versions have type agreement:
    • The subject types match, differing only in mutability.
    • The return types match the mutability of their subject types.
    • Type parameters, if present, have identical constraints between both versions.
    • All parameters beyond the subject type are identical.

The following content and additional examples describe these rules in greater detail.


To declare an index syntax method, add the #[syntax(index)] attribute above the relevant function definition in the same module as the subject type's definition. This signals to the compiler that the function is an index accessor for the specified type.

Immutable Accessor

The immutable index syntax method is defined for read-only access. It takes an immutable reference of the subject type and returns an immutable reference to the element type. The borrow function defined in std::vector is an example of this:

public native fun borrow<Element>(v: &vector<Element>, i: u64): &Element;

Mutable Accessor

The mutable index syntax method is the dual of the immutable one, allowing for both read and write operations. It takes a mutable reference of the subject type and returns a mutable reference to the element type. The borrow_mut function defined in std::vector is an example of this:

public native fun borrow_mut<Element>(v: &mut vector<Element>, i: u64): &mut Element;


To ensure that indexing functions are available anywhere the type is used, all index syntax methods must have public visibility. This ensures ergonomic usage of indexing across modules and packages in Move.

No Duplicates

In addition to the above requirements, we restrict each subject base type to defining a single index syntax method for immutable references and a single index syntax method for mutable references. For example, you cannot define a specialized version for a polymorphic type:

public fun borrow_matrix_u64(s: &Matrix<u64>, i: u64, j: u64): &u64 { ... }

public fun borrow_matrix<T>(s: &Matrix<T>, i: u64, j: u64): &T { ... }
    // ERROR! Matrix already has a definition
    // for its immutable index syntax method

This ensures that you can always tell which method is being invoked, without the need to inspect type instantiation.

Type Constraints

By default, an index syntax method has the following type constraints:

Its subject type (first argument) must be a reference to a single type defined in the same module as the marked function. This means that you cannot define index syntax methods for tuples, type parameters, or values:

public fun borrow_fst(x: &(u64, u64), ...): &u64 { ... }
    // ERROR because the subject type is a tuple

public fun borrow_tyarg<T>(x: &T, ...): &T { ... }
    // ERROR because the subject type is a type parameter

public fun borrow_value(x: Matrix<u64>, ...): &u64 { ... }
    // ERROR because x is not a reference

The subject type must match mutability with the return type. This restriction allows you to clarify the expected behavior when borrowing an indexed expression as &vec[i] versus &mut vec[i]. The Move compiler uses the mutability marker to determine which borrow form to call to produce a reference of the appropriate mutability. As a result, we disallow index syntax methods whose subject and return mutability differ:

public fun borrow_imm(x: &mut Matrix<u64>, ...): &u64 { ... }
    // ERROR! incompatible mutability
    // expected a mutable reference '&mut' return type

Type Compatibility

When defining an immutable and mutable index syntax method pair, they are subject to a number of compatibility constraints:

  1. They must take the same number of type parameters, those type parameters must have the same constraints.
  2. Type parameters must be used the same by position, not name.
  3. Their subject types must match exactly except for the mutability.
  4. Their return types must match exactly except for the mutability.
  5. All other parameter types must match exactly.

These constraints are to ensure that index syntax behaves identically regardless of being in a mutable or immutable position.

To illustrate some of these errors, recall the previous Matrix definition:

public fun borrow<T>(s: &Matrix<T>, i: u64, j: u64): &T {
    vector::borrow(vector::borrow(&s.v, i), j)

All of the following are type-incompatible definitions of the mutable version:

public fun borrow_mut<T: drop>(s: &mut Matrix<T>, i: u64, j: u64): &mut T { ... }
    // ERROR! `T` has `drop` here, but no in the immutable version

public fun borrow_mut(s: &mut Matrix<u64>, i: u64, j: u64): &mut u64 { ... }
    // ERROR! This takes a different number of type parameters

public fun borrow_mut<T, U>(s: &mut Matrix<U>, i: u64, j: u64): &mut U { ... }
    // ERROR! This takes a different number of type parameters

public fun borrow_mut<U>(s: &mut Matrix<U>, i_j: (u64, u64)): &mut U { ... }
    // ERROR! This takes a different number of arguments

public fun borrow_mut<U>(s: &mut Matrix<U>, i: u64, j: u32): &mut U { ... }
    // ERROR! `j` is a different type

Again, the goal here is to make the usage across the immutable and mutable versions consistent. This allows index syntax methods to work without changing out the behavior or constraints based on mutable versus immutable usage, ultimately ensuring a consistent interface to program against.


Packages allow Move programmers to more easily re-use code and share it across projects. The Move package system allows programmers to easily:

  • Define a package containing Move code;
  • Parameterize a package by named addresses;
  • Import and use packages in other Move code and instantiate named addresses;
  • Build packages and generate associated compilation artifacts from packages; and
  • Work with a common interface around compiled Move artifacts.

Package Layout and Manifest Syntax

A Move package source directory contains a Move.toml package manifest file, a generated Move.lock file, and a set of subdirectories:

├── Move.toml      (required)
├── Move.lock      (generated)
├── sources        (required)
├── doc_templates  (optional)
├── examples       (optional, test & dev mode)
└── tests          (optional, test mode)

The directories and files labeled "required" must be present for a directory to be considered a Move package and built. Optional directories may be present, and if so, they will be included in the compilation process depending on the mode used to build the package. For instance, when built in "dev" or "test" modes, the tests and examples directories will also be included.

Going through each of these in turn:

  1. The Move.toml file is the package manifest and is required for a directory to be considered a Move package. This file contains metadata about the package, such as name, dependencies, and so on.
  2. The Move.lock file is generated by the Move CLI and contains the fixed build versions of the package and its dependencies. It is used to ensure consistent versions are used across different builds and that changes in dependencies are apparent as a change in this file.
  3. The sources directory is required and contains the Move modules that make up the package. Modules in this directory will always be included in the compilation process.
  4. The doc_templates directory can contain documentation templates that will be used when generating documentation for the package.
  5. The examples directory can hold additional code to be used only for development and/or tutorials, this will not be included when compiled outside of test or dev modes.
  6. The tests directory can contain Move modules that are only included when compiled in test mode or when Move unit tests are run.


The Move package manifest is defined within the Move.toml file and has the following syntax. Optional fields are marked with *, + denotes one or more elements:

name = <string>
edition* = <string>      # e.g., "2024.alpha" to use the Move 2024 edition,
                         # currently in alpha. Will default to the latest stable edition if not specified.
license* = <string>              # e.g., "MIT", "GPL", "Apache 2.0"
authors* = [<string>,+]  # e.g., ["Joe Smith (", "John Snow ("]

# Additional fields may be added to this section by external tools. E.g., on Sui the following sections are added:
published-at* = "<hex-address>" # The address that the package is published at. Should be set after the first publication.

[dependencies] # (Optional section) Paths to dependencies
# One or more lines declaring dependencies in the following format

# ##### Local Dependencies #####
# For local dependencies use `local = path`. Path is relative to the package root
# Local = { local = "../path/to" }
# To resolve a version conflict and force a specific version for dependency
# override you can use `override = true`
# Override = { local = "../conflicting/version", override = true }
# To instantiate address values in a dependency, use `addr_subst`
<string> = {
    local = <string>,
    override* = <bool>,
    addr_subst* = { (<string> = (<string> | "<hex_address>"))+ }

# ##### Git Dependencies #####
# For remote import, use the `{ git = "...", subdir = "...", rev = "..." }`.
# Revision must be supplied, it can be a branch, a tag, or a commit hash.
# If no `subdir` is specified, the root of the repository is used.
# MyRemotePackage = { git = "https://some.remote/host.git", subdir = "remote/path", rev = "main" }
<string> = {
    git = <URL ending in .git>,
    subdir=<path to dir containing Move.toml inside git repo>,
    rev=<git commit hash>,
    override* = <bool>,
    addr_subst* = { (<string> = (<string> | "<hex_address>"))+ }

[addresses]  # (Optional section) Declares named addresses in this package
# One or more lines declaring named addresses in the following format
# Addresses that match the name of the package must be set to `"0x0"` or they will be unable to be published.
<addr_name> = "_" | "<hex_address>" # e.g., std = "_" or my_addr = "0xC0FFEECAFE"

# Named addresses will be accessible in Move as `@name`. They're also exported:
# for example, `std = "0x1"` is exported by the Standard Library.
# alice = "0xA11CE"

[dev-dependencies] # (Optional section) Same as [dependencies] section, but only included in "dev" and "test" modes
# The dev-dependencies section allows overriding dependencies for `--test` and
# `--dev` modes. You can e.g., introduce test-only dependencies here.
# Local = { local = "../path/to/dev-build" }
<string> = {
    local = <string>,
    override* = <bool>,
    addr_subst* = { (<string> = (<string> | "<hex_address>"))+ }
<string> = {
    git = <URL ending in .git>,
    subdir=<path to dir containing Move.toml inside git repo>,
    rev=<git commit hash>,
    override* = <bool>,
    addr_subst* = { (<string> = (<string> | "<hex_address>"))+ }

[dev-addresses] # (Optional section) Same as [addresses] section, but only included in "dev" and "test" modes
# The dev-addresses section allows overwriting named addresses for the `--test`
# and `--dev` modes.
<addr_name> = "<hex_address>" # e.g., alice = "0xB0B"

An example of a minimal package manifest:

name = "AName"

An example of a more standard package manifest that also includes the Move standard library and instantiates the named address std from the LocalDep package with the address value 0x1:

name = "AName"
license = "Apache 2.0"

address_to_be_filled_in = "_"
specified_address = "0xB0B"

# Local dependency
LocalDep = { local = "projects/move-awesomeness", addr_subst = { "std" = "0x1" } }
# Git dependency
MoveStdlib = { git = "", subdir = "crates/sui-framework/packages/move-stdlib", rev = "framework/mainnet" }

[dev-addresses] # For use when developing this module
address_to_be_filled_in = "0x101010101"

Most of the sections in the package manifest are self explanatory, but named addresses can be a bit difficult to understand so we examine them in more detail in Named Addresses During Compilation.

Named Addresses During Compilation

Recall that Move has named addresses and that named addresses cannot be declared in Move. Instead they are declared at the package level: in the manifest file (Move.toml) for a Move package you declare named addresses in the package, instantiate other named addresses, and rename named addresses from other packages within the Move package system.

Let's go through each of these actions, and how they are performed in the package's manifest one-by-one:

Declaring Named Addresses

Let's say we have a Move module in example_pkg/sources/A.move as follows:

module named_addr::a {
    public fun x(): address { @named_addr }

We could in example_pkg/Move.toml declare the named address named_addr in two different ways. The first:

name = "example_pkg"
named_addr = "_"

Declares named_addr as a named address in the package example_pkg and that this address can be any valid address value. In particular, an importing package can pick the value of the named address named_addr to be any address it wishes. Intuitively you can think of this as parameterizing the package example_pkg by the named address named_addr, and the package can then be instantiated later on by an importing package.

named_addr can also be declared as:

name = "example_pkg"
named_addr = "0xCAFE"

which states that the named address named_addr is exactly 0xCAFE and cannot be changed. This is useful so other importing packages can use this named address without needing to worry about the exact value assigned to it.

With these two different declaration methods, there are two ways that information about named addresses can flow in the package graph:

  • The former ("unassigned named addresses") allows named address values to flow from the importation site to the declaration site.
  • The latter ("assigned named addresses") allows named address values to flow from the declaration site upwards in the package graph to usage sites.

With these two methods for flowing named address information throughout the package graph the rules around scoping and renaming become important to understand.

Scope and Renaming of Named Addresses

A named address N in a package P is in scope if:

  1. P declares a named address N; or
  2. A package in one of P's transitive dependencies declares the named address N and there is a dependency path in the package graph between between P and the declaring package of N with no renaming of N.

Additionally, every named address in a package is exported. Because of this and the above scoping rules each package can be viewed as coming with a set of named addresses that will be brought into scope when the package is imported, e.g., if you import example_pkg, that import will also bring the named_addr named address into scope. Because of this, if P imports two packages P1 and P2 both of which declare a named address N an issue arises in P: which "N" is meant when N is referred to in P? The one from P1 or P2? To prevent this ambiguity around which package a named address is coming from, we enforce that the sets of scopes introduced by all dependencies in a package are disjoint, and provide a way to rename named addresses when the package that brings them into scope is imported.

Renaming a named address when importing can be done as follows in our P, P1, and P2 example above:

name = "P"
P1 = { local = "some_path_to_P1", addr_subst = { "P1N" = "N" } }
P2 = { local = "some_path_to_P2"  }

With this renaming N refers to the N from P2 and P1N will refer to N coming from P1:

module N::A {
    public fun x(): address { @P1N }

It is important to note that renaming is not local: once a named address N has been renamed to N2 in a package P all packages that import P will not see N but only N2 unless N is reintroduced from outside of P. This is why rule (2) in the scoping rules at the start of this section specifies a "dependency path in the package graph between between P and the declaring package of N with no renaming of N."

Instantiating Named Addresses

Named addresses can be instantiated multiple times across the package graph as long as it is always with the same value. It is an error if the same named address (regardless of renaming) is instantiated with differing values across the package graph.

A Move package can only be compiled if all named addresses resolve to a value. This presents issues if the package wishes to expose an uninstantiated named address. This is what the [dev-addresses] section solves in part. This section can set values for named addresses, but cannot introduce any named addresses. Additionally, only the [dev-addresses] in the root package are included in dev mode. For example a root package with the following manifest would not compile outside of dev mode since named_addr would be uninstantiated:

name = "example_pkg"
named_addr = "_"

named_addr = "0xC0FFEE"

Usage and Artifacts

The Move package system comes with a command line option as part of the CLI: sui move <command> <command_flags>. Unless a particular path is provided, all package commands will run in the current enclosing Move package. The full list of commands and flags for the Move CLI can be found by running sui move --help.


A package can be compiled using CLI commands. This will create a build directory containing build-related artifacts (including bytecode binaries, source maps, and documentation). The general layout of the build directory is as follows:

├── BuildInfo.yaml
├── bytecode_modules
│   ├── dependencies
│   │   ├── <dep_pkg_name>
│   │   │   └── *.mv
│   │   ...
│   │   └──  <dep_pkg_name>
│   │       └── *.mv
│   ...
│   └── *.mv
├── docs
│   ├── dependencies
│   │   ├── <dep_pkg_name>
│   │   │   └── *.md
│   │   ...
│   │   └──  <dep_pkg_name>
│   │       └── *.md
│   ...
│   └── *.md
├── source_maps
│   ├── dependencies
│   │   ├── <dep_pkg_name>
│   │   │   └── *.mvsm
│   │   ...
│   │   └──  <dep_pkg_name>
│   │       └── *.mvsm
│   ...
│   └── *.mvsm
└── sources
    └── *.move
    ├── dependencies
    │   ├── <dep_pkg_name>
    │   │   └── *.move
    │   ...
    │   └──  <dep_pkg_name>
    │       └── *.move
    └── *.move


The Move.lock file is generated at the root of the Move package when the package is built. The Move.lock file contains information about your package and its build configuration, and acts as a communication layer between the Move compiler and other tools, like chain-specific command line interfaces and third-party package managers.

Like the Move.toml file, the Move.lock file is a text-based TOML file. Unlike the package manifest however, the Move.lock file is not intended for you to edit directly. Processes on the toolchain, like the Move compiler, access and edit the file to read and append relevant information to it. You also must not move the file from the root, as it needs to be at the same level as the Move.toml manifest in the package.

If you are using source control for your package, it's recommended practice to check in the Move.lock file that corresponds with your desired built or published package. This ensures that every build of your package is an exact replica of the original, and that changes to the build will be apparent as changes to the Move.lock file.

The Move.lock file is a TOML file that currently contains the following fields.

Note: other fields may be added to the lock file either in the future, or by third-party package package managers as well.

The [move] Section

This section contains the core information needed in the lockfile:

  • The version of the lockfile (needed for backwards compatibility checking, and versioning lockfile changes in the future).
  • The hash of the Move.toml file that was used to generate this lock file.
  • The hash of the Move.lock file of all dependencies. If no dependencies are present, this will be an empty string.
  • The list of dependencies.
version = <string> # Lock file version, used for backwards compatibility checking.
manifest_digest = <hash> # Sha3-256 hash of the Move.toml file that was used to generate this lock file.
deps_digest = <hash> # Sha3-256 hash of the Move.lock file of all dependencies. If no dependencies are present, this will be an empty string.
dependencies = { (name = <string>)* } # List of dependencies. Not present if there are no dependencies.

The [move.package] Sections

After the Move compiler resolves each of the dependencies for the package it writes the location of the dependency to the Move.lock file. If a dependency failed to resolve, the compiler will not write the Move.lock file and the build fails. If all dependencies resolve, the Move.lock file contains the locations (local and remote) of all of the package's transitive dependencies. These will be stored in the Move.lock file in the following format:

# ...

name = "A"
source = { git = "", subdir = "e/f", rev = "a1b2c3" }

name = "B"
source = { local = "../local-dep" }

The [move.toolchain-version] Section

As mentioned above, additional fields may be added to the lock file by external tools. For example, the Sui package manager adds toolchain version information to the lock file that can then be used for on-chain source verification:

# ...

compiler-version = <string> # The version of the Move compiler used to build the package, e.g. "1.21.0"
edition = <string> # The edition of the Move language used to build the package, e.g. "2024.alpha"
flavor = <string> # The flavor of the Move compiler used to build the package, e.g. "sui"

Unit Tests

Unit testing for Move uses three annotations in the Move source language:

  • #[test] marks a function as a test;
  • #[expected_failure] marks that a test is expected to fail;
  • #[test_only] marks a module or module member (use, function, struct, or constant) as code to be included for testing only.

These annotations can be placed on any appropriate form with any visibility. Whenever a module or module member is annotated as #[test_only] or #[test], it will not be included in the compiled bytecode unless it is compiled for testing.

Test Annotations

The #[test] annotation can only be placed on a function with no parameters. This annotation marks the function as a test to be run by the unit testing harness.

#[test] // OK
fun this_is_a_test() { ... }

#[test] // Will fail to compile since the test takes an argument
fun this_is_not_correct(arg: u64) { ... }

A test can also be annotated as an #[expected_failure]. This annotation marks that the test is expected to raise an error. There are a number of options that can be used with the #[expected_failure] annotation to ensure only a failure with the specified condition is marked as passing, these options are detailed in Expected Failures. Only functions that have the #[test] annotation can also be annotated as an #[expected_failure].

Some simple examples of using the #[expected_failure] annotation are shown below:

public fun this_test_will_abort_and_pass() { abort 1 }

public fun test_will_error_and_pass() { 1/0; }

#[test] // Will pass since test fails with the expected abort code constant.
#[expected_failure(abort_code = ENotFound)] // ENotFound is a constant defined in the module
public fun test_will_error_and_pass_abort_code() { abort ENotFound }

#[test] // Will fail since test fails with a different error than expected.
#[expected_failure(abort_code = my_module::ENotFound)]
public fun test_will_error_and_fail() { 1/0; }

#[test, expected_failure] // Can have multiple in one attribute. This test will pass.
public fun this_other_test_will_abort_and_pass() { abort 1 }

Note: #[test] and #[test_only] functions can also call entry functions, regardless of their visibility.

Expected Failures

There are a number of different ways that you can use the #[expected_failure] annotation to specify different types of error conditions. These are:

1. #[expected_failure(abort_code = <constant>)]

This will pass if the test aborts with the specified constant value in the module that defines the constant and fail otherwise. This is the recommended way of testing for expected test failures.

Note: You can reference constants outside of the current module or package in expected_failure annotations.

module pkg_addr::other_module {
    const ENotFound: u64 = 1;
    public fun will_abort() {
        abort ENotFound

module pkg_addr::my_module {
    use pkg_addr::other_module;
    const ENotFound: u64 = 1;

    #[expected_failure(abort_code = ENotFound)]
    fun test_will_abort_and_pass() { abort ENotFound }

    #[expected_failure(abort_code = other_module::ENotFound)]
    fun test_will_abort_and_pass() { other_module::will_abort() }

    // FAIL: Will not pass since we are expecting the constant from the wrong module.
    #[expected_failure(abort_code = ENotFound)]
    fun test_will_abort_and_pass() { other_module::will_abort() }

2. #[expected_failure(arithmetic_error, location = <location>)]

This specifies that the test is expected to fail with an arithmetic error (e.g., integer overflow, division by zero, etc) at the specified location. The <location> must be a valid path to a module location, e.g., Self, or my_package::my_module.

module pkg_addr::other_module {
    public fun will_arith_error() { 1/0; }

module pkg_addr::my_module {
    use pkg_addr::other_module;
    #[expected_failure(arithmetic_error, location = Self)]
    fun test_will_arith_error_and_pass1() { 1/0; }

    #[expected_failure(arithmetic_error, location = pkg_addr::other_module)]
    fun test_will_arith_error_and_pass2() { other_module::will_arith_error() }

    // FAIL: Will fail since the location we expect it the fail at is different from where the test actually failed.
    #[expected_failure(arithmetic_error, location = Self)]
    fun test_will_arith_error_and_fail() { other_module::will_arith_error() }

3. #[expected_failure(out_of_gas, location = <location>)]

This specifies that the test is expected to fail with an out of gas error at the specified location. The <location> must be a valid path to a module location, e.g., Self, or my_package::my_module.

module pkg_addr::other_module {
    public fun will_oog() { loop {} }

module pkg_addr::my_module {
    use pkg_addr::other_module;
    #[expected_failure(out_of_gas, location = Self)]
    fun test_will_oog_and_pass1() { loop {} }

    #[expected_failure(arithmetic_error, location = pkg_addr::other_module)]
    fun test_will_oog_and_pass2() { other_module::will_oog() }

    // FAIL: Will fail since the location we expect it the fail at is different from where
    // the test actually failed.
    #[expected_failure(out_of_gas, location = Self)]
    fun test_will_oog_and_fail() { other_module::will_oog() }

4. #[expected_failure(vector_error, minor_status = <u64_opt>, location = <location>)]

This specifies that the test is expected to fail with a vector error at the specified location with the given minor_status (if provided). The <location> must be a valid path to a module module location, e.g., Self, or my_package::my_module. The <u64_opt> is an optional parameter that specifies the minor status of the vector error. If it is not specified, the test will pass if the test fails with any minor status. If it is specified, the test will only pass if the test fails with a vector error with the specified minor status.

module pkg_addr::other_module {
    public fun vector_borrow_empty() {

module pkg_addr::my_module {
    #[expected_failure(vector_error, location = Self)]
    fun vector_abort_same_module() {
        vector::borrow(&vector<u64>[], 1);

    #[expected_failure(vector_error, location = pkg_addr::other_module)]
    fun vector_abort_same_module() {

    // Can specify minor statues (i.e., vector-specific error codes) to expect.
    #[expected_failure(vector_error, minor_status = 1, location = Self)]
    fun native_abort_good_right_code() {
        vector::borrow(&vector<u64>[], 1);

    // FAIL: correct error, but wrong location.
    #[expected_failure(vector_error, location = pkg_addr::other_module)]
    fun vector_abort_same_module() {

    // FAIL: correct error and location but the minor status differs so this test will fail.
    #[expected_failure(vector_error, minor_status = 0, location = Self)]
    fun vector_abort_wrong_minor_code() {
        vector::borrow(&vector<u64>[], 1);

5. #[expected_failure]

This will pass if the test aborts with any error code. You should be incredibly careful using this to annotate expected tests failures, and always prefer one of the ways described above instead. Examples of these types of annotations are:

fun test_will_abort_and_pass1() { abort 1 }

fun test_will_arith_error_and_pass2() { 1/0; }

Test Only Annotations

A module and any of its members can be declared as test only. If an item is annotated as #[test_only] the item will only be included in the compiled Move bytecode when compiled in test mode. Additionally, when compiled outside of test mode, any non-test uses of a #[test_only] module will raise an error during compilation.

Note: functions that are annotated with #[test_only] will only be available to be called from test code, but they themselves are not tests and will not be run as tests by the unit testing framework.

#[test_only] // test only attributes can be attached to modules
module abc { ... }

#[test_only] // test only attributes can be attached to constants
const MY_ADDR: address = @0x1;

#[test_only] // .. to uses
use pkg_addr::some_other_module;

#[test_only] // .. to structs
public struct SomeStruct { ... }

#[test_only] // .. and functions. Can only be called from test code, but this is _not_ a test!
fun test_only_function(...) { ... }

Running Unit Tests

Unit tests for a Move package can be run with the sui move test command.

When running tests, every test will either PASS, FAIL, or TIMEOUT. If a test case fails, the location of the failure along with the function name that caused the failure will be reported if possible. You can see an example of this below.

A test will be marked as timing out if it exceeds the maximum number of instructions that can be executed for any single test. This bound can be changed using the options below. Additionally, while the result of a test is always deterministic, tests are run in parallel by default, so the ordering of test results in a test run is non-deterministic unless running with only one thread, which can be configured via an option.

These aforementioned options are two among many that can fine-tune testing and help debug failing tests. To see all available options, and a description of what each one does, pass the --help flag to the sui move test command:

$ sui move test --help


A simple module using some of the unit testing features is shown in the following example:

First create an empty package and change directory into it:

$ sui move new test_example; cd test_example

Next add the following module under the sources directory:

// filename: sources/my_module.move
module test_example::my_module {

    public struct Wrapper(u64)

    const ECoinIsZero: u64 = 0;

    public fun make_sure_non_zero_coin(coin: Wrapper): Wrapper {
        assert!(coin.0 > 0, ECoinIsZero);

    fun make_sure_non_zero_coin_passes() {
        let coin = Wrapper(1);
        let Wrapper(_) = make_sure_non_zero_coin(coin);

    // Or #[expected_failure] if we don't care about the abort code
    #[expected_failure(abort_code = ECoinIsZero)]
    fun make_sure_zero_coin_fails() {
        let coin = Wrapper(0);
        let Wrapper(_) = make_sure_non_zero_coin(coin);

    #[test_only] // test only helper function
    fun make_coin_zero(coin: &mut Wrapper) {
        coin.0 = 0;

    #[expected_failure(abort_code = ECoinIsZero)]
    fun make_sure_zero_coin_fails2() {
        let mut coin = Wrapper(10);
        let Wrapper(_) = make_sure_non_zero_coin(coin);

Running Tests

You can then run these tests with the move test command:

$ sui move test
BUILDING test_example
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS    ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_non_zero_coin_passes
[ PASS    ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_zero_coin_fails
[ PASS    ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_zero_coin_fails2
Test result: OK. Total tests: 3; passed: 3; failed: 0

Using Test Flags

Passing specific tests to run

You can run a specific test, or a set of tests with sui move test <str>. This will only run tests whose fully qualified name contains <str>. For example if we wanted to only run tests with "non_zero" in their name:

$ sui move test non_zero
BUILDING test_example
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS    ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_non_zero_coin_passes
Test result: OK. Total tests: 1; passed: 1; failed: 0

-i <bound> or --gas_used <bound>

This bounds the amount of gas that can be consumed for any one test to <bound>:

$ sui move test -i 0
BUILDING test_example
Running Move unit tests
[ TIMEOUT ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_non_zero_coin_passes
[ FAIL    ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_zero_coin_fails
[ FAIL    ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_zero_coin_fails2

Test failures:

Failures in 0x0::my_module:

┌── make_sure_non_zero_coin_passes ──────
│ Test timed out

┌── make_sure_zero_coin_fails ──────
│ error[E11001]: test failure
│    ┌─ ./sources/my_module.move:22:27
│    │
│ 21 │     fun make_sure_zero_coin_fails() {
│    │         ------------------------- In this function in 0x0::my_module
│ 22 │         let coin = MyCoin(0);
│    │                           ^ Test did not error as expected. Expected test to abort with code 0 <SNIP>

┌── make_sure_zero_coin_fails2 ──────
│ error[E11001]: test failure
│    ┌─ ./sources/my_module.move:34:31
│    │
│ 33 │     fun make_sure_zero_coin_fails2() {
│    │         -------------------------- In this function in 0x0::my_module
│ 34 │         let mut coin = MyCoin(10);
│    │                               ^^ Test did not error as expected. Expected test to abort with code 0 <SNIP>

Test result: FAILED. Total tests: 3; passed: 0; failed: 3

-s or --statistics

With these flags you can gather statistics about the tests run and report the runtime and gas used for each test. You can additionally add csv (sui move test -s csv) to get the gas usage in a csv output format. For example, if we wanted to see the statistics for the tests in the example above:

$ sui move test -s
BUILDING test_example
Running Move unit tests
[ PASS    ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_non_zero_coin_passes
[ PASS    ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_zero_coin_fails
[ PASS    ] 0x0::my_module::make_sure_zero_coin_fails2

Test Statistics:

│                   Test Name                    │    Time    │         Gas Used          │
│ 0x0::my_module::make_sure_non_zero_coin_passes │   0.001    │             1             │
│ 0x0::my_module::make_sure_zero_coin_fails      │   0.001    │             1             │
│ 0x0::my_module::make_sure_zero_coin_fails2     │   0.001    │             1             │

Test result: OK. Total tests: 3; passed: 3; failed: 0

See Sui's Coding Conventions for Move


NOTE: this feature has been superseded by public(package).

The friend syntax was used to declare modules that are trusted by the current module. A trusted module is allowed to call any function defined in the current module that have the public(friend) visibility. For details on function visibilities, refer to the Visibility section in Functions.

Friend declaration

A module can declare other modules as friends via friend declaration statements, in the format of

  • friend <address::name> — friend declaration using fully qualified module name like the example below, or

    module 0x42::a {
        friend 0x42::b;
  • friend <module-name-alias> — friend declaration using a module name alias, where the module alias is introduced via the use statement.

    module 0x42::a {
        use 0x42::b;
        friend b;

A module may have multiple friend declarations, and the union of all the friend modules forms the friend list. In the example below, both 0x42::B and 0x42::C are considered as friends of 0x42::A.

module 0x42::a {

    friend 0x42::b;
    friend 0x42::c;

Unlike use statements, friend can only be declared in the module scope and not in the expression block scope. friend declarations may be located anywhere a top-level construct (e.g., use, function, struct, etc.) is allowed. However, for readability, it is advised to place friend declarations near the beginning of the module definition.

Friend declaration rules

Friend declarations are subject to the following rules:

  • A module cannot declare itself as a friend.

    module 0x42::m { friend Self; // ERROR! }
    //                      ^^^^ Cannot declare the module itself as a friend
    module 0x43::m { friend 0x43::M; // ERROR! }
    //                      ^^^^^^^ Cannot declare the module itself as a friend
  • Friend modules must be known by the compiler

    module 0x42::m { friend 0x42::nonexistent; // ERROR! }
    //                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unbound module '0x42::nonexistent'
  • Friend modules must be within the same account address.

    module 0x42::m {}
    module 0x42::n { friend 0x42::m; // ERROR! }
    //                      ^^^^^^^ Cannot declare modules out of the current address as a friend
  • Friends relationships cannot create cyclic module dependencies.

    Cycles are not allowed in the friend relationships, e.g., the relation 0x2::a friends 0x2::b friends 0x2::c friends 0x2::a is not allowed. More generally, declaring a friend module adds a dependency upon the current module to the friend module (because the purpose is for the friend to call functions in the current module). If that friend module is already used, either directly or transitively, a cycle of dependencies would be created.

    module 0x2::a {
        use 0x2::c;
        friend 0x2::b;
        public fun a() {
    module 0x2::b {
        friend 0x2::c; // ERROR!
    //         ^^^^^^ This friend relationship creates a dependency cycle: '0x2::b' is a friend of '0x2::a' uses '0x2::c' is a friend of '0x2::b'
    module 0x2::c {
        public fun c() {}
  • The friend list for a module cannot contain duplicates.

    module 0x42::a {}
    module 0x42::m {
        use 0x42::a as aliased_a;
        friend 0x42::A;
        friend aliased_a; // ERROR!
    //         ^^^^^^^^^ Duplicate friend declaration '0x42::a'. Friend declarations in a module must be unique