
As a syntactic convenience, some functions in Move can be called as "methods" on a value. This is done by using the . operator to call the function, where the value on the left-hand side of the . is the first argument to the function (sometimes called the receiver). The type of that value statically determines which function is called. This is an important difference from some other languages, where this syntax might indicate a dynamic call, where the function to be called is determined at runtime. In Move, all function calls are statically determined.

In short, this syntax exists to make it easier to call functions without having to create an alias with use, and without having to explicitly borrow the first argument to the function. Additionally, this can make code more readable, as it reduces the amount of boilerplate needed to call a function and makes it easier to chain function calls.


The syntax for calling a method is as follows:

<expression> . <identifier> <[type_arguments],*> ( <arguments> )

For example

*nums.borrow_mut(i) = 5;

Method Resolution

When a method is called, the compiler will statically determine which function is called based on the type of the receiver (the argument on the left-hand side of the .). The compiler maintains a mapping from type and method name to the module and function name that should be called. This mapping is created form the use fun aliases that are currently in scope, and from the appropriate functions in the receiver type's defining module. In all cases, the receiver type is the first argument to the function, whether by-value or by-reference.

In this section, when we say a method "resolves" to a function, we mean that the compiler will statically replace the method with a normal function call. For example if we have with foo resolving to a::m::foo, the compiler will replace with a::m::foo(x, e), potentially automatically borrowing x.

Functions in the Defining Module

In a type’s defining module, the compiler will automatically create a method alias for any function declaration for its types when the type is the first argument in the function. For example,

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop, store;
    public fun foo(x: &X) { ... }
    public fun bar(flag: bool, x: &X) { ... }

The function foo can be called as a method on a value of type X. However, not the first argument (and one is not created for bool since bool is not defined in that module). For example,

fun example(x: a::m::X) {; // valid
    //; ERROR!

use fun Aliases

Like a traditional use, a use fun statement creates an alias local to its current scope. This could be for the current module or the current expression block. However, the alias is associated to a type.

The syntax for a use fun statement is as follows:

use fun <function> as <type>.<method alias>;

This creates an alias for the <function>, which the <type> can receive as <method alias>.

For example

module a::cup {
    public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

    public fun cup_borrow<T>(c: &Cup<T>): &T {

    public fun cup_value<T>(c: Cup<T>): T {
        let Cup(t) = c;

    public fun cup_swap<T: drop>(c: &mut Cup<T>, t: T) {
        c.0 = t;

We can now create use fun aliases to these functions

module b::example {
    use fun a::cup::cup_borrow as Cup.borrow;
    use fun a::cup::cup_value as Cup.value;
    use fun a::cup::cup_swap as Cup.set;

    fun example(c: &mut Cup<u64>) {
        let _ = c.borrow(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_borrow
        let v = c.value(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_value
        c.set(v * 2); // resolves to a::cup::cup_swap

Note that the <function> in the use fun does not have to be a fully resolved path, and an alias can be used instead, so the declarations in the above example could equivalently be written as

    use a::cup::{Self, cup_swap};

    use fun cup::cup_borrow as Cup.borrow;
    use fun cup::cup_value as Cup.value;
    use fun cup_swap as Cup.set;

While these examples are cute for renaming the functions in the current module, the feature is perhaps more useful for declaring methods on types from other modules. For example, if we wanted to add a new utility to Cup, we could do so with a use fun alias and still use method syntax

module b::example {

    fun double(c: &Cup<u64>): Cup<u64> {
        let v = c.value();
        Cup::new(v * 2)


Normally, we would be stuck having to call it as double(&c) because b::example did not define Cup, but instead we can use a use fun alias

    fun double_double(c: Cup<u64>): (Cup<u64>, Cup<u64>) {
        use fun b::example::double as Cup.dub;
        (c.dub(), c.dub()) // resolves to b::example::double in both calls

While use fun can be made in any scope, the target <function> of the use fun must have a first argument that is the same as the <type>.

public struct X() has copy, drop, store;

fun new(): X { X() }
fun flag(flag: bool): u8 { if (flag) 1 else 0 }

use fun new as; // ERROR!
use fun flag as X.flag; // ERROR!
// Neither `new` nor `flag` has first argument of type `X`

But any first argument of the <type> can be used, including references and mutable references

public struct X() has copy, drop, store;

public fun by_val(_: X) {}
public fun by_ref(_: &X) {}
public fun by_mut(_: &mut X) {}

// All 3 valid, in any scope
use fun by_val as X.v;
use fun by_ref as X.r;
use fun by_mut as X.m;

Note for generics, the methods are associated for all instances of the generic type. You cannot overload the method to resolve to different functions depending on the instantiation.

public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

public fun value<T: copy>(c: &Cup<T>): T {

use fun value as Cup<bool>.flag; // ERROR!
use fun value as Cup<u64>.num; // ERROR!
// In both cases, `use fun` aliases cannot be generic, they must work for all instances of the type

public use fun Aliases

Unlike a traditional use, the use fun statement can be made public, which allows it to be used outside of its declared scope. A use fun can be made public if it is declared in the module that defines the receivers type, much like the method aliases that are automatically created for functions in the defining module. Or conversely, one can think that an implicit public use fun is created automatically for every function in the defining module that has a first argument of the receiver type (if it is defined in that module). Both of these views are equivalent.

module a::cup {
    public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

    public use fun cup_borrow as Cup.borrow;
    public fun cup_borrow<T>(c: &Cup<T>): &T {

In this example, a public method alias is created for a::cup::Cup.borrow and a::cup::Cup.cup_borrow. Both resolve to a::cup::cup_borrow. And both are "public" in the sense that they can be used outside of a::cup, without an additional use or use fun.

module b::example {

    fun example<T: drop>(c: a::cup::Cup<u64>) {
        c.borrow(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_borrow
        c.cup_borrow(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_borrow

The public use fun declarations thus serve as a way of renaming a function if you want to give it a cleaner name for use with method syntax. This is especially helpful if you have a module with multiple types, and similarly named functions for each type.

module a::shapes {

    public struct Rectangle { base: u64, height: u64 }
    public struct Box { base: u64, height: u64, depth: u64 }

    // Rectangle and Box can have methods with the same name

    public use fun rectangle_base as Rectangle.base;
    public fun rectangle_base(rectangle: &Rectangle): u64 {

    public use fun box_base as Box.base;
    public fun box_base(box: &Box): u64 {


Another use for public use fun is adding methods to types from other modules. This can be helpful in conjunction with functions spread out across a single package.

module a::cup {
    public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

    public fun new<T>(t: T): Cup<T> { Cup(t) }
    public fun borrow<T>(c: &Cup<T>): &T {
    // `public use fun` to a function defined in another module
    public use fun a::utils::split as Cup.split;

module a::utils {
    use a::m::{Self, Cup};

    public fun split<u64>(c: Cup<u64>): (Cup<u64>, Cup<u64>) {
        let Cup(t) = c;
        let half = t / 2;
        let rem = if (t > 0) t - half else 0;
        (cup::new(half), cup::new(rem))


And note that this public use fun does not create a circular dependency, as the use fun is not present after the module is compiled--all methods are resolved statically.

Interactions with use Aliases

A small detail to note is that method aliases respect normal use aliases.

module a::cup {
    public struct Cup<T>(T) has copy, drop, store;

    public fun cup_borrow<T>(c: &Cup<T>): &T {

module b::other {
    use a::cup::{Cup, cup_borrow as borrow};

    fun example(c: &Cup<u64>) {
        c.borrow(); // resolves to a::cup::cup_borrow

A helpful way to think about this is that use creates an implicit use fun alias for the function whenever it can. In this case the use a::cup::cup_borrow as borrow creates an implicit use fun a::cup::cup_borrow as Cup.borrow because it would be a valid use fun alias. Both views are equivalent. This line of reasoning can inform how specific methods will resolve with shadowing. See the cases in Scoping for more details.


If not public, a use fun alias is local to its scope, much like a normal use. For example

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop, store;
    public fun foo(_: &X) {}
    public fun bar(_: &X) {}

module b::other {
    use a::m::X;

    use fun a::m::foo as X.f;

    fun example(x: &X) {
        x.f(); // resolves to a::m::foo
            use a::m::bar as f;
            x.f(); // resolves to a::m::bar
        x.f(); // still resolves to a::m::foo
            use fun a::m::bar as X.f;
            x.f(); // resolves to a::m::bar

Automatic Borrowing

When resolving a method, the compiler will automatically borrow the receiver if the function expects a reference. For example

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop;
    public fun by_val(_: X) {}
    public fun by_ref(_: &X) {}
    public fun by_mut(_: &mut X) {}

    fun example(mut x: X) {
        x.by_ref(); // resolves to a::m::by_ref(&x)
        x.by_mut(); // resolves to a::m::by_mut(&mut x)

In these examples, x was automatically borrowed to &x and &mut x respectively. This will also work through field access

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop;
    public fun by_val(_: X) {}
    public fun by_ref(_: &X) {}
    public fun by_mut(_: &mut X) {}

    public struct Y has drop { x: X }

    fun example(mut y: Y) {
        y.x.by_ref(); // resolves to a::m::by_ref(&y.x)
        y.x.by_mut(); // resolves to a::m::by_mut(&mut y.x)

Note that in both examples, the local variable had to be labeled as mut to allow for the &mut borrow. Without this, there would be an error saying that x (or y in the second example) is not mutable.

Keep in mind that without a reference, normal rules for variable and field access come into play. Meaning a value might be moved or copied if it is not borrowed.

module a::m {
    public struct X() has copy, drop;
    public fun by_val(_: X) {}
    public fun by_ref(_: &X) {}
    public fun by_mut(_: &mut X) {}

    public struct Y has drop { x: X }
    public fun drop_y(y: Y) { y }

    fun example(y: Y) {
        y.x.by_val(); // copies `y.x` since `by_val` is by-value and `X` has `copy`
        y.drop_y(); // moves `y` since `drop_y` is by-value and `Y` does _not_ have `copy`


Method calls can be chained, because any expression can be the receiver of the method.

module a::shapes {
    public struct Point has copy, drop, store { x: u64, y: u64 }
    public struct Line has copy, drop, store { start: Point, end: Point }

    public fun x(p: &Point): u64 { p.x }
    public fun y(p: &Point): u64 { p.y }

    public fun start(l: &Line): &Point { &l.start }
    public fun end(l: &Line): &Point { &l.end }


module b::example {
    use a::shapes::Line;

    public fun x_values(l: Line): (u64, u64) {
        (l.start().x(), l.end().x())


In this example for l.start().x(), the compiler first resolves l.start() to a::shapes::start(&l). Then .x() is resolved to a::shapes::x(a::shapes::start(&l)). Similarly for l.end().x(). Keep in mind, this feature is not "special"--the left-hand side of the . can be any expression, and the compiler will resolve the method call as normal. We simply draw attention to this sort of "chaining" because it is a common practice to increase readability.