Macro Functions

Macro functions are a way of defining functions that are expanded during compilation at each call site. The arguments of the macro are not evaluated eagerly like a normal function, and instead are substituted by expression. In addition, the caller can supply code to the macro via lambdas.

These expression substitution mechanics make macro functions similar to macros found in other programming languages; however, they are more constrained in Move than you might expect from other languages. The parameters and return values of macro functions are still typed--though this can be partially relaxed with the _ type. The upside of this restriction however, is that macro functions can be used anywhere a normal function can be used, which is notably helpful with method syntax.

A more extensive syntactic macro system may come in the future.


macro functions have a similar syntax to normal functions. However, all type parameter names and all parameter names must start with a $. Note that _ can still be used by itself, but not as a prefix, and $_ must be used instead.

<visibility>? macro fun <identifier><[$type_parameters: constraint],*>([$identifier: type],*): <return_type> <function_body>

For example, the following macro function takes a vector and a lambda, and applies the lambda to each element of the vector to construct a new vector.

macro fun map<$T, $U>($v: vector<$T>, $f: |$T| -> $U): vector<$U> {
    let mut v = $v;
    let mut i = 0;
    let mut result = vector[];
    while (!v.is_empty()) {
        i = i + 1;

The $ is there to indicate that the parameters (both type and value parameters) do not behave like their normal, non-macro counterparts. For type parameters, they can be instantiated with any type (even a reference type & or &mut), and they will satisfy any constraint. Similarly for parameters, they will not be evaluated eagerly, and instead the argument expression will be substituted at each usage.


Lambdas are a new type of expression that can only be used with macros. These are used to pass code from the caller into the body of the macro. While the substitution is done at compile time, they are used similarly to anonymous functions, lambdas, or closures in other languages.

As seen in the example above ($f: |$T| -> $U), lambda types are defined with the syntax

|<type>,*| (-> <type>)?

A few examples

|u64, u64| -> u128 // a lambda that takes two u64s and returns a u128
|&mut vector<u8>| -> &mut u8 // a lambda that takes a &mut vector<u8> and returns a &mut u8

If the return type is not annotated, it is unit () by default.

// the following are equivalent
|&mut vector<u8>, u64|
|&mut vector<u8>, u64| -> ()

Lambda expressions are then defined at the call site of the macro with the syntax

|(<identifier> (: <type>)?),*| <expression>
|(<identifier> (: <type>)?),*| -> <type> { <expression> }

Note that if the return type is annotated, the body of the lambda must be enclosed in {}.

Using the map macro defined above

let v = vector[1, 2, 3];
let doubled: vector<u64> = map!(v, |x| 2 * x);
let bytes: vector<vector<u8>> = map!(v, |x| std::bcs::to_bytes(&x));

And with type annotations

let doubled: vector<u64> = map!(v, |x: u64| 2 * x); // return type annotation optional
let bytes: vector<vector<u8>> = map!(v, |x: u64| -> vector<u8> { std::bcs::to_bytes(&x) });


Lambda expressions can also refer to variables in the scope where the lambda is defined. This is sometimes called "capturing".

let res = foo();
let incremented = map!(vector[1, 2, 3], |x| x + res);

Any variable can be captured, including mutable and immutable references.

See the Examples section for more complicated usages.


Currently, lambdas can only be used directly in the call of a macro function. They cannot be bound to a variable. For example, the following is code will produce an error:

let f = |x| 2 * x;
//      ^^^^^^^^^ Error! Lambdas must be used directly in 'macro' calls
let doubled: vector<u64> = map!(vector[1, 2, 3], f);


Like normal functions, macro functions are typed--the types of the parameters and return value must be annotated. However, the body of the function is not type checked until the macro is expanded. This means that not all usages of a given macro may be valid. For example

macro fun add_one<$T>($x: $T): $T {
    $x + 1

The above macro will not type check if $T is not a primitive integer type.

This can be particularly useful in conjunction with method syntax, where the function is not resolved until after the macro is expanded.

macro fun call_foo<$T, $U>($x: $T): &$U {

This macro will only expand successfully if $T has a method foo that returns a reference &$U. As described in the hygiene section, foo will be resolved based on the scope where call_foo was defined--not where it was expanded.

Type Parameters

Type parameters can be instantiated with any type, including reference types & and &mut. They can also be instantiated with tuple types, though the utility of this is limited currently since tuples cannot be bound to a variable.

This relaxation forces the constraints of a type parameter to be satisfied at the call site in a way that does not normally occur. It is generally recommended however to add all necessary constraints to a type parameter. For example

public struct NoAbilities()
public struct CopyBox<T: copy> has copy, drop { value: T }
macro fun make_box<$T>($x: $T): CopyBox<$T> {
    CopyBox { value: $x }

This macro will expand only if $T is instantiated with a type with the copy ability.

make_box!(1); // Valid!
make_box!(NoAbilities()); // Error! 'NoAbilities' does not have the copy ability

The suggested declaration of make_box would be to add the copy constraint to the type parameter. This then communicates to the caller that the type must have the copy ability.

macro fun make_box<$T: copy>($x: $T): CopyBox<$T> {
    CopyBox { value: $x }

One might reasonably ask then, why have this relaxation if the recommendation is not to use it? The constraints on type parameters simply cannot be enforced in all cases because the bodies are not checked until expansion. In the following example, the copy constraint on $T is not necessary in the signature, but is necessary in the body.

macro fun read_ref<$T>($r: &$T): $T {

If however, you want to have an extremely relaxed type signature, it is instead recommended to use the _ type.

_ Type

Normally, the _ placeholder type is used in expressions to allow for partial annotations of type arguments. However, with macro functions, the _ type can be used in place of type parameters to relax the signature for any type. This should increase the ergonomics of declaring "generic" macro functions.

For example, we could take any combination of integers and add them together.

macro fun add($x: _, $y: _, $z: _): u256 {
    ($x as u256) + ($y as u256) + ($z as u256)

Additionally, the _ type can be instantiated multiple times with different types. For example

public struct Box<T> has copy, drop, store { value: T }
macro fun create_two($f: |_| -> Box<_>): (Box<u8>, Box<u16>) {
    ($f(0u8), $f(0u16))

If we declared the function with type parameters instead, the types would have to unify to a common type, which is not possible in this case.

macro fun create_two<$T>($f: |$T| -> Box<$T>): (Box<u8>, Box<u16>) {
    ($f(0u8), $f(0u16))
    //           ^^^^ Error! expected `u8` but found `u16`
let (a, b) = create_two!(|value| Box { value });

In this case, $T must be instantiated with a single type, but inference finds that $T must be bound to both u8 and u16.

There is a tradeoff however, as the _ type conveys less meaning and intention for the caller. Consider map macro from above re-declared with _ instead of $T and $U.

macro fun map($v: vector<_>, $f: |_| -> _): vector<_> {

There is no longer any indication of behavior of $f at the type level. The caller must gain understanding from comments or the body of the macro.

Expansion and Substitution

The body of the macro is substituted into the call site at compile time. Each parameter is replaced by the expression, not the value, of its argument. For lambdas, additional local variables can have values bound within the context of the macro body.

Taking a very simple example

macro fun apply($f: |u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {

With the call site

let incremented = apply!(|x| x + 1, 5);

This will roughly be expanded to

let incremented = {
    let x = { 5 };
    { x + 1 }

Again, the value of x is not substituted, but the expression 5 is. This might mean that an argument is evaluated multiple times, or not at all, depending on the body of the macro.

macro fun dup($f: |u64, u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {
    $f($x, $x)
let sum = dup!(|x, y| x + y, foo());

is expanded to

let sum = {
    let x = { foo() };
    let y = { foo() };
    { x + y }

Note that foo() will be called twice. Which would not happen if dup were a normal function.

It is often recommended to create predictable evaluation behavior by binding arguments to local variables.

macro fun dup($f: |u64, u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {
    let a = $x;
    $f(a, a)

Now that same call site will expand to

let sum = {
    let a = { foo() };
        let x = { a };
        let y = { a };
        { x + y }


In the example above, the dup macro had a local variable a that was used to bind the argument $x. You might ask, what would happen if the variable was instead named x? Would that conflict with the x in the lambda?

The short answer is, no. macro functions are hygienic, meaning that the expansion of macros and lambdas will not accidentally capture variables from another scope.

The compiler does this by associating a unique number with each scope. When the macro is expanded, the macro body gets its own scope. Additionally, the arguments are re-scoped on each usage.

Modifying the dup macro to use x instead of a

macro fun dup($f: |u64, u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {
    let a = $x;
    $f(a, a)

The expansion of the call site

// let sum = dup!(|x, y| x + y, foo());
let sum = {
    let x#1 = { foo() };
        let x#2 = { x#1 };
        let y#2 = { x#1 };
        { x#2 + y#2 }

This is an approximation of the compiler's internal representation, some details are omitted for the simplicity of this example.

And each usage of an argument is re-scoped so that the different usages do not conflict.

macro fun apply_twice($f: |u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {
    $f($x) + $f($x)
let result = apply_twice!(|x| x + 1, { let x = 5; x });

Expands to

let result = {
        let x#1 = { let x#2 = { 5 }; x#2 };
        { x#1 + x#1 }
        let x#3 = { let x#4 = { 5 }; x#4 };
        { x#3 + x#3 }

Similar to variable hygiene, method resolution is also scoped to the macro definition. For example

public struct S { f: u64, g: u64 }

fun f(s: &S): u64 {
fun g(s: &S): u64 {

use fun f as foo;
macro fun call_foo($s: &S): u64 {
    let s = $s;

The method call foo will in this case always resolve to the function f, even if call_foo is used in a scope where foo is bound to a different function, such as g.

fun example(s: &S): u64 {
    use fun g as foo;
    call_foo!(s) // expands to 'f(s)', not 'g(s)'

Due to this though, unused use fun declarations might not get warnings in modules with macro functions.

Control Flow

Similar to variable hygiene, control flow constructs are also always scoped to where they are defined, not to where they are expanded.

macro fun maybe_div($x: u64, $y: u64): u64 {
    let x = $x;
    let y = $y;
    if (y == 0) return 0;
    x / y

At the call site, return will always return from the macro body, not from the caller.

let result: vector<u64> = vector[maybe_div!(10, 0)];

Will expand to

let result: vector<u64> = vector['a: {
    let x = { 10 };
    let y = { 0 };
    if (y == 0) return 'a 0;
    x / y

Where return 'a 0 will return to the block 'a: { ... } and not to the caller's body. See the section on labeled control flow for more details.

Similarly, return in a lambda will return from the lambda, not from the macro body and not from the outer function.

macro fun apply($f: |u64| -> u64, $x: u64): u64 {


let result = apply!(|x| { if (x == 0) return 0; x + 1 }, 100);

will expand to

let result = {
    let x = { 100 };
    'a: {
        if (x == 0) return 'a 0;
        x + 1

In addition to returning from the lambda, a label can be used to return to the outer function. In the vector::any macro, a return with a label is used to return from the entire macro early

public macro fun any<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): bool {
    let v = $v;
    'any: {
        v.do_ref!(|e| if ($f(e)) return 'any true);

The return 'any true exits from the "loop" early when the condition is met. Otherwise, the macro "returns" false.

Method Syntax

When applicable, macro functions can be called using method syntax. When using method syntax, the evaluation of the arguments will change in that the first argument (the "receiver" of the method) will be evaluated outside of the macro expansion. This example is contrived, but will concisely demonstrate the behavior.

public struct S() has copy, drop;
public fun foo(): S { abort 0 }
public macro fun maybe_s($s: S, $cond: bool): S {
    if ($cond) $s
    else S()

Even though foo() will abort, its return type can be used to start a method call.

$s will not be evaluated if $cond is false, and under a normal non-method call, an argument of foo() would not be evaluated and would not abort. The following example demonstrates $s not being evaluated with an argument of foo().

maybe_s!(foo(), false) // does not abort

It becomes more clear as to why it does not abort when looking at the expanded form

if (false) foo()
else S()

However, when using method syntax, the first argument is evaluated before the macro is expanded. So the same argument of foo() for $s will now be evaluated and will abort.

foo().maybe_s!(false) // aborts

We can see this more clearly when looking the expanded form

let tmp = foo(); // aborts
if (false) tmp
else S()

Conceptually, the receiver for a method call is bound to a temporary variable before the macro is expanded, which forces the evaluation and thus the abort.

Parameter Limitations

The parameters of a macro function must always be used as expressions. They cannot be used in situations where the argument might be re-interpreted. For example, the following is not allowed

macro fun no($x: _): _ {

The reason is that if the argument $x was not a reference, it would be borrowed first, which would could re-interpret the argument. To get around this limitation, you should bind the argument to a local variable.

macro fun yes($x: _): _ {
    let x = $x;


Lazy arguments: assert_eq

macro fun assert_eq<$T>($left: $T, $right: $T, $code: u64) {
    let left = $left;
    let right = $right;
    if (left != right) {
        std::debug::print(&b"assertion failed.\n left: ");
        std::debug::print(&b"\n does not equal right: ");
        abort $code;

In this case the argument to $code is not evaluated unless the assertion fails.

assert_eq!(vector[true, false], vector[true, false], 1 / 0); // division by zero is not evaluated

Any integer square root

This macro calculates the integer square root for any integer type, besides u256.

$T is the type of the input and $bitsize is the number of bits in that type, for example u8 has 8 bits. $U should be set to the next larger integer type, for example u16 for u8.

In this macro, the type of the integer literals are 1 and 0 are annotated, e.g. (1: $U) allowing for the type of the literal to differ with each call. Similarly, as can be used with the type parameters $T and $U. This macro will then only successfully expand if $T and $U are instantiated with the integer types.

macro fun num_sqrt<$T, $U>($x: $T, $bitsize: u8): $T {
    let x = $x;
    let mut bit = (1: $U) << $bitsize;
    let mut res = (0: $U);
    let mut x = x as $U;

    while (bit != 0) {
        if (x >= res + bit) {
            x = x - (res + bit);
            res = (res >> 1) + bit;
        } else {
            res = res >> 1;
        bit = bit >> 2;

    res as $T

Iterating over a vector

The two macros iterate over a vector, immutably and mutably respectively.

macro fun for_imm<$T>($v: &vector<$T>, $f: |&$T|) {
    let v = $v;
    let n = v.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < n) {
        i = i + 1;

macro fun for_mut<$T>($v: &mut vector<$T>, $f: |&mut $T|) {
    let v = $v;
    let n = v.length();
    let mut i = 0;
    while (i < n) {
        $f(&mut v[i]);
        i = i + 1;

A few examples of usage

fun imm_examples(v: &vector<u64>) {
    // print all elements
    for_imm!(v, |x| std::debug::print(x));

    // sum all elements
    let mut sum = 0;
    for_imm!(v, |x| sum = sum + x);

    // find the max element
    let mut max = 0;
    for_imm!(v, |x| if (x > max) max = x);

fun mut_examples(v: &mut vector<u64>) {
    // increment each element
    for_mut!(v, |x| *x = *x + 1);

    // set each element to the previous value, and the first to last value
    let mut prev = v[v.length() - 1];
    for_mut!(v, |x| {
        let tmp = *x;
        *x = prev;
        prev = tmp;

    // set the max element to 0
    let mut max = &mut 0;
    for_mut!(v, |x| if (*x > *max) max = x);
    *max = 0;

Non-loop lambda usage

Lambdas do not need to be used in loops, and are often useful for conditionally applying code.

macro fun inspect<$T>($opt: &Option<$T>, $f: |&$T|) {
    let opt = $opt;
    if (opt.is_some()) $f(opt.borrow())

macro fun is_some_and<$T>($opt: &Option<$T>, $f: |&$T| -> bool): bool {
    let opt = $opt;
    if (opt.is_some()) $f(opt.borrow())
    else false

macro fun map<$T, $U>($opt: Option<$T>, $f: |$T| -> $U): Option<$U> {
    let opt = $opt;
    if (opt.is_some()) {
    } else {

And some examples of usage

fun examples(opt: Option<u64>) {
    // print the value if it exists
    inspect!(&opt, |x| std::debug::print(x));

    // check if the value is 0
    let is_zero = is_some_and!(&opt, |x| *x == 0);

    // upcast the u64 to a u256
    let str_opt = map!(opt, |x| x as u256);