Pattern Matching

A match expression is a powerful control structure that allows you to compare a value against a series of patterns and then execute code based on which pattern matches first. Patterns can be anything from simple literals to complex, nested struct and enum definitions. As opposed to if expressions, which change control flow based on a bool-typed test expression, a match expression operates over a value of any type and selects one of many arms.

A match expression can match Move values as well as mutable or immutable references, binding sub-patterns accordingly.

For example:

fun run(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        1 => 2,
        2 => 3,
        x => x,

run(1); // returns 2
run(2); // returns 3
run(3); // returns 3
run(0); // returns 0

match Syntax

A match takes an expression and a non-empty series of match arms delimited by commas.

Each match arm consists of a pattern (p), an optional guard (if (g) where g is an expression of type bool), an arrow (=>), and an arm expression (e) to execute when the pattern matches. For example,

match (expression) {
    pattern1 if (guard_expression) => expression1,
    pattern2 => expression2,
    pattern3 => { expression3, expression4, ... },

Match arms are checked in order from top to bottom, and the first pattern that matches (with a guard expression, if present, that evaluates to true) will be executed.

Note that the series of match arms within a match must be exhaustive, meaning that every possible value of the type being matched must be covered by one of the patterns in the match. If the series of match arms is not exhaustive, the compiler will raise an error.

Pattern Syntax

A pattern is matched by a value if the value is equal to the pattern, and where variables and wildcards (e.g., x, y, _, or ..) are "equal" to anything.

Patterns are used to match values. Patterns can be

LiteralA literal value, such as 1, true, @0x1
ConstantA constant value, e.g., MyConstant
VariableA variable, e.g., x, y, z
WildcardA wildcard, e.g., _
ConstructorA constructor pattern, e.g., MyStruct { x, y }, MyEnum::Variant(x)
At-patternAn at-pattern, e.g., x @ MyEnum::Variant(..)
Or-patternAn or-pattern, e.g., MyEnum::Variant(..) \| MyEnum::OtherVariant(..)
Multi-arity wildcardA multi-arity wildcard, e.g., MyEnum::Variant(..)
Mutable-bindingA mutable-binding pattern, e.g., mut x

Patterns in Move have the following grammar:

pattern = <literal>
        | <constant>
        | <variable>
        | _
        | C { <variable> : inner-pattern ["," <variable> : inner-pattern]* } // where C is a struct or enum variant
        | C ( inner-pattern ["," inner-pattern]* ... )                       // where C is a struct or enum variant
        | C                                                                  // where C is an enum variant
        | <variable> @ top-level-pattern
        | pattern | pattern
        | mut <variable>
inner-pattern = pattern
              | ..     // multi-arity wildcard

Some examples of patterns are:

// literal pattern

// constant pattern

// variable pattern

// wildcard pattern

// constructor pattern that matches `MyEnum::Variant` with the fields `1` and `true`
MyEnum::Variant(1, true)

// constructor pattern that matches `MyEnum::Variant` with the fields `1` and binds the second field's value to `x`
MyEnum::Variant(1, x)

// multi-arity wildcard pattern that matches multiple fields within the `MyEnum::Variant` variant

// constructor pattern that matches the `x` field of `MyStruct` and binds the `y` field to `other_variable`
MyStruct { x, y: other_variable }

// at-pattern that matches `MyEnum::Variant` and binds the entire value to `x`
x @ MyEnum::Variant(..)

// or-pattern that matches either `MyEnum::Variant` or `MyEnum::OtherVariant`
MyEnum::Variant(..) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(..)

// same as the above or-pattern, but with explicit wildcards
MyEnum::Variant(_, _) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, _)

// or-pattern that matches either `MyEnum::Variant` or `MyEnum::OtherVariant` and binds the u64 field to `x`
MyEnum::Variant(x, _) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, x)

// constructor pattern that matches `OtherEnum::V` and if the inner `MyEnum` is `MyEnum::Variant`

Patterns and Variables

Patterns that contain variables bind them to the match subject or subject subcomponent being matched. These variables can then be used either in any match guard expressions, or on the right-hand side of the match arm. For example:

public struct Wrapper(u64)

fun add_under_wrapper_unless_equal(wrapper: Wrapper, x: u64): u64 {
    match (wrapper) {
        Wrapper(y) if (y == x) => Wrapper(y),
        Wrapper(y) => y + x,
add_under_wrapper_unless_equal(Wrapper(1), 2); // returns Wrapper(3)
add_under_wrapper_unless_equal(Wrapper(2), 3); // returns Wrapper(5)
add_under_wrapper_unless_equal(Wrapper(3), 3); // returns Wrapper(3)

Combining Patterns

Patterns can be nested, but patterns can also be combined using the or operator (|). For example, p1 | p2 succeeds if either pattern p1 or p2 matches the subject. This pattern can occur anywhere -- either as a top-level pattern or a sub-pattern within another pattern.

public enum MyEnum has drop {
    Variant(u64, bool),
    OtherVariant(bool, u64),

fun test_or_pattern(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1 | 2 | 3, true) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(true, 1 | 2 | 3) => 1,
        MyEnum::Variant(8, true) | MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 6 | 7) => 2,
        _ => 3,

test_or_pattern(MyEnum::Variant(3, true)); // returns 1
test_or_pattern(MyEnum::OtherVariant(true, 2)); // returns 1
test_or_pattern(MyEnum::Variant(8, true)); // returns 2
test_or_pattern(MyEnum::OtherVariant(false, 7)); // returns 2
test_or_pattern(MyEnum::OtherVariant(false, 80)); // returns 3

Restrictions on Some Patterns

The mut and .. patterns also have specific conditions placed on when, where, and how they can be used, as detailed in Limitations on Specific Patterns. At a high level, the mut modifier can only be used on variable patterns, and the .. pattern can only be used once within a constructor pattern -- and not as a top-level pattern.

The following is an invalid usage of the .. pattern because it is used as a top-level pattern:

match (x) {
    .. => 1,
    // ERROR: `..` pattern can only be used within a constructor pattern

match (x) {
    MyStruct(.., ..) => 1,
    // ERROR:    ^^  `..` pattern can only be used once within a constructor pattern

Pattern Typing

Patterns are not expressions, but they are nevertheless typed. This means that the type of a pattern must match the type of the value it matches. For example, the pattern 1 has an integer type, the pattern MyEnum::Variant(1, true) has type MyEnum, the pattern MyStruct { x, y } has type MyStruct, and OtherStruct<bool> { x: true, y: 1} has type OtherStruct<bool>. If you try to match on an expression that differs from the type of the pattern in the match, this will result in a type error. For example:

match (1) {
    // The `true` literal pattern is of type `bool` so this is a type error.
    true => 1,
    // TYPE ERROR: expected type u64, found bool
    _ => 2,

Similarly, the following would also result in a type error because MyEnum and MyStruct are different types:

match (MyStruct { x: 0, y: 0 }) {
    MyEnum::Variant(..) => 1,
    // TYPE ERROR: expected type MyEnum, found MyStruct


Prior to delving into the specifics of pattern matching and what it means for a value to "match" a pattern, let's examine a few examples to provide an intuition for the concept.

fun test_lit(x: u64): u8 {
    match (x) {
        1 => 2,
        2 => 3,
        _ => 4,
test_lit(1); // returns 2
test_lit(2); // returns 3
test_lit(3); // returns 4
test_lit(10); // returns 4

fun test_var(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        y => y,
test_var(1); // returns 1
test_var(2); // returns 2
test_var(3); // returns 3

const MyConstant: u64 = 10;
fun test_constant(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyConstant => 1,
        _ => 2,
test_constant(MyConstant); // returns 1
test_constant(10); // returns 1
test_constant(20); // returns 2

fun test_or_pattern(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        1 | 2 | 3 => 1,
        4 | 5 | 6 => 2,
        _ => 3,
test_or_pattern(3); // returns 1
test_or_pattern(5); // returns 2
test_or_pattern(70); // returns 3

fun test_or_at_pattern(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        x @ (1 | 2 | 3) => x + 1,
        y @ (4 | 5 | 6) => y + 2,
        z => z + 3,
test_or_pattern(2); // returns 3
test_or_pattern(5); // returns 7
test_or_pattern(70); // returns 73

The most important thing to note from these examples is that a pattern matches a value if the value is equal to the pattern, and wildcard/variable patterns match anything. This is true for literals, variables, and constants. For example, in the test_lit function, the value 1 matches the pattern 1, the value 2 matches the pattern 2, and the value 3 matches the wildcard _. Similarly, in the test_var function, both the value 1 and the value 2 matches the pattern y.

A variable x matches (or "equals") any value, and a wildcard _ matches any value (but only one value). Or-patterns are like a logical OR, where a value matches the pattern if it matches any of patterns in the or-pattern so p1 | p2 | p3 should be read "matches p1, or p2, or p3".

Matching Constructors

Pattern matching includes the concept of constructor patterns. These patterns allow you to inspect and access deep within both structs and enums, and are one of the most powerful parts of pattern matching. Constructor patterns, coupled with variable bindings, allow you to match on values by their structure, and pull out the parts of the value you care about for usage on the right-hand side of the match arm.

Take the following:

fun f(x: MyEnum) {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1, true) => 1,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 3) => 2,
        MyEnum::Variant(..) => 3,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(..) => 4,
f(MyEnum::Variant(1, true)); // returns 1
f(MyEnum::Variant(2, true)); // returns 3
f(MyEnum::OtherVariant(false, 3)); // returns 2
f(MyEnum::OtherVariant(true, 3)); // returns 2
f(MyEnum::OtherVariant(true, 2)); // returns 4

This is saying that "if x is MyEnum::Variant with the fields 1 and true, then return 1. If it is MyEnum::OtherVariant with any value for the first field, and 3 for the second, then return 2. If it is MyEnum::Variant with any fields, then return 3. Finally, if it is MyEnum::OtherVariant with any fields, then return 4".

You can also nest patterns. So, if you wanted to match either 1, 2, or 10, instead of just matching 1 in the previous MyEnum::Variant, you could do so with an or-pattern:

fun f(x: MyEnum) {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1 | 2 | 10, true) => 1,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 3) => 2,
        MyEnum::Variant(..) => 3,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(..) => 4,
f(MyEnum::Variant(1, true)); // returns 1
f(MyEnum::Variant(2, true)); // returns 1
f(MyEnum::Variant(10, true)); // returns 1
f(MyEnum::Variant(10, false)); // returns 3

Ability Constraints

Additionally, match bindings are subject to the same ability restrictions as other aspects of Move. In particular, the compiler will signal an error if you try to match a value (not-reference) without drop using a wildcard, as the wildcard expects to drop the value. Similarly, if you bind a non-drop value using a binder, it must be used in the right-hand side of the match arm. In addition, if you fully destruct that value, you have unpacked it, matching the semantics of non-drop struct unpacking. See the abilities section on drop for more details about the drop capability.

public struct NonDrop(u64)

fun drop_nondrop(x: NonDrop) {
    match (x) {
        NonDrop(1) => 1,
        _ => 2
        // ERROR: cannot wildcard match on a non-droppable value

fun destructure_nondrop(x: NonDrop) {
    match (x) {
        NonDrop(1) => 1,
        NonDrop(_) => 2
        // OK!

fun use_nondrop(x: NonDrop): NonDrop {
    match (x) {
        NonDrop(1) => NonDrop(8),
        x => x


The match expression in Move must be exhaustive: every possible value of the type being matched must be covered by one of the patterns in one of the match's arms. If the series of match arms is not exhaustive, the compiler will raise an error. Note that any arm with a guard expression does not contribute to match exhaustion, as it might fail to match at runtime.

As an example, a match on a u8 is exhaustive only if it matches on every number from 0 to 255 inclusive, unless there is a wildcard or variable pattern present. Similarly, a match on a bool would need to match on both true and false, unless there is a wildcard or variable pattern present.

For structs, because there is only one type of constructor for the type, only one constructor needs to be matched, but the fields within the struct need to be matched exhaustively as well. Conversely, enums may define multiple variants, and each variant must be matched (including any sub-fields) for the match to be considered exhaustive.

Because underscores and variables are wildcards that match anything, they count as matching all values of the type they are matching on in that position. Additionally, the multi-arity wildcard pattern .. can be used to match on multiple values within a struct or enum variant.

To see some examples of non-exhaustive matches, consider the following:

public enum MyEnum {
    Variant(u64, bool),
    OtherVariant(bool, u64),

public struct Pair<T>(T, T)

fun f(x: MyEnum): u8 {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1, true) => 1,
        MyEnum::Variant(_, _) => 1,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 3) => 2,
        // ERROR: not exhaustive as the value `MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 4)` is not matched.

fun match_pair_bool(x: Pair<bool>): u8 {
    match (x) {
        Pair(true, true) => 1,
        Pair(true, false) => 1,
        Pair(false, false) => 1,
        // ERROR: not exhaustive as the value `Pair(false, true)` is not matched.

These examples can then be made exhaustive by adding a wildcard pattern to the end of the match arm, or by fully matching on the remaining values:

fun f(x: MyEnum): u8 {
    match (x) {
        MyEnum::Variant(1, true) => 1,
        MyEnum::Variant(_, _) => 1,
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(_, 3) => 2,
        // Now exhaustive since this will match all values of MyEnum::OtherVariant
        MyEnum::OtherVariant(..) => 2,


fun match_pair_bool(x: Pair<bool>): u8 {
    match (x) {
        Pair(true, true) => 1,
        Pair(true, false) => 1,
        Pair(false, false) => 1,
        // Now exhaustive since this will match all values of Pair<bool>
        Pair(false, true) => 1,


As previously mentioned, you can add a guard to a match arm by adding an if clause after the pattern. This guard will run after the pattern has been matched but before the expression on the right hand side of the arrow is evaluated. If the guard expression evaluates to true then the expression on the right hand side of the arrow will be evaluated, if it evaluates to false then it will be considered a failed match and the next match arm in the match expression will be checked.

fun match_with_guard(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        1 if (false) => 1,
        1 => 2,
        _ => 3,

match_with_guard(1); // returns 2
match_with_guard(0); // returns 3

Guard expressions can reference variables bound in the pattern during evaluation. However, note that variables are only available as immutable reference in guards regardless of the pattern being matched -- even if there are mutability specifiers on the variable or if the pattern is being matched by value.

fun incr(x: &mut u64) {
    *x = *x + 1;

fun match_with_guard_incr(x: u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        x if ({ incr(&mut x); x == 1 }) => 1,
        // ERROR:    ^^^ invalid borrow of immutable value
        _ => 2,

fun match_with_guard_incr2(x: &mut u64): u64 {
    match (x) {
        x if ({ incr(&mut x); x == 1 }) => 1,
        // ERROR:    ^^^ invalid borrow of immutable value
        _ => 2,

Additionally, it is important to note any match arms that have guard expressions will not be considered either for exhaustivity purposes because the compiler has no way of evaluating the guard expression statically.

Limitations on Specific Patterns

There are some restrictions on when the .. and mut pattern modifiers can be used in a pattern.

Mutability Usage

A mut modifier can be placed on a variable pattern to specify that the variable is to be mutated in the right-hand expression of the match arm. Note that since the mut modifier only signifies that the variable is to be mutated, not the underlying data, this can be used on all types of match (by value, immutable reference, and mutable reference).

Note that the mut modifier can only be applied to variables, and not other types of patterns.

public struct MyStruct(u64)

fun top_level_mut(x: MyStruct) {
    match (x) {
        mut MyStruct(y) => 1,
        // ERROR: cannot use mut on a non-variable pattern

fun mut_on_immut(x: &MyStruct): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct(mut y) => {
            y = &(*y + 1);

fun mut_on_value(x: MyStruct): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct(mut y) =>  {
            *y = *y + 1;

fun mut_on_mut(x: &mut MyStruct): u64 {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct(mut y) =>  {
            *y = *y + 1;

let mut x = MyStruct(1);

mut_on_mut(&mut x); // returns 2
x.0; // returns 2

mut_on_immut(&x); // returns 3
x.0; // returns 2

mut_on_value(x); // returns 3

.. Usage

The .. pattern can only be used within a constructor pattern as a wildcard that matches any number of fields -- the
the compiler expands the .. to inserting _ in any missing fields in the constructor pattern (if any). So MyStruct(_, _, _) is the same as MyStruct(..), MyStruct(1, _, _) is the same as MyStruct(1, ..). Because of this, there are some restrictions on how, and where the .. pattern can be used:

  • It can only be used once within the constructor pattern;
  • In positional arguments it can be used at the beginning, middle, or end of the patterns within the constructor;
  • In named arguments it can only be used at the end of the patterns within the constructor;
public struct MyStruct(u64, u64, u64, u64) has drop;

public struct MyStruct2 {
    x: u64,
    y: u64,
    z: u64,
    w: u64,

fun wild_match(x: MyStruct) {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct(.., 1) => 1,
        // OK! The `..` pattern can be used at the beginning of the constructor pattern
        MyStruct(1, ..) => 2,
        // OK! The `..` pattern can be used at the end of the constructor pattern
        MyStruct(1, .., 1) => 3,
        // OK! The `..` pattern can be used at the middle of the constructor pattern
        MyStruct(1, .., 1, 1) => 4,
        MyStruct(..) => 5,

fun wild_match2(x: MyStruct2) {
    match (x) {
        MyStruct2 { x: 1, .. } => 1,
        MyStruct2 { x: 1, w: 2 .. } => 2,
        MyStruct2 { .. } => 3,